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  1. Actually just having thought more about that 3rd baby. It could also be a normal fallow just highly affected by the pied gene. It would be more helpful to make a determination once this bird has moulted into it's full adult plummage, as well as shown us 100% to be male or female.
  2. All these babies are German fallow. The 2 lighter ones being cinnamon fallow and the top one being a normal fallow. The 2 lighter ones will be hens as the cock bird is also split for cinnamon. The give away is the body colour evident on both of the "faux" lacewings as in reality lacewings will show NO body colour or some light suffusion/sheen only. I have bred a number of these in the past myself. I am not convinced that the last one can be 100% called a male at this stage with the lighter colouring around the nostrils but if it does, then there is a bit more going on than just cinnamon fallow. It is also a pied too so wing markings have been significantly reduced and also shows a clear cheek patch so any clues from cheek patch colour cannot be gained in this instance. But the fact that you CAN see rump colour makes it more likely for fallow than lacewing. Yes, 3 from 3 is usual but it's a 25% chance for every egg. Oh and just a note - ino and lacewing are 2 different mutations. Calling them a creamino lacewing only serves to confuse. A lacewing is in fact a cinnamon ino as the ino for some reason does not fully remove the cinnamon markings. Ino's show no marking what so ever. The easiest way to determine if lacewing or ino is involved is repair the cock bird to a known normal (non fallow carrier hen). The production of a lacewing hen will or not over a few nests will give you that answer.
  3. Here here. Very good book but takes some effort to read and understand. Start with easy basic stuff to read like understanding recessive genes and how they work, then sex linked recessive genes etc etc. Look at the varieities you like first (you tend to learn more when you are interested in something in particular). Lot of info on the web if you look. Most of all - have fun! It's a fascinating subject.
  4. The fist chick is a goldenface NOT green split blue (which is visually a green bird and a green bird only!!!) Working through the genetic options and looking at the birds parents I'd suggest that your hen is a combination yf & gf and the father is a green split blue. Although gf is "technically" dominant over yellow face, in reality both modify the other to some degree so a combo will look different to either. These are being bred in numbers now that the ANBC has introduced the Golden Face as a national variety so we are seeing more and more what the combination of golden face and yellow face produces and it's something in between the 2. So the 3 chicks would possibly be: Golden face split blue (visually goldenface), yellow face split blue (visually yellow face, green split either golden face or yellow face. It may be that the father is split for golden face but then you would not get a visually yellow face baby only greens and golden faces (apart from a 25% chance of a combo again so it may be that as chick 3...) A few options there I suppose.
  5. I think it's fantastic. I can spend no money, time or effort at all trying to improve my birds and then sell them to unsuspecting SUCKERS who want to buy a "minature" budgerigar!!! But seriously, go and buy a bird from any petshop, so long as it's pretty coloured and it will win at miniature shows. Where is there ANY challenge in that. AND for the record I'd challenge Mr Burke to come to my aviary and find a non-flyer. He completed rooted the lovely crossbred mongrel with his stupid designer "Sh*t-Poos", "Cocka-shits" and "Malti-shits", he could have just left the poor old pet shop budgie alone..... wonder if we'll have miniture budgie mills, just like the puppy mills that pump out thousands of the Mr Burke endorsed "designer dogs". Oh and Phoenix - English Budgerigar stems from the fact that the English, being the small livestock embassadores that they are, were the ones who initially spent the time increasing the size and feather of the budgies that were brought over to England from Australia originally. When they got re-imported to Australia they were distinguished from the smaller (non-improved) Australian budgerigars. The showies now tend to distinguish them by Show birds/Petshop birds. But I'd suggest it's a similar situation in the US with the improved birds being termed by the layman as English Budgerigars.
  6. Do you actually have apicture of speckles? It would help to determine what he/she is.
  7. Well anthracite is one thing but you can easily combine the dark factor with grey as Nerwen suggests. So in effect you can have no dark factor grey (would equate to sky if it were blue), single dark factor grey (would equate to cobalt) and double dark factor grey (would be a mauve if blue). So you could purchase a cobalt and pair it with a grey the resultant chicks having a 50% chance of single dark factor. BUT it is pretty difficult to determine the difference between non, single and double dark factors on grey birds. There are subtle differences but generally difficult. Violet on grey can give a more bluey grey. Again hard to tell but some subtle differences.
  8. She is definitely opaline spangle and violet. The colour on her shoulder and lower belly area certainly suggests violet but it's harder to tell due to the yellow pigment from the YF and the pied markings. Dad does not have the violet factor. I'm with hilly on the cinnamon bit. Would need better pics of the youngsters to tell if they are cinnamon (they'd have to be hens too). Oh and she is definitely SF dommie as at least one of the chicks is non-dommie. Dunno re the rec pied combo and I'm with Finnie test breeding but probably not worth the effort anyway - besides, what a lovely batch of really different chicks you got out of that pairing!!!
  9. Hi Jono There are 2 budgerigar clubs in Perth and 1 in Mandurah. Metropolitan Budgerigar Club - Meets in Bassendean Rare Budgerigar Club - Meets in Girrahween SW Budgerigar Club - Meets in Mandurah All have websites with contact details.
  10. okay Splat. How about another blast on the photo show. Surely we have SOME people (like me) happy to enter some birds again!
  11. Definietly fallow! And as Neville says the lacewing was a cin fallow. Having bred a number of these I can tell you that they are virtually impossible to tell from a lacewing except when you breed them.
  12. Meant to being the operative word Kaz. If you rely too heavily on the standard (which is only an opinion of perfection) then you get too bogged down on detail. So many things can affect colour of feet, markings, etc etc that you can get really tangled in the "but the wing markings are more grey than brown" or "it's feet are pink not grey". Even with pink feet it looks greywing. It may have been bred through Cinnamon or maybe the dilution is affecting foot colour too. Who knows. All I can say is that with the evidence presented here it looks like a greywing. Maybe down the track with some breeding results under her belt there may be evidence of something else.
  13. Wow Finnie! Really no spangles? We had an auction here recently and there were so many spangles and they have so gone off the popularity scale that many of them were passed in. Can't move for spangles over here. I can't stop breeding the buggers and I don't want them really. Just have to treat them like a normal in my breeding program......
  14. nubbly5

    Im New

    Hi b4l! There are quite a few clubs around on the east coast (although being here in WA I don't know exactly where they are). Maybe contacting the Aust National Budgerigar Council will help put you in touch with your closest affiliated club.
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