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Been A Long Time!

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It's been a long time but i just wanted to pop online and say hi! I've finished school for the year and i finally have time to stop and breathe (i feel like it's been assignments and exams all year!!) so i thought what better time than now to pop back in. :budgiedance:


Not much has changed with the birds. We had a bit of a scare with Blinkie when he went lame for about 3 weeks with no apparent signs of injury. The vet and i were both concerned that he might have a testicular tumour pressing on his sciatic nerve and making him lame, but he did eventually regain use of his leg and seems as happy and healthy as ever now. Fizzy is a chronic humper, i sure wouldn't want to be a perch in the budgie cage. :P Ozzie is a gentleman, like always, and he tolerates his rowdy cage mates well.


We had some drama in the tiel cage too! One of my friends was visiting and Cookie managed to get knelt on. Miraculously she survived, though she did require some time at the vet on fluids and pain killers. We also have another baby tiel, which i am hand rearing. She was supposed to get sold when weaned but she's squirmed her way into all our hearts. She's 3.5 weeks old and called Little Chicken (the result of me trying not to name her for the first couple of weeks).


I'm not sure if i ever got around to introducing her here, but my green cheeked conure Zoe is doing well too, she's completely mental, bites like a demon and craves cuddles and kisses like a little puppy. Just yesterday i saw her laying on her back in her cage kicking a little ball around in the air. She's a real crazy little girl!


Anyways, i look forward to catching up with familiar faces, and meeting all the new ones!!

Great to see you again Bea :budgiedance:

Hope you stick around for a while now the stress has calmed down and can't wait to meet little chicken and your conure :P

Been a while.....


Ya not wrong!! Good to see you back for a bit. You still riding?

Hey Bea. We've certainly missed you. Heaps has happened since you were last on. I don't remember Zoe, so you must introduce her!

It sounds like you've had a few too many scares while you've been away.

Great to hear from you again. :D

:DB)Welcome back :):D


It sure sounds like your year has been full on. I'm glad things have quietened down for now... and I also look forward to meeting your newest members of your family.

  • Author
You still riding?

Sure am!! Every week. :rip:


Here are a few links to some pics. This is Zoe my conure:





And this is Little Chicken:





I'll get some photos of the boys up when i get a chance! :)

Edited by **Liv**
Changed image links to images as they are within the size standards :)

Great to see you back again Bea :rip:


It's wonderful to hear Zoe has settled in so well, and is being a typical conure. Little Chicken looks adorable :)

Awwwwwwwwwww :) Thanks for posting them! And check out Zoe's beak OUCH!!! lol :rip:

  • Author
And check out Zoe's beak OUCH!!! lol ;)

Ouch is right!! :D Though i have to say i'm used to her vice grip now, it just took a while and a lot of beak marks on my fingers. Secretly she's a sweetheart!


And check out Zoe's beak OUCH!!! lol ;)

Ouch is right!! :rofl: Though i have to say i'm used to her vice grip now, it just took a while and a lot of beak marks on my fingers. Secretly she's a sweetheart!




:wine She is a doll... I can imagine your fingers must be mighty tough now... but watch those lips!!! :D (unless you want a piercing there lol)

Welcome back Bea, glad you popped in and updated us on all your doings, we missed you :question:

Hey Bea!! Welcome back :D , Your birds are gorgeous love them :(

Welcome back Bea :)


On a side note since you're now around...do your birds make lots of mess with those paper rolls from My Parrot Place? I've been holding off buying some because I wanted to ask you first :lol: