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  • Birthday 06/08/1965

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  1. Male. Nice bird, By The Way
  2. While you wait for it to hatch, you can read up on hand rearing. Our FAQs section has good articles. http://forums.budgiebreeders.asn.au/faqs/index.php?action=artikel&cat=8&id=303&artlang=en http://forums.budgiebreeders.asn.au/faqs/index.php?action=artikel&cat=8&id=162&artlang=en http://forums.budgiebreeders.asn.au/faqs/index.php?sid=1790174&lang=en&action=show&cat=8 You can teach yourself just about anything you need to know about breeding budgies by reading through the FAQs articles and the pinned topics in the breeding section of the forum. You can also Google YouTube videos of people hand feeding their birds. I wish you luck. Hand feeding from hatch once was enough for me. If I don't have suitable foster hens, I let them go. I only hand feed now after the parents raise them the first two weeks.
  3. Hi Raad, You could try incubating them like chicken eggs. Approx 99.5F (37.5C?) with humidity about 50%, and turn them 3-5 times per day. However, if they hatch, you are going to have a hard time keeping them alive for the first week. They will need round the clock hand feedings from a pipette or eye dropper and a warm environment, about the same as the eggs need in the incubator. It can be done, but it will be a lot of trouble. Your best bet is to see if anyone near you has a pair of budgies sitting on eggs that will be due around the same time. Good luck!
  4. The biting thing does often indicate females, but not necessarily. I see all male budgies in your photos.
  5. Original post is both males, both recessive pieds. On the white one, notice how the body color is down low near the legs. A dom pied will have the body color up around the breast. Also, lack of iris rings on a one year old indicates recessive pied. The other person's bird is a recessive pied female. Just entering her first molt, so probably right around three months old. Nice birds.
  6. I agree with Budgie lover. Both of the parents must be split to fallow in order to produce that fallow chick. There is the possibility that the white cheek patch on the creamino is due to being "pied out". When a bird is pied, some of the pied areas affect the cheek patches, so you would expect to see violet and white combined there. Cheek patches on pied birds are very variable. Since this chick seems to be extremely pied, it is very likely that all of the violet of the cheek patches just happens to be pied out. So I think it could still be possible for the creamino chick to be a fallow. Actually, since this pair has produced a definite fallow, but no actual proven inos or lacewings in the past other than these two suspected ones (did I get that right?), then I think it's most likely that all three of these chicks are fallows, and not lacewings at all. I wouldn't say that definitely, but do you know any more about the background of the father, since you bred him? Do you know back any further generations? Because there would have to be both ino and cinnamon somewhere along the line in order to get the lacewing combo. (I.E., you know that the father is split to opaline from his mother, but how do you know he is split to the ino gene?) But I suspect these chicks are fallows, because they just seem to have too much color bleeding into them to be lacewings. Color bleeding into the body of inos is possible, of course. I just would expect it to be more like a sheen, than actual color that gets stronger on the rump. You might want to check on Facebook, because that seems to be where all of our genetics experts and people with experience breeding fallows and such have gone to. Or you can send PMs to Kaz, Nubbly5, Neville or RIPbudgies. (They are the ones that were very knowledgeable about genetics.) If you are lucky, they will have their PMs set up like mine, where it goes to their regular email, and they might see it and respond. I believe I have seen Neville active on TalkBudgies as Nev90, if you want to check there. Good luck! Oh- I just noticed something- How dark are the violet on this one's cheek patches? On a lacewing, they are supposed to be a pale violet. Maybe that can give you more clues. They seem a little darker to me than the lacewings that came up in my image search on google.
  7. It could be a dark eyed clear. It could also be a double factor spangle. Photos of the chick and parents would help in figuring out what you have. Unless you bred the lutino female yourself, you probably won't know what mutations are in her background. Is the father a pied?
  8. They are the same. Danish, Harlequin and Recessive pied are all names for the same mutation. Nothing like keeping things confusing, huh?
