I think it's fantastic. I can spend no money, time or effort at all trying to improve my birds and then sell them to unsuspecting SUCKERS who want to buy a "minature" budgerigar!!!
But seriously, go and buy a bird from any petshop, so long as it's pretty coloured and it will win at miniature shows. Where is there ANY challenge in that. AND for the record I'd challenge Mr Burke to come to my aviary and find a non-flyer.
He completed rooted the lovely crossbred mongrel with his stupid designer "Sh*t-Poos", "Cocka-shits" and "Malti-shits", he could have just left the poor old pet shop budgie alone..... wonder if we'll have miniture budgie mills, just like the puppy mills that pump out thousands of the Mr Burke endorsed "designer dogs".
Oh and Phoenix - English Budgerigar stems from the fact that the English, being the small livestock embassadores that they are, were the ones who initially spent the time increasing the size and feather of the budgies that were brought over to England from Australia originally. When they got re-imported to Australia they were distinguished from the smaller (non-improved) Australian budgerigars. The showies now tend to distinguish them by Show birds/Petshop birds. But I'd suggest it's a similar situation in the US with the improved birds being termed by the layman as English Budgerigars.