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  1. Hi there, Im just hoping someone can really help me figure out this growth on my budgies back. He is a about 7 years old and seems to be normal healthy, I hav ent noticed any changes in his day to day activities or his poop. He was preening one day when i noticed a black growth on his back above his tail feathers ( near the oil gland perhaps? ) The growth has taken a claw like shape and pretty much looks like a gross overgrown claw. The part where the growth is attached to his back seems like it could be filled with pus. The growth is very hard and did soak it in some warm water, but it didnt get any softer. Does anyoneknow what it could possibly be and if it can be removed at home? Or anything that i can do to help it? anyone know how i can put up pics also? i ahve pics of his growth Thanks so much im really worried
  2. mysixbabies posted a post in a topic in Health Questions and Tips
    This morning when I was feeding and watching my birdies, I noticed that Billy seemed to have a sore eye. The first thing I noticed was that he was keeping it closed most of the time. When he did open it a little, the actual eye looked a light brown colour instead of a deep black. It does not look swollen and he seems his normal cheerful self. I have included some photos just incase any of you know what this might be. He is quarantined at the moment while being treated for scaly-face. his good eye
  3. I can't take any photos right now, but.. I'm 14, and live with my parents. I refilled a large, half- foot high, less- than- a- foot wide container, and my blue budgie managed to eat it within 2 days, with little help from my yellow budgie. My blue budgie seems fat, because you can't see his keel- and can't run well, but my mother says otherwise. She always spoils our pets. Every pet we get ourselves and want to take care of ourselves, she always spoils them much more. When I told her that he was fat, she ignored that and yelled at me for "not refilling the food". Usually I refill it within 3-4 days (and I was planning on refilling it with a mix of pellets later), but she ignored my claims of protest telling her about what happened. I told her that he was fat, and her response was "don't be ridiculous". She refilled the entire thing with seeds only and let them eat almost all of the seeds. I don't know what to do, because I know that he's fat and my yellow budgie will starve if he and my mother continue this. Any help?
  4. Hello everyone. I am new to this forum and in need of urgent advice. Basically, I have a clearly very sick budgie that I am unable to take to the vet, the reason being that there are no vets that look at birds in my city. Either that, or I am unable to find one (I live in Cairo, Egypt by the way). I have attached a photo of what my budgie looks like right now. He's been unable to stand properly for a few hours, and be lost his balance and fell to the bottom of the cage a few hours ago, which is when I understood that something was very wrong. I knew he was sick previously, however he seemed to be recovering after being given antibiotics (which I got from a different country). Anyway, I am currently watching him very closely and keeping him in the place where he is really comfortable (the hood of my hoodie) and offering him food and water. He didnt drink much water but he ate lots of millet, which made me feel a bit better. He keeps going in and out of a lying down position, sometimes trying to get up and moving his head around. He also can still fly, as he did several time around the room. He cannot stand though, and he loses his balance. One foot seems to be injured (or paralyzed?). His feathers look normal however his dropping have been wet and had rings of green surrounding them on the cage lining. He hasn't been pooping consistently, only about 3 times in the last 3 hours. He has basically been lying down on me for the last 3 hours, occasionally eating and flying away 3 times. So yeah, his wings seem to be fine. His breathing seems to be fine but previously, about a week and a half ago, his tail was bobbing a lot as he breathed. That's about all the information I can provide. I need urgent advice as to how I can help him (taking him to the vet not being possible unless someone knows an avian vetererarian in Egypt in the Cairo area). Please reply if you are able to. Thank you. If anything changes, I will reply to this post.
