Hi folks
I haven't posted here since a couple years so I figured I should start over and re-introduce myself and my pets. I'm Michelle and I'm the lucky owner of 2 budgies and a good little dog. Last time I was here I had 4 budgies... Bud, Pat, Godzilla, and Blue.
Unfortunately, Bud passed away June 19th, I had to have her euthanized. The trip to the vet sucked. Not only was it an emergency so she made me pay 130 bucks for the trip by default, but she had no clue what was wrong with her and wanted to make me pay for a ton of "In case this works" meds. I was sorta horrified of what kind of mess I'd make so I just had her suffering ended instead. There was no other vets specializing in budgies around that I know of. Thankfully, no matter what it was it wasn't contagious and my feeling was that her organs had just shut down. She had liquid poo all her life so something was weird to begin with. But it'll stay a mystery for the rest of my life. Still, I miss my big girl a lot.
All the others are still alive and well, but when Bud died I have no idea what happened but a war spawned between my three remaining boys. Blue was suddenly the whole center of attention, and a center of attention Pat and Godzilla would go to war for. There even was blood once. Since I had to constantly police them, I decided that Blue had to go. By some random moment, a neighbor came to my home the day I decided saying "Do you want my budgerigar? I can't do anything with him and I'm sick of him.". I accepted, put him in a small quarantine at first... Then I introduced him to Blue. It was friendship at first sight for these two, and now they are living happily together in an old folks' home, bringing some fun and joy to elders. A good story in the end.
As for Pat (Bud's old mate) and Godzilla (One of their hatchlings), they're happy with each other's company though I'd like to see if I can't find them some girl to make them move around some more. They don't have Bud's leadership anymore and they got a bit... lazy ever since. They're content with just going out here and then to take a quick snack on the play gym and returning to a cage together to have a chat. I tried to introduce a female once but... I failed. I guess. I had bought an adult budgie, I had put her in quarantine and played with her a bit (And she drew blood off me about 10 times. But I was patient and didn't care much, she was just so curious and fearless), tried doing the introductions, and they would sing to each other through the bars and such. And when the day came for me to let her out of the cage... Wow that was nasty. She claimed their three cages and would hurt them whenever they ever dared coming near. The boys were terrified. That girl had problems...
Still, I guess I'll retry with a youngling next time. But I'm not sure. Sorta scared now.
So that's my story.