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    music, the beach, bird song, bird watching.
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  1. Richo


    is it cool for eagle to eat this stuff... He loves it.
  2. C'mon, call it richo, What was the sex??? Doesn't matter, gift the georgeous thing to me,,,
  3. Beautiful pictures, I love the blue one, you should see the life 'eagle' has...Maybe you might introduce me to show breeding??? he or she will have a wonderful life...
  4. Just wondering Richo......WHY exactly you think he may be a show budgie cull ? R E A D the topic I have....but he does not resemble a show budgie at all, not even a cull. R E A D the posts, in particular dave's.
  5. Just wondering Richo......WHY exactly you think he may be a show budgie cull ? R E A D the topic
  6. This link is a ripper and I now have it book marked! The photo's are amazing!!! Thanks a lot Nubbly, and every one else for enlightening me. No idea which class will end up my favorite, I love 'em all...
  7. Wow Splatt, those shots look amazing, can more people post pictures of ribbon winners please? A picture really does tell a story... would love to see a show winner same variety as "Eagle"
  8. That photo was at around twelve weeks and at the time I believe he was stretching, hence the interesting shot.[i thought so] I suppose he is pretty much in that proportion, albeit much bigger. Dave, thank you for your honesty, I suppose it is easy to become delusional waking to such an exquisite [in my eyes] creature each day...
  9. Thankyou, o.k. 22 cms, would that be from the tip of the tail to the top of his head?
  10. Hi all, I realise that show budgies are large, but how large? Can anyone tell me how long a bird should be before it might realistically be a contender? And how are they to be measured considering tail feathers can reduce overall length heaps by falling out? I am thinking that "Eagle" may have been mistakenly culled and who knows? I might have a "sleeper". This has been on my mind for a while now...He has no problem being held so if anyone can tell me what measurements I should look to exceed and where to measure I would greatly appreciate it. He would have turned one at the beginning of november if that helps. thanks, Richo
  11. Hi pebbiz72, from what I have witnessed here, breeders are only too willing to send birds by freight, it is quite common so perhaps look into that? Keep your eyes open and you will have a crack'in stud in no time. Cheers
  12. Hi birdluv, the 1st and 7th photos are my favorites, 1st gave me a chuckle. Wow he really rips into that millet on the video, he seems to love you already! Looks like you are very lucky to have each other. Well done.
  13. While visiting the fam in canberra over christmas, I happened upon a lovely pet shop which will only sell pets as gifts if the recipient is there when the purchase is made. Of course they can only do so much, [just quickly digressing back to alpaca boy's post] and this has resulted in two sides here. Side 1 are those who own one or a few budgies, side 2, those who breed in what some will call commercial quantities, that is, are required to cull regularly. The fact is that most of us live in a city and must use a pet shop. It is not possible for we city dwellers to just slip "out back" and go cocky hunting. In that way, both sides need each other! I personally sit firmly on the fence but would love more general awareness regarding animal welfare.
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