  5. Hi everyone ?! I bought this beautiful baby boy about 2 weeks ago and I absolutely adore him. In the last couple of days I have noticed these strange brown-blackish markings on his beak. He has been pruning himself like mad everyday (I have sprayed him and my aviary for mites and lice) and when I took this photo today I discovered he's also scratching at his beak. I'm nervous but I'm hoping it's just a bruise as he's always harassing one of my older males (No serious harm but every now and then the but beaks ? ) In google-fashion upon doing a search a bunch of horrifying things come up. I heard that it could be a lack of vegetables which is a possibility as the rest of the birds in my aviary reject most vegetables (except for carrots) so I don't put some out every day. As you can see in some of the pictures I was desperately trying to get him to eat some carrot but he wasn't interested. Any ideas/advice/people with past experience? I ran my fingers gently over his beak and there's no lumps or bumps
  6. Hello! I have a 10 year old male parakeet that is showing signs of illness. He is eating and drinking more than normal and he appears to have a mass/growth on his belly as the feathers near his vent are starting to part considerably. He is also showing mild signs of breathing heavy, not in the tail bobbing way though. I was told on another forum, acutally a FB group, that his poop wasn't normal, he has a natural pellet only diet. So I was told to give him Braggs ACV for five days with a 1mL to 100mL ratio (he's on his third day). Based on the research I've done, I have come to the conclusion that he either has a tumor or a liver disorder (hoping its the latter and I bought Lily of the Desert Aloe Detox 80, arriving Friday). I live in a very rural area and have no access to an avain vet so trying to work this out on my own with natural remedies. I've also been administrating small quantities of milk thistle and dandelion root sprinkled on his food. Can anyone please confirm my suspicions and any tips (short of taking him to a vet which I am unable) would be greatly appreciated. He's still somewhat vocal and playing a bit but you can tell whatever is wrong with him is affecting his mood and usual spunky personality. Thanks so much!
  7. DLjas posted a post in a topic in General Questions About Budgies
    I have a male budgie who is a few years old and having balance issues. My mum called me frantically and said he was flailing his wings in the air. I ran in thinking it might be a stroke, but he climbed back up to the perch and is constantly swaying from side to side. He’s trying to move from side to side on the perch but the swaying is making it hard. He can fly just fine. He’s had 3 clutches of eggs with his mate in his life. I moved him into a new cage yesterday to make room for my new princess parrot. I was keeping him with his youngest babies who are about 6 months old since one of the budgies in the bigger cage was aggressive towards them, but since they’re older now he’s leaving them alone. He seemed fine when I moved him, and only started showing these symptoms a few hours ago. I don’t know if he maybe has some sort of neurological issue, maybe he was hit on the head somehow? I don’t know how this has happened. I don’t know if it could still be a stroke, but that’s one of my ideas. He seems fine other than the balance issues. If there’s nothing I can do for him myself, do you think he’d be okay for another 2 days? I’m taking my eclectus to an avian vet to get her nails trimmed. Would I have to pay extra to take him as well? Vets are closed at this time, so I can’t take him right now. Also, with my new princess parrot, she’s accidentally come in contact with my other birds. I only got her today, but I’ve been seeing her for months. The pet shop I got her from said she’d been vet checked when she came in as they have a vet attached to the shop. It’s a good pet shop, I’ve never seen an unhealthy bird there. They keep the cages clean and give the birds fruit and veg. They said it would be alright not to quarantine her, but I’m still wanting to do that anyways. I don’t have a big house so they are in the same room, but her cage is far from the rest of the birds. But when I took her out, she flew to my other princess parrots cage. She seems healthy, except her flight feathers are clipped a bit too far down but that’s not going to effect the other birds. What should I do? They were pretty close to each other. What if she is sick?
  8. Tumbleweed posted a post in a topic in Budgie Behaviour
    My budgie Jo, loves a bath. He flips into the bath bowl head first. She doesn’t flutter her wings delicately to splash water up, she literally stretches her wings out in a swimming motion! She floats like that on her side and has just laid there on her back! I place the bath bowl near hanging rings and Jo will hang upside down dipping his head and fluttering then let go of ring and fall into the water like a dive! Is she JUST bathing, or ENJOYING a swim?
