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Is There Bush Standard ?

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Before any one states the obvious I understand there is a national standard and it is based on developing a specific bird. A larger bird with increased feather base and a spectacular head. I have entered into the breeding to replicate a bird more consistsnt with the standard from Australia circa 1935, 1949. I know again standards are developed to reproduce and hilight aspects of a bird as outlined by the governing body. Which develops the competition and the animal standard.

These are birds are from a deceased relatives estate and would like to keep the shape and form. So my question would be is there a competition section to show such a bird. Many old timers recognised their type immeadtely as they knew the breeder, less informed called them pets.

There seem to be alot of articles talking about such birds but I can only find a single standard can they be shown, as I woud love to carry on the traddition with current stock.

If i have used words in there common term meaning forgive me as its me second post.

It has to fit into a category of its actual type. The pretty various colours dont really enter into it. For instance there is a set of rules for a recessive pied, and a different set of rules for an albino and a differents set of rules again for a spangle budgie etc. All types have a standard that they must meet and they will be judged on how well they fit the standard for their particualr type.


It more about size and posture when showing. Depth of mask ( cheek feathers ), location of the eye in relation to the head shape, the amount of feather, BLOW ( the full head feathers puffed forward to make it look bigger ), Wings held correctly and not crossed, markings being correct, staying on the perch to be shown and not all over the show cage or on the floor. Trimmed claws have nothing to do with it either. There is much, much more to showing budgies and breeding for show than most people realise...and guesses from those who do not really know wont help you get the answers you are looking for.


A show budgie must have a breeders legring on its leg as well. You must be a member of a budgerigar club to show and that also is where you can obtain your legrings to put on any chicks you have hatch and grow from show type parent birds.

AND judges do NOT take the birds out and handle them at all.

Hi ggmab,


The miniature budgerigar association is apparently developing a standard but I suspect it will look more like a bush budgerigar than an old style showbird. The proposed standard in this facebook link was shot down:




I'm surprised someone would maintain a line of old style showbirds in their backyard all this time. Did your deceased relative just pull out of the show scene when imported birds started making an impact in the 90s?


I would love to see some pictures. M.S. Christian's book "Budgerigars: All you need to know" printed in 1983 has great pictures of showbirds of the time before the great changes seen in the 1990s.

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Thanks for the information, on size that would be a major issue as he bred closer to the older size standard and comparisons to the current show budgies is remarkable. As to why he kept breeding in line with older birds,I think he was trying to capture the same perfection he saw by breeders when he was a young man. He kept alot of his notes on paper copied from discussions from top breeders long since past, he did once remark that the bird that he saw as a child at the show in Melbourne(HE NEVER STATED WHCH ONE LOL) was a true Australian budgie and had not given way to the more English style and size requirement, he did call them flying horses ( He passed at ninety 93, so being sensitive about words choosen about the new standard were never high on his list. As to why he dropped out I believe in the late eighties though he would never admit it his eyesight began to fade seriuosly and I suspect he knew many of his birds by touch, as I remember he pointed out many birds exceptional features after running a light finger over, to a colour standard I dont know. He told me that if I ever wanted to go into budgies that the writings of a John Scoble should be read and kept close, I have his copy of The Complete Book of Budgerigars second reprint 1982.

As to the ninties changes with no disrespect to any person or body, I like the birds from a earlier date standard but being a poultry fancer and shower I understand the world moves on.


Nice chatting


As to showing and regs I am used to the rules from poultry etc, though this my be abit deeper continuing on a life body of work.

I may have to eat my words, I just picked up a copy of Australian Birdkeeper. The Miniature Budgerigar Society have now drawn up their standards and they do appear to be an early version of the show bird not a bush budgerigar. The ideal size is 18.8cm long.

Edited by Drogo

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The Australian Birdkeeper on sale at newsagents or subscription, do they have web site

Yep that's the one, the February-March issue.




However, the standards are on the Miniature budgerigar societies website




I really don't like a lot of what is written in that last link

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I looked at the site and I agree, I feel the head is still to prominant but i guess if its just a miniature then the large bird traits will remain. Maybe bush budgie would be more apt or old school.......lol

I personally think it is damaging to always head towards one ideal when they keep moving the goal posts.

Maybe it is time they do start up for different types of budgies to widen the appeal for breeding and showing.

When you look at photos of budgies from around the world some seem to have a distinct look, if you could isolate the differences they may be able to have some sort of breeds as such. Australian, English, American, ect. ect.

I gather that is what the miniature budgerigar society is a about, at least it is a start.

Only my thoughts anyway.

Cheers Jenny

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Hilly love your train of thought on this, take poultry. There are good examples based of Old English Game having both Oxford and Carlisle breeds from one single ancestor. Then this is further divided into Bantam and Large varities. Looking at their website its hard to make a informed judgement as being just miniature surely size will be the single largest feature change. This idea needs to re examine standards relating to body and head, it would be good to get feedback from a breeder who was competing sub 1980 as this is a vastly different bird to today and i believe has a more Australian feel to it whilst having mutations in colour and size as not to be seen as a Bush Buudgie.....

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