LJ your dom pied must be a dom pied spangle ....you can only get a df spangle from TWO spangle parents
colony breeding or cabinet breeding ? post piks of the parents
okay I'm confused KAZ abt why a bird cannot be split to spangle.
I have just had a nest fledge with
3 X light green spangle
2 x YF T1, Violet normal
Cock is OIlive Violet opaline / spangle?
Hen is Df Yf presenting as sky Normal /?
According to what you say here KAZ this is not possible
I'm confused
The only thing I can think of is that cock may be masking Sp somehow
Ill start a new thread for this
I say again..............you cannot have spangle masked, hidden or split for. Its a DOMINANT gene ....one is either spangle or it isnt ...it can be carried. It can be hidden only in albino, lutino, yf albino, and df spangles ......
half the issues are mis identification of the parent birds, OR colony breeding, or hen retaining sperm form another mating
post piks of the parents