August 1, 201113 yr Your pairings sound good Gb, look forward to seeing the results. I hope all goes well for you.
August 1, 201113 yr Author Nice looking new pairs gb. hee hee is that a hit for some snaps ??? i will get round to it just hate with a big H photo bucket if it was like facebook upload you would get sick of seeing my birds lol but its not so .... but i will endeavor to get some pics for you all thanks splat i hope too so far i can only see 4 eggs showing fertile so but all the hens are not sitting as yet so im not to worried
August 3, 201113 yr Author well i got some pics not all pairs but some the birds i paired up and i had bad news today my cinnamon cock bird to my lacewing hen well he poped his testys out i know right i was like what ????? never ever seen it before i had to humainly put him down im very disappointing however he left two eggs so fingers crossed i moved them both put marbles under hen will leave her few weeks so she does not stress out and die ill up date when i know if they were filled now for the birds Opaline light green my breed hen sky blue spangle mp1 the hen has egg in her butt so should lay in next day the Australian golden face single factor cock /ino and ino hen another egg in bum due in next day or so albino cock n yf violet cin spangle sky blue spangle son of mp1 sky blue spangle and grey hen spangle op my breed no picture her yet was in box the chicks i have ill get more up tomorrow i need sleep right now but thats something to look at
August 4, 201113 yr How could you tell Gb, I mean that he blew his testes out. I would think that would be ni on impossible. But I could be wrong.
August 9, 201113 yr Author hi guys i have been trying to up load the photo of the boy who busted his balls all week but my photo buckets playing up i need to make a new account ive reached my limit macka i too am alarmed and never seen or heard of it before i have been getting giggled at quiet abit when i ask others about it lol but hey on a good note two of the three eggs are fertile so with some luck they will go full term and he wouldn't have bussed his balls for nothing one was broken buy the foster hen sadly so only the two left she did lay one more egg today so i really doubt its fertile but i can hope i introduced a new cock to her and clossed of the nest 4 days ago she layed one egg on ground that broke it would of had better chance of being fertile from the cinnamon cock so but thats life she took to her new cock great so fingers crossed im not bothered if she lays a few infertile eggs ill let her finish round sit for 13 days then remove any infertile eggs then wait for second clutch okay so an update on everything else i took out my cobalt cf1 older hen her cock was caught egg faced i dont think she had anything to do with it as shes always sat well exept shes nevr hatched anything always addles the eggs or they dis so i moved her eggs to another hen and put fertile eggs under her that were layed at same time but the next day all the good eggs were smashed all lacewing eggs too bigger and all her eggs were clear agrrr that would be right here i was thinking put a young cock with her i cant lose wrong then theirs my splat hens chick i could kill her omg i have never had a hen pi s me off so much first egg layed out og nest cracked on cage floor so then i put sawdust down on floor then she lays in box but eats it then i give marble she kicks out of nest then i try two marbles still she kicked them out she lays again next day and its gone before i get their so next i wait i wait till i see egg sitting low ready to lay i watch as she goes into box i check in hour yep bum pulsating vent widening great i think i sit i wait i sit and wait hoping to see her leave nest to do her after egg poo two hours pass no hen i look again still laying okay i go away i comeback in half hour bloody hen had just layed it and eat straight away grr so now i filled two eggs with chilly sauce and then recap them sealing closed again and i placed two three cool-mints into box as i was advised can help as hens dont like taste so now she has a egg ready to be layed maybe tomorrow so i wait to see the out come ill let you all know my dom pied grey hen omg i never thought she wouldnest but three eggs im not sure they will be fertile however im really not to bothered i will choose her a more pushy cock bird and i will foster her one buby this time just to get her into swing of things the boy shes with now their=r like a couple of teenagers so really doubt that they will be fertile but if they are ill be doing a whole page of happy dance lol im vry happy to say 6 fertile eggs in my light green paoli nest x my own breed possible / lacewing boy due in 4 days or so and my albino hen and her uncle 5 fertile eggs due also in 4 to five days or so so ill be