  9. i have a female budgie who until recently was pretty normal. she started molting and her and my male bred. i dont think it was successful since she never laid an egg but now she is laying completely flat on her belly for most of the day. she has a very faint yellow staining above her cere. tail bobbing and seems to be having difficulty flying. I seperated her from the male in fear of her being sick and spreading it to him. im worried about her but she seems to eat and drink like normal. i know they miss each other as i put the cages close enough they can chirp at each other and not be too lonely. the male has now started humping EVERYTHING in the cage. could the female just be egg bound? if so what should i do? im use to Big parrots not small budgies but i love my birds and want to help them. am i over reacting and shes just ready for round two of the male or am i justified in thinking she may be sick? please help
  10. Hi guys! My budgie cooper is 8 months old and over the past two weeks we've noticed that his cere has got this dry flaky skin on it. Does this look abnormal? He was on a seed only diet but we are currently transitioning to pellets. His behaviour has been completely normal and he hasn't been scratching his beak, but has been scratching his head on the bars of his cage as he's at the end of a moult. If you guys need any more info please let me know!
  11. So I've had her for almost two months and I've noticed that the past few days her feathers have been very sparse around her nose and a bit around her eyes. I don't know whether I should be worried or if this is normal. Is it molting? Is she sick? Is it because she's naturally ready to breed? Someone please help! I've never owned a bird before and I'm worried there's something wrong. She's acting fine and eating fine, so I don't know if this is normal or not.
  12. Hello! I have had my boy for nearly a year and the past few months his cere hasn't been quite right. At first it was only a small amount, but it has gotten worse. He eats well, mainly seeds, but i feed him plenty of fruits, veg and greens! (Blueberries, carrots, mint, lettuce, parsley, apple etc) He is acting as normal as ever too, very happy and loving. I let him out a few times a week to stretch his wings and i keep his cage clean too, so I'm unsure where this could have come from. I have attached some photos for reference, to me it looks dry? maybe from the odd whether, but i just thought i would reach out for some advice! I may take him to a vet soon to get it checked out..
  13. mattdouglas06 posted a post in a topic in General Discussions
    hi there! This is my first post on this forum, i'm not quite sure if it is even active any more. I have had a budgie name "Paul" for the last year and a half. When we got him we tried to train him but he just seemed very aggressive. We purchased him from a farmers market (no clue of his age), with his brother and father. We sold his father as he was sick and old and we knew we weren't able to take care of him. About 1 year into owning him his brother passed away due to shock from a storm (was inside, must have been frightened to death ) We have tried multiple times to train Paul but he just does not like hands in his cage, we tried leaving our hands outside his cage with treats, but he would still fly to the other end of the cage and stay as far away as possible. I'm not quite sure if this would play a part in it but he has had mites for the last 4 months, they aren't very big or anything and they don't seem to bother him. We have changed his cage a few times, insuring it is clean with brand new toys, and we are planning on buying mite treatment but we aren't quite sure how we will get it on him as he hates being touched. Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou -Matt
  14. Hi guys, im new here so not totally sure how this site works, but Ive been having a problem with my budgie "Prinny". The little guy has a weeping eye and feather loss around ever since I saved him, but he's gradually lost feathers on his wing (where you can see) and more on his eye. He looks and behaves normal and loud ? droppings dont look lime green or too watery... Wondering if anyone can diagnose the problem and give me tips to help him. Please
  15. Hey all, i have a budgie suffering from scaly face mites and she is in a cage with two other budgies who surprisingly have not got it even though they are in contact with her every day. i have previously treated her with vaseline mixed with betadine (some website recommended it) and it disappeared but it has come back again which sucks. I have no idea how she got it and how she has not passed it to the other budgies she's with. what would be the best product to treat this with? and how do i stop it from continually coming back? many thanks <3
  16. Hey all, i have a budgie suffering from scaly face mites and she is in a cage with two other budgies who surprisingly have not got it even though they are in contact with her every day. i have previously treated her with vaseline mixed with betadine (some website recommended it) and it disappeared but it has come back again which sucks. I have no idea how she got it and how she has not passed it to the other budgies she's with. what would be the best product to treat this with? and how do i stop it from continually coming back? many thanks <3
  17. My budgie does not display any other symptoms of illness but I noticed something on his beak and I need to check if this is what a mite infestation looks like. Please let me know if you have any ideas what is causing this and do I need to take him to the vet?
  18. Sarahgreenandblue posted a post in a topic in Budgie Pictures
    hi guys this is my budgie sam, approx 2 years old, ALWAYS SCRUFFY, hes not molting, hes not plucking, he has a healthy diet and a friend. Does anyone know what the issue is?