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Everything posted by Ratemymate

  1. have a question, how come qld is split into 2 different areas?
  2. recently got a similar one myself as I had some making a pest of themselves, the one I got was calle the big cheese large live mouse trap http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000LNBQZY/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_3?pf_rd_p=103612307&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B000LS57UE&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_r=12XMVSMP0CFRMB3CK1W5 works a charm, got about 17 in 3 days, I used a bit of seed and egg and biscuit as a tempter, has wiped out the problem in that area.. Have to do one more area and we should be okay. One thing I have found with live traps is they seem to loose effectiveness after a while.. not sure if they wise up to it or if the trapped mice give off a scent, might have to give mine a wash in soapy water and bury in the ground for a few weeks to get rid of any smells
  3. Wow way wrong there! Im no bunny hugger! Im a conservationist of sorts but no one would call me a bunny hugger hahaha. Im not sure if you r legit or a troll but i think you will find most on here are pretty familiar with nature as it is, most would of seen life and death in their birds etc. Somewhat different to a lot of suburbanites in that respect Oh and my fav pastime is hunting feral pigs with my dogs, when i get the chance i shoot every feral rabbit i see
  4. Ive had dramas with hens killing quail chicks. Is at the point now where no chick would last a day.
  5. Yep will do, first bubs left the nest today, its a skyblue, possibly sky violet spangle. Def no yellow face either. The other 3 will be out over the next week I imagine, then the hen is going in a avairy with the other hens, away from the cocks! Should mention this hen appears to be the alpha hen of teh whole flock, she is small compared to the show ones but man she is a bossy boots.
  6. if he hasnt got red eyes then I think he is not an albino
  7. All good nubbly we are on the same page. What i was trying to point out was there is a vast difference between animal welfare and animal liberation. I support animal welfare as any informed person would. And al diverts that for their own gains. Its hard to type big replies from my phone haha
  8. Tcb = texas clearBody I dont know much about tcb's but does not look like one. I quite like the tcb mutation and will have one if i should come across one
  9. Rip i got one violet spangle non yf in the nest . My guess is skyblue violet but i have not really looked good
  10. you are right with the father(well possibly) finnie I reada bout the yellow faces but ended up more confused then anything about them, it was late at the time however.. maybe I need to revisit it.
  11. Its an animal welfare issue and as such the authorities need to be involved. Animal liberation/animal rights is not about welfare they are about an idealogical fantasy land were animals have the same rights as humans. All they are dping is trying to get people onside their own cause who do not understand what AL's true motive is and that is complete animal liberation. Peta are here in aus but under different names. One thing you find about them when u do a bit of investigation on them is they are small in numbers but loud in voice and are good at using emotive tactics to get ppl onside. In not agreeing with how the animals are housed , but i can not and will never support those extremist crazies. They should report it to the relevant authorities and be done with it.
  12. Nubbly, quick question about the perch sizes, what size difference did they go to? Also are the nationals just for open breeders? or is there different categories eg novice/inter/open that are competed in?
  13. Good read, my show type birds are nearly all from the one breeder.
  14. Thats an animal liberation site right? Believe me you dont want to give those extremist orgs any support. They will do anything to further their cause and that includes lying, cheating, twisting facts, even crimminal damage. They also believe we all dont deserve to keep birds so supporting them is not really doing any favours for yourselves as bird owners. Im sure they could lie cheat and fabricate a story on bird breeders too if they felt that way inclined. I do believe that mob is Peta and we all know they kill nearly every animal they take into their rescues!!! Hypocritical much
  15. Cant get history of either of the parents, or pics as the pics of the male was lost when my pc crashed and no idea on the mum side, I wouldnt be able to find out either. here are some other young from her tho
  16. http://forums.budgiebreeders.asn.au/index.php?showtopic=28930&view=findpost&p=364477 that yellow baby GB Mum is in above pics, white bird with violet colour Dad is(or in part) that GF blue bird in pics above, not sure what else got to her, but wont be happening again once I split my males/females into different avaries and stick to breeding cabinets.
  17. this is the problem with forums, you read things in a 2 dimensional world.. if you were all talking in person you can get each others context
  18. some nice looking birds there Kaz back to my violet hen.. the yellow baby.. Any ideas on what it will be? Being yellow series(green??) im suprised no one picked up that both parents are both blues
  19. looks like I may have 3 yellowfaces.. will get pics
  20. Interesting reading, my thoughts(not that it matters to anyone) but a bird must still be a bird, it must be a functional bird by functional I mean it must be able to do things it would do in the wild.. eg fly, breed, get along with others etc etc If birds can not fly properly, or need AI'ing to actually breed then I can only see that as a bad thing.. same thing has happed with dog breeds and I know chooks are another one, some breeds are bred for short legs(indian game for eg) so short now that they can no longer naturally breed!!
  21. could it be the violet that is coming out as that is a colour adding factor right? Checked the babies of the parents I posted above, one looks like a violet, not sure on another, looked yellow but that cant be with both parents being blue series so keen to see what it starts to feather up as. Will see if I can get some better shots of her with the DSLR
  22. did you get any double factor spangles (all white or all green no markings)? Spangle is Dominant it only takes 1 parent to have it to get any Would it be possible that the mum is DF spangle with diffusion?? Perhaps she is not spangle at all and just the father was, if you look at the mum and imagine the violet to be darker(like mauve) that was one of the babies No at the time I had a crappy camera so coudlnt get clear photos, have a DSLR now so can take better photos, well that is the idea anyway im not the best photographer lol I cant do the father, he was killed by a hawk attack a few months ago(actually probably late last year), one day I left the netting off the front and had an attack! I have 2 babies I have kept, both violets, the others got culled to make room for some more birds. Actually I found an old picture that shows both(terribly but its all I have) Dad in middle, mum on RHS(you can see iris rings) picture of the two violet young http://i846.photobucket.com/albums/ab26/Kangaroodog/2010%20young/IMG_2491.jpg I have paired her to the cock in the picture below, he hasnt really shown any interest in a hen his whole life(he must be 3) any ideas on what they will throw?
  23. Tbought id post in. This topic again It appears she is a violet spangle. She was paired to an odd green spangle that turned out to be green violet spangle. Most chicks came out spangle violets. One like mum but a touch darker??? More mauve like
  24. truly beautiful birds the dom pieds hey that yellowface spangle grey in the 2nd picture I thought was a Y/F spangle violet
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