happy if i just get one albino and a few splits to be honest hopefully a albino cock bird better than last years one i breed then we move on to my dfy grey boy and his lacewing hen 4 nice big eggs two showing fertile again happy regardless of what i get so long as they live as this breeding was to get a few half brother sisters from the cock bird really then my spangle grey op hen x the sky blue they have one egg from the lacewing thats clutch was crushed (who im letting start over ) its got vains and three of her own looking fertile signs the cin grey x dom pied two eggs to date i havent tried to cradle but one im exited about regardless of chick out come of variety although i could really hope for a albino hen is my old 06 infertile cock bird i got for 20 bucks two eggs looking good signs of life inside omg if i get chicks from him ill be over the moooooooooooooooon unfortunately my df dom pied 06 boy has provided me all clear eggs all 7 of them tomorrow i have the hard decision of puting a new cock in with her and taking eggs or letting him go one more round with her and fostering them a chick im thinking second option as this his her first round so would like to see her feed and i would like to move few the Opaline clutch out to lessen her burden well im not sure im missing anything that has eggs the rest are still due to lay yet as i staggered them all thats abut it i will get new photo bucket account and post the brokenboy for you all to see over n out gb
August 9, 201113 yr S Well done splat. one of my late budgies a couple of years a go had a budgie hernia so i was told by my avian vet and her female parts literally dislodged and were just sitting inside her body towards the bottom of her body.
August 9, 201113 yr S Well done splat. one of my late budgies a couple of years a go had a budgie hernia so i was told by my avian vet and her female parts literally dislodged and were just sitting inside her body towards the bottom of her body. I have had prolapsed hens too, I suppose the same can happen to cocks. Maybe the hen busted his his nuts. Poor fella, know how he feels. Seriously it's a shame to see good birds go in this way.
August 9, 201113 yr Author Yes life has it's ups and downs at times. Well done with your birds GB. Looking forward to seeing your lacewings, as my 12 year old boy want's to breed them. We got a first with our lace hen in novice and it got a second in the sex linked varieties. i just want to say con grads mate i know its late but it really only sunk in what you wrote i was wondering what your results were and decided to look over my post im so v sorry it took me so long to notice
August 9, 201113 yr Do you know how he " busted his balls "? With your Australian golden face, I know budgies are Aussie but what makes it an Aussie golden face? Also uf that is the case, then my inside hen us one. Her body feathers look just like that... What's the dif between a golden face and yf? I have a bird that looks exactly like your df sky violet dom pied Opaline cinnamon hen. I thought mine she was single factor? But if she looks like yours, then she is a df.
August 9, 201113 yr Gb you are having a bad run like me by the sounds of it. That rotten splat's hens daughter. That egg eating is a pain, are they eating or just destroying. I have 4 full sisters of the white boy and desperate to get young from them. Last year I got one from one hen yellow Df spangle hen but he died this year and he was really good. This year I did get 2 yellow df spangles from her so far. But I then put her with one of my best cocks and clear eggs. Her sister another yellow Df spangle, well last year she laid soft eggs. This year her 1st round were normal but all clear but most of them landed on the floor. This round all landing on floor and breaking and some look a little bit soft, they get plenty of calcium so I don't know why she lays eggs like that, if they don't look soft , they are absolutely huge eggs. the third sister sky blue cinnamon opaline spangle you know the one that had the crook eye well she lays eggs but always clear. the 4th sister another yellow df spangle , Geoff got 2 chicks from her last year, one died but the surviving one is stunning. But i got her back and all I get is clear eggs, she goes into the nest and just doesn't come out to be mated. and then there is the 5th sisters daughter, well the 5th sister a white Df spangle hen died May last year, but her daughter a yellow Df spangle hen she is a cow too. Nothing last year and so far nothing yet but 2 weeks ago a cock nearly killed her so she is still recovering. So I am having big problems with keeping this line going. the white boy I have had clear eggs but the last hen he did have 2 fertile eggs and they both hatched but the 1st one died because of the hen not feeding it and the I fostered the second egg and the chick is a grey spangle and looking good. Oh on a good note their father the yellow Df spangle I have him with his grand daughter and they have 5 fertile eggs which I fostered. fingers crossed. Edited August 9, 201113 yr by splat
