I'm looking at building an outdoor aviary for my budgies and need some advice.
I've got a number of ideas for a design which incorporates my list of mandatory features (ie. double security door, vermin/snake proofing, partially covered roof, concrete floor), but I'm looking at what materials I can use for the frame.
I've looked at buying an existing metal aviary or shed and modifying it, but they are quite flimsy and probably wouldn't stand up to the strong winds we can get. Basically I need to have a really strong frame which I can easily attach wire mesh and colorbond sheeting to.
I've found suitable galvanised steel tubing which can be connected with plastic joiners (so no welding required), but this limits the design options and is also probably more $$$. I'm looking at timber frames as well, but not sure what sort of untreated timber to use. Some of my budgies love to chew so I'd expect them to try and chew the frame even I provide other things to chew.
Has anyone used untreated timber for their aviary frame, and if so what sort of timber was it?