Can Any Tell Me What Variety This Is?
Looks like a golden face opaline mauve.
My 2011 Breeding Journal
This has been my experience too. I always put experienced pet type foster pairs down at the same time now. I find they are superb feeders and have saved me many a nightmare
Injured Wing, Photos Included
Look like keratin type cysts/tumours. They tend to crop up repeatedly, much like warts have a tendency to do on some people. They will probably re-occur and do more damage each time until she loses function in the wing. At least thats the end result i've observed.
Budgerigar Nationals
Good to hear Mario "AI" Capasso's birds are of good quality. Would love to chat with the guy...
Back After About 3 Years
welcome back!
Happy Birthday, Splat!
Happy birthday!
Ross Loats Sale
All you need is a 'name' and your crappiest culls will fetch hundreds because they are 'XXX stock'. Same culls you and I would sell for $20-50...
What Is This Feathers? And Why?
This looks like stress chewing to me as well.
Stay Safe Selling Your Birds From Home
Sad but not unheard of
One Of My Best Cocks
Thought so, have the grinter look lol. Funny how you start to see it after being around a while.
One Of My Best Cocks
Who they from kochy?
The Kyabram Diploma Show
Awesome to hear of your success So gratifying to have some recognition of your hard work and breeding/husbandry/preparation
Somethings Wrong
Definitely scaly mite affecting the cere and the feet/legs. She is moving constantly because of the pain and irritation/swelling from the mites attacking her. You need to purchase some ivermectin and place one drop on the SKIN of the back of the neck. You can also treat her feet and cere by coating them daily in either vaseline or paraffin oil, i prefer paraffin oil for no particular reason - just do. Either works, but it is the ivermectin that will actually kill the mites and it will work fast. Go get it from your nearest vet.
Strange/worrying Behaviour During The Night.
Seriously? We talking about the same bird here? This is gonna sound critical no matter how nicely I put it, so take it with a grain of salt as im not out to attack or criticize. But budgies are BIG TIME night fright prone. Be hard pressed to find someone on any budgie forum who hasnt either experienced it with their birds, been scared being woken by it or witnessing it and not being able to calm them (all you can do is turn lights on and wait), or by losing much loved or prized breeding/showing birds with broken necks and other injuries from a night fright crash.
Dalek Is Obsessed With My Foot...
Wear socks, shoes, slippers or something?
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