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  1. Zenie


    Thanks guys and girls, I feel better now. I will check the white one though just to be sure. They look and seem very healthy.
  2. My five budgies are forever preening themselves not each other, well, may be sometimes. Is this normal? They have sleep time, feeding time, talking time, flying time and preening time, however I am wondering if this preening is excessive. I thought may be they have lice or mite however they seem very healthy and have no bald patches. Their cage is outside our family room and we watch them constantly, they give us such pleasure.
  3. My flock are molting and I am wondering if I should be giving them some extra food or supplements while they are going through this stage. I would really appreciate your expert advise.
  4. Yes NickNack budgies are certainly characters. I now have mine eating broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, bok choy, apple, zuccine and corn. In the very beginning I didn't think they would every try the vegies I placed in their cage. I also tried brocolli however they seemed to pec at it, then it all ended up on the bottom of the cage, so I have given the broc. a miss for a while.
  5. Kaz you kindly offered to buy me four plastic clips for my bird cage (holders for leaves etc.). Please would you be able to make that two only, we have decided not to build an aviary, therefore two would be ample for my budgie cage. If, at this time you have already purchased the four I will be happy to pay for them.
  6. Thanks Kaz. Would you have any idea for the seeds in the finch mix.
  7. I now have 10 budgies and they are all eating vegies and fruit however I have a problem with the seed mix. I bought some from a good source (they mix it from their recipe) I am still having a huge amount of waste on the bottom of the cage. Is there a mix you could recommend as my supplier will mix whatever I want. Thanks in advance. :hap:
  8. I have now 10 budgies and they give us such pleasure, however I do have a problem. They waste a lot of seed. I purchased a budgie mix from a very good source and they said I should not have a problem. Well, I still have the same problem. I would love to have your advise. They still have vegies and they love them. I am at a loss what to do about this waste.
  9. They are available very cheaply through our budgie clubs here Zenie< Let me know if you want some and cannot source them close to you. :hap: Yes Kaz, thank you very much I would really love to have at least 4 if it could be arranged. They are not available in our pet shops, actually they have a poor range for birds, dogs and cats are the animals most provided for. Will have to wait for our next meeting in a few weeks...I will let you know. :hap: Thanks Kaz.
  10. Bec Sta the photo's are great, they all look wonderfully healthy birds. I am wondering what type of camera you have , I am about to update my Kodak 3.1 pix. camera and would love to take photo's like yours, just so sharp and clear.
  11. Zenie

    New Member

    Congratulations Kaz on winning the competition. I really laughed when I read your entry.
  12. They are available very cheaply through our budgie clubs here Zenie< Let me know if you want some and cannot source them close to you. Yes Kaz, thank you very much I would really love to have at least 4 if it could be arranged. They are not available in our pet shops, actually they have a poor range for birds, dogs and cats are the animals most provided for.
  13. I love all your budgies they are so cute. I am interested in the plastic clips which hold the food, I am not sure if they are available in Aust. may be someone will know. I have my budgies on dowel so I will have to change them this week. Good luck.
  14. Thank you Karen, I know the curtain hooks you are talking about, I would never of thought of curtain hooks holding food. I have noticed my budgies are not preening themselves half as much since introducing other food in there diet. There seed consumption has dropped quite a bit, should I keep putting in fresh corn, carrot and broc. every couple of days or am I over feeding them?
  15. I have some good news. I purchased a corn cob, cut it into a 2 inch piece and screwed a very very large hook into the end , I then hooked it in the top of the cage allowing it to hang near a perch. They eyed it for hours then one budgie vertured over for a look, before long they in turn were all having a peck at the corn. I have now done the same with a carrot and the same thing has happened. I will buy some brocolli tomorrow give it a wash and hang it up, this time I will have to tie it as the screw would not hold in the soft stem. I am so excited they now have a variety in there diet. I have also added some fine shell grit and they are pecking at it slowly. Should I have placed the corn and carrot in the bottom of the cage they would be soiled in no time. They still love there thistles.
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