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About Ratzy

  • Birthday 26/03/1998

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    Australia, Vic
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  1. Hi guys, for anyone who maybe remembers me? Maybe? Haven't been on for... I can't even work out how long! Anyway, merry Christmas to everyone!

    1. Nadene


      It has been a long time. Merry Christmas to you Ratzy

    2. Finnie


      Hey Ratzy, Merry Christmas! Of course we remember you. :)

    3. robyn


      Hi Ratsy, good to hear from you. How your green tail bird going?

  2. Sorry I haven't been on, little Baby passed away just as she was opening her eyes :'( I think it was a bacterial thing - when I found her she had rotten food in her crop, so maybe that only just caught up. She just lost feeding response, and then I knew something wasn't quite right and she passed at about 4 am, at 7 days old. I think I have been using that brand of formula, I can't remember because I threw out the packet and just stored it in a sealed container and typed up the intructions. RIP Baby :'( If I ever have a chick needing to be raised this young again, at least I know I'm pretty good with feeding and stuff. Going out to get new formula now.
  3. Thanks I ask my wildlife rehabber if she knew anyone who had babies, and she's going to ask around for me. Can I add calcivet to the formula for extra calcium?
  4. okay, I'll try and find a club. Everything's going alright, she's feeding well and everything. But I think she's starting to get splayed legs - can I fix that when she's so young ( with sponge? )? I swear she's grown a bit, too. And I THINK she has plum eyes ( I'm not certain though, but they aren't fully black ) and she lost the egg tooth. I have a system now for feeding her in the middle of the night - she cheeps when she get hungry, which wakes me up ( I'm a seriously light sleeper ). Pics from the first night.
  5. I don't know anybody with new bubs She survived the night, anyway, had a couple of feeds. I'm going to see if my wildlife rehabber knows anyone with chicks in this area today.
  6. So I got home and my hen was dead ( she crawled into a gap between the nesting box and the cage bars and got stuck and I wasn't there ), and I thought her chick and her eggs were dead. BUT, as I take down the nest box, I hear a little cheep. So now I have a two-day old chick that needs hand rearing because the dad won't sit on her. Yes, I have great luck with my birds. She's in a brooder under a heat lamp, and she's warm now. She has food in the crop from dad feeding her ( but he isn't going to sit on her, useless thing ) and it's school holidays so I can be THERE 24/7 ( luckily ). So, PLEASE help! She's TWO-DAYS old and I'm seriously panicking. Seriously. If this chick survives, I'm going to call her Miracle or something like that. I have everything for hand rearing.... except experience. Thank you!!!! I'll post pics of the brooder so you can advise.
  7. RIP little Elly. You haven't been good for months, and you've not been getting any better. RIP little sweetheart.

  8. RIP little Elly. You haven't been good for months, and you've not been getting any better. RIP little sweetheart.

  9. It will be harder to gain her trust, but I wouldn't say impossible. I was looking after a 4 + year old hen, who bit hard and hadn't been out of the cage in years, and she was sitting on my hand ( and not freaking out ) the first night. Same thing with a cockatiel I looked after. Never been handled ( that I was aware of ), an five minutes later I was walking around the house with him on my shoulder. I don't think that would be the norm, though. I have a lot of untame budgies in the aviary, but then again, if they were inside, it would be a different story, I think. The only progress I made is that Zeus actually comes and sits on me now ( because he's bonded to a tame hen ), and the rest don't freak out whenever I go into the aviary, and they just ignore me. You could try wing clipping, millet spray ( they love it ), just sitting by the cage etc. Some people don't like clipping, but they grow back, and it's fine if you do know what you're doing. And it doesn't hurt them. Millet spray is awesome. They absolutely go crazy for it, and if you try just sticking your hand in with a piece of it, you may get some results. And just sitting by the cage and relaxing - a way to let her know you're not a threat. Once she gets used to you, hopefully you'll get some headway. Good luck!
  10. Most times, you won't see them mate. Sometimes, you don't see it at all. I wouldn't worry, she probably won't nest on the floor while she knows the nesting box is there. Good luck!
  11. I have a breeding pair sitting on five eggs, trouble is, 2 of the eggs are due to hatch in about a week, and the rest in about 2 and a half weeks. Will that cause any problems?

