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About Neville

  • Birthday 09/12/1940

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    Budgie genetics and breeding
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    Northland, New Zealand
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  1. I can't see any reason why pop corn wouldn't be safe for budgies. They love fresh corn on the cob and cooked corn. Popping corn is usually too hard but they should be able to eat it when it's popped
  2. The male could be a heavily suffused double factor spangle OR he could be a single factor spangle, double factor dominant pied If your hen is albino and the cock is double factor spangle the chicks will all be blue spangles with whatever other mutations the birds are masking If both the cock and the hen are both double factor spangle all the chicks will be double factor spangle If the cock is spangle dominant pied expect dominant pied & dominant pied spangles from an albino hen OR double factor spangle dominant pieds and single factor dominant pied spangles from a double factor spangle hen There is also the possibility that the hen is a dark eyed clear. If she is it raises more possibilities I'd be very interested to see your breeding results
  3. Pearl is a dominant pied fallow. Hedwig may have been a cinnamon fallow rather than a lacewing, which would account for Beaky being split for fallow. Bullet must also be split for fallow but recessive genes can be passed down for many generations without showing
  4. Welcome to the forum. Can you post some photos of your birds so we can be sure of their mutations before making any predictions?
  5. Your budgie is male. He looks about 5 or 6 months old
  6. It's a male sky blue fallow
  7. The ino mutation can mask most other mutation including spangle. When an ino that is masking spangle is bred the spangle gene will be inherited in the same way as it would if the bird was not ino as well, so you will be able to see if the chicks that don't show the ino mutation are spangle or not. Your white hen should be described just as a lacewing. The cinnamon & the ino gene combine to create a lacewing but to produce lacweing chicks her mate also needs to have the combined gene. If your bird is paired with a cinnamon she would produce cinnamon chicks of both sexes or if she was paired with an ino she would produce inos of both sexes
  8. I have heard of budgies raisings parrotlets but I don't know if it would always work
  9. The albino hen is a lacewing. Her son the grey cock is split for lacewing. The lutino that the grey cock was mated to must be masking spangle for the pair to have produced spangle chicks (unless she mated with a different cock). She must also be split for blue. The three red eyed female chicks in the second clutch will be lacewings and the male red eyed chick will be lutino. Because of the sex-linkage the cock can't produce a lacewing male unless he is mated to a lacewing hen but he can produce an ino male when he is mated to an ino hen. Some of the young lacewing hens could also be spangle, if they are their brown markings will be reduced. The expected result from pairing a normal split lacewing cock to an ino hen that is masking spangle would be: 12.5% ino males 12.5% ino males masking spangle 12.5% normal males 12.5% spangle males 12.5% lacewing females 12.5% spangle lacewing females 12.5% normal females 12.5% spangle females Half of the males will be split for lacewing. The chicks should be about half green series and half blue series (including grey, grey green, white & yellow) All the green series chicks will be split for blue
  10. A - female B - male C - male D - probably female E - female
  11. Neville, thank you very much for the anwer! In her pedigree there are not Fallows.. A recessive mutation like fallow could be passed down in the genes for countless generations and only appear visually when a bird is mated to another bird with the same gene, so having a few generations of pedigree doesn't rule out the possibility
  12. I don't think that I can help with this question I would have thought that an ino hen with faint cinnamon spots was a very pale lacewing or a lacewing dilute but as this hen has produced normal male chicks when mated to a cinnamon she can't be a lacewing. The ino chick looks male so it can't be lacewing either if the mother is not lacewing. I'm wondering if ino combined with fallow could produce an ino with faint brown spots??? Many inos do have very faint markings but whatever has caused the markings on this hen it can't be cinnamon
  13. A cinnamon fallow will show more body colour on the rump area than a lacewing but not anywhere near as much colour as a fallow without the cinnamon
  14. Although some budgies will start to incubate the first egg as soon as it's laid many will not start sitting until after the second or third egg.
  15. The temperatures you get in Melbourne are similar to the ones we get here and my birds are breeding in outside cages. They need protection from the wind but otherwise manage the lower temperatures well
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