Hi, tonight my sister in law dropped off a little blue budgie she found on her doorstep. It was fretting so she caught it and brought it over to me because i own two cockatiels, a quaker and an eclectus. I willingly took it in as an animal lover, put it in a spare cage i had and upon closer inspection i noticed possible abnormalities on its little face and feet. It kind of looks like overgrowth or maybe it has been hurt? Or maybe it is nothing at all. I have provided some photos, if you have any idea what it is please let me know, I am scared of it being actually hurt.
Note: the budgie doesn't seem to be in pain, it is content on sitting on a perch all fluffed up and it has had a bit of water and a little bit of food but he keeps picking at his sore foot and can't seem to keep his eyes open.
Edit: the claws on its feet are actually bound together with skin, is this a deformity or some sort of infection?