August 13, 201113 yr Author okay an update the nests with clear eggs are in red nests due to hatch in blue green i tossed pair out the rest have got eggs but only 3 or four so i have not cradled yet 1 skyblue my self breed hen to a mp1 df dom pied skyviolet 6 all duds going to foster chicks here 2 white df spangle self breed to a colbalt hen cf1 this hen i swapped her eggs as she addles them in last week and i gave her 5 fertile from my sr1 lacewing x my grey green cock and the cock was found distroying eggs next day i dont think she had a had in it and her eggs were found infertile $ i lost a nest for nothing ...we learn 3 cinnamon grey hen rc6 to a opaline grey dom / cin mp1 this hen has three eggs and one foster from the sky cin x lacewing cock ...yes i got a egg finally woo whoo now lets hope its fertile 4 grey possably / lacewing my breed to a opaline light green mp1 6 firtile eggs to date eggs due tomorrow on but not counting chickens just yet new hen 5 yellow face cinnamon violet opaline spangle s1 to a albino cock bird jg2 this hen just layed first egg on 10th aug but dont hold home this cock has not filled last to times so...hes my 08 albino too so i gave then few random pairings eggs 6 double factor yellow face rc6 to opaline yellow lacewing sr1 hen 5 eggs few with vains 7 gng breed opaline yellow lacewing to a lovley cinnamon grey opaline cock bird no ring 1 egg today this hen she has 4 eggs all up one out nest as i clossed box when her cock died so i could replace him in few days then when i opened box she layed another so ...two are def fertile so the cock didn tbust his balls for nothing now to get them hatched and fed i fostered thrid egg but dont have much hope for its fertility 8 my own breed grey green possably split lacewing to a opaline yellow lacewing sr1 hen 3 eggs to date this is clutch that got smashed im letting them relay i did get one egg in a diffrent nest fertile so 10 my own breed grey green possably split lacewing cock to my own breed grey normal hen two eggs to date not cheacked 11 my bred dom pied grey hen to my bred cinnamon sky spangle this is exiting my baby girl has got 5 eggs but im not sure they are fertile so i moved two from my grey spangle hen and my sky blue spangle cock both my breed under her shes sitting great i put her eggs under the grey x sky as they have large fertile clutch if doms provide fertile they are safer with the grey as shes great mother and ill swap half the nest im thinking their infertile though but now i know with the right pushy cock 12 my breed albino hen to a agf cobalt /ino no ringbit of a dud this pairing so far no eggs and no egg eatting just out of conditionhen bad judgment shes comming in now so never know 13 my bred hen albino to a grey / ino /op /cin jg2 5 fertile eggs to date due tomorrow on 14 my own breed op spangle grey and my own breed sky blue spangle /cinnamon boy 4 fertile so far this the nest i split with dom pied 15 a cinnamon spangle hen (splat hens daughter ) to a gng white lacewing cock this hen is the most anoying hen ive ever ever known but with much persistance and a new tryed technique im fairly sure I WON so far ihave one egg and shes stopped eatting the replacements so second round could actually work if not back to moving eggs from her 16 sky blue spangle cock bird mp1 to a my breed opaline light green hen still waiting on egg should come today if not will be looking hen over grey my breed hen and an o6 albino cock bird this cock bird has filled so far three eggs out of four first one could of been fertile however it was in with the eggs that got crushed so..... this hen has possession ofmy lacewing eggs from the dead cin cock also im trying to workout what to do as i really dont want them to addle or die and i only have the one trusting hen with ggs same age but hers are all fertile and i really need them all for my breeding plans so i may just risk this hens abilitys as first time mum so far so good so after all whats ment to be will be i truly believe we are given nothing less than we need or more so ... thats it for now i think i covered it all GB Edited August 13, 201113 yr by GenericBlue