    1. Ratzy


      Thanks :)

      She's stopped at 5 eggs, I think. I'll put pics up when/if chicks start to hatch.

    2. Ratzy


      Thanks :)

      She's stopped at 5 eggs, I think. I'll put pics up when/if chicks start to hatch.

  12. Hi guys, haven't been online lately. Things are going slowly over here. I have good news though, Marigold's tumour (judging by pics I took of it when I first noticed) seems to be a lot smaller than it was!

  13. Thanks guys! They've all made recoveries ( well, I hope Elly is recovering, she looks a heap better )! Fang and Betty are back in the aviary. Still haven't clipped Fang's beak, do I do that with nail scissors? I'm kinda scared of hurting him. Betty is completely fine now. Lol Fang's happy to be back with Dude, seriously, the second I put him in the aviary Dude is preening him! Pity they're both cocks! Meanwhile, Chubsy and Elly have bonded, and they are still in the hospital cage, and probably will still be in the hospital cage until the weekend, just to be sure. Chubba Chubs has bounced back, and Elly is looking a whole lot brighter. The reason I thought it was a rat was that I found a dead rat outside the aviary about a week ago. I don't have a cat, so it couldn't have been that. It's possible that he got attacked by another budgie, but the food station was tipped, and it would be too heavy for budgies to do that. There's a hole in the floor where the outside flight joins the inside bit, that would be where ( if it was a rat ) would get in. Hopefully Elly will be fine ( not all that worried about Chubsy now ) but she looks a heap better, so maybe she'll recover. Where would I get baycox? Would they have it at a dog/cat vet? Thanks!
  14. Okay, I have four budgies in the hospital cage, each with different ailments Fang was looking a bit 'off'', if you know what I mean, so I brought him inside. He's moulting, and has a sore foot, so I thought I'd better keep him in overnight and see how it is. Well, got him in, had a look at him and noticed that his beak is a bit malformed. It's more like a spade at the end than a normal beak. So I don't exactly know how to deal with that one, it's not hindering his ability to eat I don't think. Anyway, he's going back in the aviary today ( maybe, depends how he is later on ) so his mate can look after him, and I'll do a bit of research on that. Elly hasn't been quite right for a while now, she's been in the hospital cage for a few days now. She's showing all symptoms of egg peritonitis ( spelling?? ) which probably doesn't bode well as the closest avian veterinarian is two hours away. But she's improved a lot since being placed in my hospital cage, and she's even been taking food and electrolytes from a syringe without me having to force her, like my original flock do ( very useful when worming, that is ). She's very lively right now, for a budgie that was looking close to death a couple of days ago, but I don't know whether she could could pull through. Betty was just looking a bit off too. Probably just the weather and the fact that she's just finished moulting, but I brought her in anyway. No other symptoms, apart from being fluffed up, and she's been screeching every time I come into her line of vision. She won't even LOOK at my syringe, and I don't particularly want to force feed her ( she drew blood yesterday ) and she's not really bad enough ( health wise ) anyway. Chubba Chubs..... has been attacked by what I think was a rat. So I'm cementing the aviary floor today, immediately. I got a shock when I walked in and Chubsy was fluffed up, weak and unresponsive, with a fair bit of blood ( and that;s from a BUDGIE ) splattered on the wall, and his beautiful tail covered in blood and damaged at the base . So he was in shock, and I managed to pull him out of it. I think he's going to be fine now, as long as it doesn't get infected. Any info on treating egg peritonitis and deformed beaks? Thanks
  15. I'm handrearing two little cockatiel chicks :( . I pulled them this morning after I found one dead with a heap of whole seeds in it's crop. The other two also have whole seeds in their crops. I rang up a wildlife rehabber, and she didn't think they needed flushing, and I'm going round there to be shown how to hand rear properly. I gave them a quick feed just now, which went completely fine.

    1. **KAZ**


      Good luck Ratzy !!

    2. Ratzy


      Just did another feed, crops full and seeds are almost all gone. Having absolutely no trouble getting them to eat, they caught on straight away. Breathing slightly easier now.

    3. Ratzy


      :( They died at dad's work yesterday. He probably let them get too cold or something, because they were fine when I fed them :(. RIP little chickies
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