Hand Feeding
Strongly strongly advise to NOT do it from day one. It depends on your time and schedule you have to dedicate, I personally have never had success in hand-rearing budgies, and find the birds are much tamer just being handled in the nest 2 times a day from about 2 weeks on.
Colour Change Please Help
Hi, I believe you possibly have a male. It is a fallow, which means for males the cere will always stay a pink colour... may be an out of season hen though.
Can Our Budgie Have A Mate?
Why were all the posts deleted from this?
Handreared Budgie - Can He Have A Mate?
You can buy babies sexed.... I think its a great idea. Tame baby budgies are reasonably easy to find, Be sure to get a male, as they will get along better then a male and female He will still keep talking, two male budgies often chatter away to each of, and get the whole flirty eyes and head bobbing going! Your budgie would love a friend They are flock animals.
Are They In The Right Condition.?
I think she would be ready now, maybe a week or two just to let the cere turn that little bit more of a nutty colour. And yes, I agree with Finnie on the perches! Didn't notice them
Are They In The Right Condition.?
Your setup is perfect. Heck, better then mine! Personally, I think you don't need to change a thing whatsoever. The pellets are good, probably no need for safflower seeds unless the birds eat them. I know with mine, they would just kick them out. Either or. Also, I would recommend having a separate sprout mix. Not necessary, but provides more protein the normal budgie mix. In mine, I have bandicoot oats, sunflower, chick peas, wheat and... something else. I dunno. You probably don't need the calcium block in there if you have the cuttlebone as well. Otherwise, keep it as it is!
May Albino Have Cinnamon Spots?
Squeak_Crumble, and what parentage do these Ino's with cinnamon in wings have? As for this hen, she gave an Albino male chick (with a Violet Cinnamon split to Ino cock), that's why she's an Albino. If she's also a Fallow, I'm afraid, we'll never know. Any parentage. It doesn't really matter, an albino with poor markings is the same as an albino with good markings. Albinos can be produced from visuals or male splits. I have found that albino's with lacewing in their parentage, from long ago or 1 generation, sometimes have markings in them. If I saw it in my aviary I probably wouldn't question it, it may be that she is just a poorly marked albino.
May Albino Have Cinnamon Spots?
Personally, I have had ino's with cinnamon in the wings (normally the flights), but she could just be a very very poorly marked fallow.
May Albino Have Cinnamon Spots?
Any pictures of the back? The hen may be a visual fallow?
What Is The Size Of A Normal Egg
Get a used milo tin, go the bottom and push a pen or something through, or drill a small hole, whatever. take lid off and place the tin over a torch, sit the egg in the pen hole, and voila.
My Flock...
That size cage is standard for breeding birds in amongst breeders. I am pretty sure Kaz uses that, but turns the front upside down. If you are hand-rearing the chicks (in that last few weeks I assume, as you can't really hand-rear them once weaned) then this cage should be fine. I use it for cockatiels. It depends on the age you are taking them out, they can still be in the box or you may need a brooder. The parents need to be removed once you start hand-feeding.
How Many?
Putting the perches from the wire to the wall, a few up the far end and some back towards the door would help, having the one branch in there doesn't really give them much room to fly from perch to perch if you are looking into getting more budgies.
- Please Tell Me Gender On My Parakeets
What Colors Are Needed In A Budgerigar Stud?
have you thought about yf blue's, or cinnamon's? Cinnamon blue have a very attractive soft colour, especially the violets. I would still reccomend normals, that is one of the things I am struggling with most, I regret not getting normals to get splits from.
Does This Mutation Exist?
Here is a spangle opaline sky blue (split violet) and his half-sister, a sky-violet spangle
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