August 15, 201113 yr Author well today one chick from my albino x grey /ino chick hatched , mum has fed it the opline light green and grey possable / lacewing eggs look over cooked butwill see i moved two of them to my sky blue hen leaving three eggs with her one hatched but died before out shell i put wet grass in cage so hen couldroll on itand moisen eggs fingers crossed but im not holding my breath all my dom pied eggs are as suspected infertile and well i have mixed up my eggs a bit and truly have no clue where some are but hey they are their and are firtile so im just happy if they hatch i really struggle to keep written records im so trying to find a system that works for me but with my head i cant i do have everything recorded but omg **** everywheredont sk me to find it lol im going to change this when i feel my birds are actually getting better but for now im just happy to visually remember i got good visual memoryfor who had who so its okay i guess not best thoough if someone wanted a family line anyway things starting to hatch so getting bit exiting now
August 15, 201113 yr Can't wait to see some pics. Also why do you use wet grass, in your post I don't really understand the concept. Never heard of the concept either. Shame about you Dom pieds, they are my all time fave next to lacewings! I'm hopefully gonna get some this year so fingers crossed. Good luck GB Edited August 15, 201113 yr by Taylor
August 16, 201113 yr Author Can't wait to see some pics. Also why do you use wet grass, in your post I don't really understand the concept. Never heard of the concept either. Shame about you Dom pieds, they are my all time fave next to lacewings! I'm hopefully gonna get some this year so fingers crossed. Good luck GB some people spray their eggs to moisen them to help hatch if they seem bit dry some breath on them their breath (i belive this riskes germs from us) me i give wet grass or wet spinich to roll on if they want as hen wont do it if she doesntneed the eggs moisened but will if she does i got a new chick with the opaline green x possable split lacewing black eyes and fed i also brought a folder to hold my paper work its got opening and closing binder so i can get them little books and maybe organize my stock starting with the new chicks hatched Edited August 16, 201113 yr by GenericBlue
August 16, 201113 yr OMG I've so enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you GB for taking the time to share your story
August 17, 201113 yr Author well today i have still only three jelly beans new though ..the sky blue splat hen has started ;laying again ...and has not eatten the new egg i had left three duds in with her which she has been just pushing aside but today she was sitting on them and her new egg so im hopeing if she lays more ill move the duds out as she lays new ones also i think im going to not bother with the birds past 08 any more as all the Older cock birds are just laying duds i may stick them out the other aviary try them mid next year but right now i am happy with the birds im producing with out these better cocks so... since i have not gotten anything from them in first place except the df dom boy got two chicks from two hens but both chicks are average worth keeping blood line wise but not better than mum and dad and one chick from the grey op dom shes nice but i have better and since that's all i have from them i wont know what im missing will i so i just feel last two breeding seasons ive done my best to use these same three older cocks to get something yet nothing and im just slowing myself down im going to start to save up every spare penny and bring in two cock birds to run over my best breed hens but in-till then im very contented just puddling along with what im doing playing with different matings so on i dont get much help anymore from my mentor hes been busy himself still pops in takes a look but maybe every few months now so i dont have that person to turn to and ask what do you think about this or what you think i should do here and i guess im not as motivated as theirs no one to talk to about it all over coffee so its just get up go out feed water clean day in day out my hearts not in it much at moment either as im starting to realize showing birds really isnt that clean cut after all and what i believed to be an honest hobby is turning out to me to be a fraud not going to stop just its never going to become the achieved dream i dreamed id achieve if that makes sense so my drive to strive has just lessened and i feel im just going to plod now before i become totally dis heartened altogether slowly my appreciation for these lovely birds is dissipating and i think i am starting to see more beauty in the smaller original pet type budgies and im just trying to work out if its the birds im seeing as ugly or the people behind breeding them and until i find my answer i wont know if i want to go back to breeding pets or if i will continue the show birds but without much involvement in the clubs and showing after all i joined a club to find people i could enjoy a common interest with however im feeling more alone in doing this that when i actually was not in a club at all
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