Cathryn 0 Posted June 8, 2016 Member ID: 8,295 Group: Site Members Followers: 0 Topic Count: 1 Topics Per Day: 0.00 Content Count: 1 Content Per Day: 0.00 Reputation: 0 Achievement Points: 15 Solved Content: 0 Days Won: 0 Joined: 08/06/16 Status: Offline Last Seen: June 8, 2016 Share Posted June 8, 2016 Hi there! Many of the forum topics have been useful for me with taming my new budgie, Snowy, so thought it was time to become a member ? My husband and I got our first budgie (excluding the family pet when I was growing up) about 5 weeks ago. He was between 6-8 weeks old when we got him. Snowy is a beautiful grey-white-blue mix, and he's full of personality. We went through a short escape artist phase (before we realised he could squeeze through the bars), a gymnastics phase, a cage-floor-obsession phase, a 'I only know how to chirp really loudly' phase, and until a day ago a 'I won't eat anything but seed mix' phase. It's amazing how much he's changed in just five weeks, what an adventure. The bottom line: We love love love our new cute, hilarious pet! Where are we now? He's learning quickly, particularly when he was never introduced to hands before. He developed a taste for millet yesterday and gradually getting better with veggies and fruit. He's at the point of reliably stepping up when there's a food incentive and sometimes stepping up without food. I've recently started taking him away from his cage to sit in a quiet room once a day and he's been a bit scared but not so much that he wants to leave me when he gets back to his cage. Instead he keeps sitting on my finger eating seed or millet. He's also discovered my shoulder but He definitely still way prefers his cage. He's also imitating some of the sounds I make to him. So the next step is to get him a bit more interested in my husband, Josh, who works from home and regularly takes short breaks to interact with Snowy, but is getting a little frustrated that our overly-stimulated day time boy (he looovvvesss singing with the many birds around our house outside) is never interested in stepping up on him for more then half a second. I'll also keep working with him on getting more comfortable with being away from his cage. Anyway that's us looking forward to hearing more budgie owners stories on the forum! Link to comment
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