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  1. While I don't have the number of birds you guys do, I have tried growing seeds from the seed mix and have found it surprisingly easy. Unfortunately the budgies haven't been as enthusiastic to try as I have been to grow, but have found leaving the pot unloved seemed to encourage the seedlings to keep growing once they were past the sprout stage. I have quite often found little millet heads on some but the only time I tried the budgies with one, I can only describe their reaction as "spat it out". After Kaz's comments, I think I will persevere, hopefully they will come around to my way of thinking. On the subject of grasses, seeded or otherwise, I give mine a little bundle of grass each every morning, either from the back yard or pilfered on my morning walk. They love it. Not so keen on the leaves, it is more the stalks or the seed heads they go for. And yeah, any old grass. Even the lawn grasses like couch and buffalo.
  2. Is an injection for scaley mites a common occurance? I would have thought the drop to the skin on the back of the neck would have been a lot less traumatic for the budgie than giving an injection. I agree with Finnie regarding the vet. Without knowing just what was the issue with your budgie, you can't be sure the vet was negligent, and maybe George was not able to be helped.
  3. Hi button and bows, I am not an expert, and not had to deal with scaley mites but the usual treatment for them is 0 .1% ivermectin drop on the back of the neck. Someone else may know more about being given an injection, but doesn't seem right to me. Also how did the vet determine your budgie had a respiratory infection? Most of the info I found regarding enrofloxacin showed it being used to treat wounds and the like, rather than internal problems, but I didn't do a huge search, so will reserve judgement. How do you get over the death of a pet??? The same way you get over the death of any loved one. Only time can help with the healing, and don't be afraid to grieve - it's all part of the healing process. Gradually you will be able to remember your little friend with smiles instead of tears as you remember the funny little antics and expressions that made him the delightful little character he was. RIP little budgie friend.
  4. There is a list of breeders on this forum somewhere.......... see if this is it: Also enter your request into the trading post part of the forum. Someone from near you may answer. You may even find someone there has budgies ready to go, so a good place to look if you are looking to buy as well. http://forums.budgie...showtopic=18921
  5. Lol, just about everywhere is far away from where we live!
  6. Hi Robyn, How old is your hen? I haven't experienced this myself, but what you are describing sounds a bit like gout, or a abdo tumour. I have been researching a bit as my very first and most special budgie has had an abdo mass recently diagnosed. If the mass/tumour/enlargement what ever you want to call it, presses on the nerve leading to the leg, it can lead to the bird favouring that leg. If gout, you should be able to see some swelling in the foot joints. I hoope this isn't what your hen has. I asked about age as both conditions are usually seen in older budgies. I hope she is just tired out and needs a nanna-nap, but I have also seen my boy almost lying on the perch too, although not favouring any leg.
  7. Hezz


    Hi Robyn. Half the perches I have are melaluca, the other half bottlebrush. I have about 15 to 20 perches which I rotate around in whatever order so that the birds rarely have the same set-up. So answer to your question.....Yes! I do prefer the bottlebrush because the birds spend the first few times they have them pulling the bark off, whereas the melaluca branches are much smoother - not much for them to chew up.
  8. I am aware of Quik-Gel but was curious as to whether anyone had tried to purchase GA from either US or UK. There is quite a lot in GA that isn't in Quikgel.
  9. Just wondering if anyone has tried buying Guardian Angel overseas and having it posted into Australia? And whether they were successful?
  10. That's great Budgieowner! Makes mine look very insignificant, in comparison. But I did only have my 12 year old to help make sure my uprights were straight! Don't know what you do about your slippery decks. The birds probably won't spend too much time on them anyway.
  11. Hezz

    Play Gym

    I used hot glue gun glue on mine. That's on advice from my vet and vet nurse who is really up on that sort of thing. They didn't recommend PVC glues. Otherwise stainless steel screws were my next option. Again stainless steel is the only safe way to go with the bells. Anything else and you will be throwing the out after a short time, as soon as they start to rust. My parrot shop has stainless steel bells for birds. Stainless steel is a bit more expensive but cheaper than a dead bird from heavy metal poisoning or replacing other metal bells frequently.
  12. I wouldn't go there. In my mind they are expensive for a bell that isn't stainless steel, and being only nickle-plated, you are going to have to replace them sooner rather than later. The Parrot Shop is an Australian company, available on-line, providing stainless steel bells for birds: http://www.myparrotshop.com/toy-parts-hardware/liberty-bell-small-1/prod_204.html And they are quick! Order over the weekend and you'll have them midweek. But they don't do orders every day, so get in quick.
  13. Who wants to bet the bird(?) can't even fly?
  14. Hezz


    Hi Tariq
  15. Personally, I would avoid the synthetic rope, because of the "don't know" factor. Cotton or sisal rope are safe (natural, undyed), but also give a thought to leather thongs/strips. You can get these quite thin and are great to thread beads on to. Again natural, and not dyed, of course. The leather is more lasting than rope too, so if replacing it is a factor, give it a try. I have used leather a couple of times now without a problem, - only a couple of times because the leather is still going strong. And another thing you don't have to worry about is the bird getting caught up in the rope when it frays.
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