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Need Help With A New Budgie Asap

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Hi, tonight my sister in law dropped off a little blue budgie she found on her doorstep. It was fretting so she caught it and brought it over to me because i own two cockatiels, a quaker and an eclectus. I willingly took it in as an animal lover, put it in a spare cage i had and upon closer inspection i noticed possible abnormalities on its little face and feet. It kind of looks like overgrowth or maybe it has been hurt? Or maybe it is nothing at all. I have provided some photos, if you have any idea what it is please let me know, I am scared of it being actually hurt.



Note: the budgie doesn't seem to be in pain, it is content on sitting on a perch all fluffed up and it has had a bit of water and a little bit of food but he keeps picking at his sore foot and can't seem to keep his eyes open.






Edit: the claws on its feet are actually bound together with skin, is this a deformity or some sort of infection?

Edited by alannahapple



I'm not certain but she could possibly have a bad case of scaley mites. The nails and beak are overgrown and will need clipping.


Please note I may be wrong.



Hi Alannahapple, Budgie lover is right it is an extremely bad case of scaley mite but treatment is easy with ivermectin which you may be able to get from a vet or Vetafarm also make a product specifically for birds to deal with it. I think you can order it through online stores. He may need more than one treatment as it is bad. It just involves putting a drop or two on the skin at the back of the neck then wait for it to do it's work, you will have to repeat it after a couple of weeks or whatever the directions tell you.


Cheers Jenny

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Thanks guys, I went to the petstore this morning and got some avimec and applied some, i have also cut her beak and trimmed her nails, cause i was worried she wouldn't be able to eat properly. Hopefully she will recover soon.

Whomever let this bird get that bad should be @#>#@@ and ashamed of themselves. :angry: Well done for taking it in and trying to help the poor thing. With it's beak and claws clipped it would be more comfortable. The scaly face could take a while to clear up, if you haven't noticed much change you can repeat Ivomectin.after 2 weeks. It will also clear up any internal worms air sac mites etc it could be carrying.( Sorry Hilly just re-read your advice again) no wonder she looks so sad in picture 2.

Looks like she may be a nice bird if she recovers well. Just as a caution I'd keep it well away from your other birds for quarantine, as you would already know I suppose.

Please post more pics as you go. :)

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I will definitely post progress pictures. I have done a bit of research and the estimated time for a case as severe as hers they've mentioned it may take up to eight weeks to clear up, but I am patient.


I agree about the previous owner, some people just shouldn't be allowed to own animals. I am glad I have the opportunity to help her though, her feathers are really vibrant and soft and she chirps a little when she hears my other birds (who are all in a separate area of the house, just in case!) so that looks promising.


Thanks for all your help.

Oh, the poor bird! >:-( to whoever let it get into that condition. I'm so glad you're there to help the little guy. Good luck :)

I must echo the sentiment of others and congratulate you for being such a wonderful person and taking in a bird in such a frightful condition. I have read about bad cases of scaley face but have never seen one so bad! You are a lovely person for giving this little bird a new lease on life. It always amazes me when animals manage to find their way to owners who will go all out to give them a second chance. Thanks for sharing your story.

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Thank you so much. I really appreciate your compliments. It has been four days since treatment and i am already seeing major improvements. The budgie's feet are now unbound and she is climbing all over the cage, where as in the beginning it was an effort to stand on the perch without pecking at her itchy feet. Her eyes have also cleared up a little and i can see the scales that getting ready to fall off. She is also whistling a lot more and making a whole heap of cute sounds. So full recovery is looking promising. :)

Great news, she looks like she could be an opaline Cobalt, (don't take my word for it though l.o.l). and could turn out to be a lovely bird. Have you decided to keep her as a pet yourself? Well done whichever way you go.

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I have decided to keep her, I don't think there was ever going to be any other option - i get attached too easily. I will post some better pictures of her this afternoon so you can have a better look.





I am excited to show you guys the massive improvements, so i went and took a picture now. Here she is six days later, her right eye is almost completely clear, her feet are much better, her left eye, which was the worst affected part is still a little grim, but is definitely clearing up.




I am really proud of her :)

Edited by alannahapple

Wow, just goes to show what a little bit of love and help can achieve. She's going to be one great bird when she's completely cured, again well done!!! :):D

What a fantastic story. I'm so glad there are people like you out there willing to make the effort to help a poor little budgie. It really is wonderful :)

Well done!! I can't believe the difference in the way she looks. You can see she feels better just by the way she is standing with her head up and looking much happier :)

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thank you so much :)


her left eye has cleared up now too, i was so excited when it happened. not long now until she is fully better.


thank you to everyone who has helped me, this website has literally been a lifesaver.

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