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About jeddo

  • Birthday 06/11/1995

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    west wallsend

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  • Interests
    I like birds.budgies and finches mostly. i will have cockatiels when get my cages though. i also like martial arts. i do chito-kai karate. I like to build and make things. so i like carpentry,electronics and i want to start doing black smithing.
  • Location
    newcastle/lake maquarie
  • Breeder
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  1. hi, i received two pairs of kakariki fofr my birthday today and i was wondering how they get along with my budgies. thanks jeddo
  2. hes a clearwing:) he also could be masking violet but then again don't take my word for it just wait for the experts
  3. thanks dean so any females would be opanline? and in my other pair sky blue rec pied X yf violet opaline males would be split opaline and pied???(correct me if im wrong) and females would be visual opaline
  4. hi everyone, i have recently had some new babies come out of the nest box and was wondering because the father is opaline and mother is cinnamon does that mean that all females will be visually opaline and all males will not be?( as they will be split for) because opaline is linked to the x chromasome this means that females can only be visually opaline and males can be split, correct? the parents are ......male sky blue opaline spangle x female cinnamon GF violet and the babies are ........one normal sky blue,2 GF violet normal and a sky blue spangle all should be split for cinnamon and opaline, am i right? so does this mean they are all males? look forward to your responses jeddo
  5. Hi, I was very excited about my new chicks yesterday and got to thinking about if the mother kicks one out how would i get a hen seperate cage + nesting box( who also has eggs) to adopt the unwanted chick? If someone could run me through the process it would be great. nothing ergant but would like to have some idea for future referance
  6. i think we have a miss under standing. its 2 metres wide and two metres long.
  7. Hi everyone i was just wondering What birds should i put in with my budgies in a free flight avairy? The cage is about....2 metres square so 2X2. i know i want finches( my pop breeds zebra finches at state champion level and is also building an avairy for things like parrot finches and exotic finches like that). I also think i might get some cockatiels, maybe just a pair. i currently have all my budgies in breeding cages(which are designed to house pairs of budgies for up to thier whole lives so its not cruel) what other kinds of birds would go well with these? i was hoping for a pair of parrots such as princess parrots but have heard they need a lot of care.Any sugestions?? thanks
  8. hi can i just ask what are some wild suppliments for my birds that i can go and find around this time in winter? thistle or chickweed won't grow in winter and mostly what i give them for fresh food
  9. thanks everyone, my yf grey cock has a yellow face but goes down into his body colour( thats why i thought it was DF but it seems its not)
  10. hey everyone , need some help with mutations again sky blue normal cock x sky blue opaline spangle hen and type 2( DF??unsure)yelloew faced grey opaline cock x sky blue dominant pied opaline hen I can put in piictures tomorrow if needed but for now i'm sure you can get the picture Thanks
  11. wow thanks robyn thats an interesting blend of mutations.
  12. i have two opaline spangles and i think they are stunning birds. can you also get yellow face opaline spangles?( just wondering)
  13. kaz your birds are beautiful, do you recomend natural wood as apposed to treated or bought perces?
  14. toshiro and oushi, japanese? did you get toshiro from the movie spirited away?
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