  9. I would lean towards pied #1 being dominant pied, not clearflight pied. But the two can be similar, so who knows? Pied #3 looks green to me in those photos, but I can see how in real life it might look more like a goldenface. Wow, the iris rings on Pied #4 really throw things off! I would swear he was a recessive pied, if he hadn't had the iris rings. He may be a DF dom pied. I have heard that even single factors can look like this, and that only by test breeding will you know whether he's double factor or not. Your DEC with suffusion is interesting to me. I have had two birds like this myself, and a friend has one. I was told they are probably just regular recessive pieds, but with extremely pied out markings (meaning no marks show). Supposedly the DEC cannot have those patches of color on the body. Birds that have suffusion will usually have just a pale overall sheen of color, not the actual body color you are seeing on his rump and around his neck. But I have a theory that just like any mutation can have poorly marked specimens, maybe the DECs can have patches of body color even when they are not supposed to. If you were able to breed him to a hen that carries no recessive pied whatsoever, then if he were a DEC, he ought to throw some Clearflight pied chicks. Then you would know. My hen like him had 10 chicks, but unfortunately, her mate was split to recessive pied, and also spangle and dilute. So of the non-recessive pied chicks, some were normal, but the ones with spangle and dilute, it was hard to tell if they could have also been CFP, so it was inconclusive. There was also one chick exactly like the mother, which makes me think it must be the Dark Eyed Clear, because to duplicate the same recessive pied markings in two birds is very unusual. Recessive pieds are mostly uniquely marked, and don't usually come out with the same markings their parent(s) had. If your cock is truly a Dark Eyed Clear, then yes, pairing him with a recessive pied should produce 50% recessive pied chicks and 50% dark eyed clear chicks. (Unless the male happens to be double factor for the CFP, in which case you would get 100% DEC.)
  10. It sounds like you are on the right track. They definitely will check out what your hand is made of by biting it. If you ignore the biting, it should extinguish itself. If you react in a way that the bird enjoys, then he will learn to bite you more to get the same response. (It becomes a game- I can make my owner sing LOUD!)) You could also teach the bird to become a bully, if you pull away out of fear whenever it bites. They can learn pretty quickly that biting gives them power over you. So you don't want to do that, either. Your best bet is to act like you don't even notice the biting. Hopefully once it becomes familiar with your hand, it won't bother to bite any more. How are things coming along now?
  11. Hi kimmy, welcome to the forum! My guess is that if your cage is rusting after just a few washes, then there must be a defect in the manufacturing. Perhaps the manufacturer changed their process in the three years that the seller had his cage, and now they are making cheaper cages that rust faster. Or perhaps you just got a substandard one. I'm not sure I understand about the black cage you had, though. Was it new, and it rusted, so they replaced it with the green one? Or did you just have the black cage for a long time, and that's why it was worse than the new one? You should be able to hose your cage off and allow it to air dry, without having to worry about it rusting. Now as far as making it safe for your bird, the only rust that is harmful to birds is when there are huge chunks of rust flaking off that the bird could ingest and get heavy metal poisoning from having a large piece of iron in the gut, or if the chunk causes a blockage. You will read all over the place that rust is toxic to birds, but that is pretty much an old wives tale. I asked a similar question on a finch forum that I belong to, and there was quite a discussion about rust toxicity. Here is the link to that :http://www.finchforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=27536
  12. That's great to hear that the treatment is working and he is doing better.
  13. Yup Also, you had two topics for this question, so I deleted the other one.
  14. I'm sorry you didn't get any responses to this question. How is Bert doing now? Indoor budgies do NOT need to be wormed. And it seems pretty silly to me to suggest worming a bird that had no evidence of worms in the fecal test. If the vet is not an avian vet, imo, it will not help you to take a bird to them. I hope he is doing better now.
  15. Khaleesi is really cute. Here are my two that I picked up yesterday: These are very hard to find around here. I think it would be different if I lived in Florida or Texas. Only one breeder I know of has them in my state. He gave me this one for free last winter because she is too old to breed, and she had a tumor: Happily, the tumor is all cleared up now!
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