thanks dean_nz thay are geting there hope i will get sume nice ones out off this pairings that i am makeing
PAIR 23 pair up 29/11/10 yellow opaline lacewing hen K O normal grey green cock JCD
up date pair 3 has 2 eggs now
pair 5 has 1 fertile egg so far
pair 6 has 4 eggs now
pair 17 and 18 are still doing the new pairing thin
and now today 28/11/10 new pair 24 light green cinnamon hen AB yellow lacewing cock HG
up date on the pairs
pair 3 has one egg lad to day 26/11/10
pair 5 has 4 eggs
pair 6 have 3 eggs
pair 1 2 5 hens have bobbing tails so if all good thay will have eggs soon
and the new pairs 17 and 18 are kissing and going in the boxs
all going good