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Everything posted by Squeak_Crumble

  1. Hi All I have recently set up a breeding cage for my cockatiels. I tried breeding in the aviary ( I have 5 cockatiels, 3 male and 2 female) and the same bonded pair, Skittles and Gadzooks, kept on breeding. They had 4 clucthes (over 2 years), all of them only hatching one chick. Each time the chick died.The oldest surviving chick was just starting to get feathers. So I decided to try my other pair. Introducing::: Dragon- Normal Grey split Pearl,Lutino,Pied and Cinnamon. I have had him from June last year, when I got him as a baby. You can see the transistion from diluted baby face into full lemon adult face.: Minty- I have had Minty for 2 years or so now. The picture of her fluffed up a bit (2008) was the first night I got her. She is a WF Pearl: Cage they are breeding in:
  2. Here is a picture compared to a sunflower: And here is one compared to a "normal" egg: And a couple shots of Daddy, proud of his lovley eggie.
  3. First egg! It looks VERY small, so I am HOPING it isn't fertile. Fingers crossed for more!
  4. I didn't feel to see if she had an egg, I was only thinking about it later that it may have been egg-binding. Do you think it may have been because of her age? red ring bird, she would be 1-2 years old. I think about 1 and a couple months, I remember the breeder said June bred bird.
  5. Hi! I recently discovered that a YF Blue hen of mine died this morning. She had three eggs in the nest, (which I have fostered, but they were quite cold) and she seemed like a healthy bird. I am wondering if it may be egg binding? She was VERY irregular in laying. Her second egg coming 4 days after the first, and the third coming 5 days after the second. She is a red rung bird. I found her in a funnny position. She had her beak clamped onto the wire, and she was lying on the bottom of the cage. Her wings were spread out, and her bottom half was kind of bought under her. Any Ideas?
  6. Just look at the photos then I did, but it takes a while sifting through 40 pages :budgiedance:
  7. The shed (The big cream one) Is our neighbours. You cant really see the fence I have been through and looked at yours (I found it a little confusing with all the comments)
  8. Hi All I was just wondering, has anyone heard of multiple stories on flights? I am not considering doing it, but it would be a way to save space. Here are some positives and negatives I could think off. Feel free to contribute!! Positives: ** More space, building up. ** Easier cleanup (If you made one with mesh bottoms) Negatives: ** Harder to catch birds ** No Plants in upper aviaries.
  9. Thanks Kaz. I will try looking around, there are more then just that companies. It may also be cheaper to build one. That way I can get the right width and my own height, and build the outside frame at the same time. I have a feeling it would be cheaper.... Looking around, the same size shed as the one there is about $800 new.
  10. I am going for that shed because of the size, I am unsure of how much it would cost. I would probably also get it second hand. As for parental consent.... Well right now I owe my parents money for the last aviary, $200 (I have $160 saved up in the last 4 months). I would probably be able to raise about $500 by late next year. I am hoping if I just present that to them, and prove I can raise that much money. Also, 6 feet is 1.8m This one is 2m with a peaked roof. I am also making a ventaltion hole hopefully. The flights extended will be higher. Sorry for the bad photos, 9pm and my flash is not very good. Brown aviary is current budgie aviary, green one is cockatiel and kindy aviary. I plan on moving both aviaries, and leveling the ground out. (slight slope) The trees present shade, as the sun goes behind/slightly above them.
  11. Gotcha Ah yes KAZ. On the sheds measurments on the site, it doesnt have where the door is. It is in the middle, so I am guessing on the plan that is where it would go. I may need to move it over if I don't have enough room for the inside flights. The inside flights only come on meter inside the shed, Or else I think I may need to get a shed that is wider.
  12. The middle section is the indoors flight. The shed is 3m by 2.26, so if you can look at the dimensions, you can see the shed base, and then the two flights added on. One half is budgie inside flight, second is cockatiel inside flight. I have a door between them, so that when the weather is bad (eg, like today. Have had very bad wind and rain for the past 24 hours) I can open the door up and it won't be so cramped for the budgie/tiels. I only have 5 cockatiels, not a whole flock. So I thought the budgies should get more space, because there are 5 cockatiels and 40 odd budgies
  13. It all looks fine to me from the previous sites photos Do you have any clearer ones? Try using macro on your camera
  14. okay, I have re-drawn. Red is changes that have been made. I moved the bird door down a bit, so easier access to cockatiel flight and door can be accessed quicker. More room for perches/plants etc down other ends.
  15. Right now, I just have two other aviaries for cockatiels and budgies. I am not doing extensions or anything, just completley starting anew. This is my current kindy and cockatiel aviary I dont have any of the budgie aviary. I will try and draw a picture of a 3D image of it. Also, If I dont have any access from outside, how do I get to the flights? would I need to put a door in... Oops, sorry I meant inside flights can be accessed from inside. Doors are the semi-circles, windows, the squares.
  16. oh, woops. Sorry I didn't notice the light blue, only blue. Could it be hormones within the bird making its skin change? (I am only guessing that, I don't know much about health)
  17. We don't know that yet KAZ. I have had a male birds cere turn brownish when he was sick. I forgot what is was, but cere does change colour sometimes.
  18. It may be leg mites, but if it was that it would be scaly. Pictures would help alot! Is he fluffed up, or not eating?
  19. Hi All Sometime next year or 2012, I plan on expanding aviary space. Here is a drawing I made: I plan on buying this shed, and extenidng the two flights on ^^^ : http://www.absco.com.au/products/index.php?c=12&p=33 I hope you dont mind Daz, but I am using some of you pictures for examples. My inspiration for the inside flights, but extra flight space outside added A couple things: ** The squares are windows. I want one leading into each flight, that can be opened or closed during bad weather, cleaning etc. ** The saftey door may be made a bit smaller. ** I will have a door that can be opened all the way between the flights, so the budgies can go into the cockatiel flight or vice versa ** I may need to move the original door in the shed, because as you can see from the picture, it will touch the flights I think. ** Fights can be accessed from inside. ** I am hoping the 4 windows + screen door will be enough light, but I may need to add in a couple more windows in the breeding and storage area ** Concrete will be laid. Does anyone know how much it would cost to lay concrete that big?
  20. Sorry, I have been away for a little bit guys. The Albino hen is well into nesting, and eggs should be arriving soon
  21. Not fanatstic, but on the first pairings you will get all blues. I think it will be spangles and opalines, maybe combined. Also, your cock bird cannot be DF unless he has a white face. Is it white or yellow?
  22. he is a reasonably middle aged bird now, '07 bird. I agree with Dave, maybe he was bitten by something? or a stroke?
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