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Can You Please Tell Me What Gender And Breed My Budgie Is?

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I bought it from a pet shop, and the staff weren't sure how old it is. I didn't ask what breed it is either.


It's quite active, it plays with its toys and climbs around a lot.


It also does this strange headbanging thing :D


It's quite vocal too, it chirps a lot, and makes a loud screechy noise sometimes.


It bit me in the beginning but it's not biting anymore.





Thanks in advance :)

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Do you have any idea how old and what breeed it is?

Under 3 months old, can tell from the bars on its head

Sky blue spangle Dom pied, it's a pet type (australian breed)

I thought it was a double factor sky blue dominant pied spangle, I think male too, but not certain.

I thought it was a double factor sky blue dominant pied spangle, I think male too, but not certain.

Hi, when you said double factor were you meaning double factor Dom pied or double factor sky blue (sorry if it sounds a dumb question)

If you were meaning df Dom pied, what is your reasoning behind it?



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