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New Look Budgie Community Forums Discussion

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Going to take some getting used to but I have a feeling im going to love all the changes! Looking great so far!

its nice, but its the stock theme making it very common

Loving it already and I'm looking forward to making use of the new features :)

Make sure you all check your gender settings in your profile as it appears some have transferred incorrectly :)

I've got to say, You guys have really out done yourselves!! This is great. I've thought for a while an iPhone compatible website would be great and now I've got it!!! I'll be on 24/7. Plus the status updates!! Sweet!!


Can you tell I'm excited!?!?!


I do notice on the iPhone page the profile pics show up rather than the persons Avatar, don't mind, just an observation.

Edited by JimmyBanks

  • Author

I've got to say, You guys have really out done yourselves!! This is great. I've thought for a while an iPhone compatible website would be great and now I've got it!!! I'll be on 24/7. Plus the status updates!! Sweet!!


Can you tell I'm excited!?!?!


I'm sure the iPhone compatibility will be a hit with many members. It's good to see that so far the changes are liked :) In the last ten minutes we have enabled ability to "like" site content with facebook. You can find this feature at the end of topics just above the "Share this topic" section.



I do notice on the iPhone page the profile pics show up rather than the persons Avatar, don't mind, just an observation.


I will have a look into this James. I also have to sort out our emoticons as some of them are not working correctly.

Make sure you all check your gender settings in your profile as it appears some have transferred incorrectly :)


Oh my lordy! That was a quick sex change........I feel much better now though :D

Great looking site! But, As much as I do love the good old default skin, I will be happy for some newer, unique ones. I am very happy with the phone format, not iPhone, but just of a normal phone it makes it more readable :)


It took me a little bit of finding to get the "New Posts" function.

I much prefer the new look, well done!

It looks good but I am old school don't like changes, but I will get use to it. For some reason it is very slow for me than the old format. It can't be my labtop becaus eit was fast on the old format.

Well done, Admin team. It is all working well. :budgiedance: Will there be a shout box?


P.S. Smilies not working?

Edited by Catherine

looks nice and "fresh" will take a bit of time to get use to it.

  • Author

Great looking site! But, As much as I do love the good old default skin, I will be happy for some newer, unique ones. I am very happy with the phone format, not iPhone, but just of a normal phone it makes it more readable :)


It took me a little bit of finding to get the "New Posts" function.

A new look will be coming in the not too distant future. Unfortunately creating a new site theme does take quite some time. Yes, the New Posts function has had a name change and a feature update and is now known as “View New Content” which can be found in the top right hand corner on every page.


It looks good but I am old school don't like changes, but I will get use to it. For some reason it is very slow for me than the old format. It can't be my labtop becaus eit was fast on the old format.

I can't say I have noticed any change in speed over four computers which I have tested the site with. Are you running the latest version of your web browser? I will keep testing to see if I find any speed differences.

If members could please report observations (like so far) to us then we can investigate if there are any issues with the site and fix the problem. Also ensure that you are running a popular web browser and that it is fully up-to-date.


Well done, Admin team. It is all working well. :budgiedance: Will there be a shout box?


P.S. Smilies not working?

Thankyou ^_^ Regarding a shout box, this feature is under consideration. I have noticed the issue with the smilies today – I will be looking into this :)

I have noticed it is a LITTLE bit slower. Sometimes when I click on things it says loading, but nothing happens. I then re-click and it goes like normal.... not sure if that made sense :P

Does the number beside the Chat tab indicate how many people are in Chat?



Yes, sure does.

  • 2 months later...

Could some one please tell me how to see all replies for a particular topic in expanded way...now I could see only the initial topic post in expanded form and below that I see replies in one line as in the form of a tree structure....in order to view each reply to this topic, I need to click on each of them...which is time consuming. Thanks



im having lots of trouble making my way around the new set up :{ im sure i will adventually get it but its why im not here much i also cant find topics once their gone so even in i make one and someone responds i cant find it so i hate that also i cant read what was posted before me if i want to respond like i useto so now i hate responding incase i mix something up ive gone to another sight although not as friendly or fun as here i can work my way around and it has good info also but would be here daily if i could work it all out and not bother going their for my dayly bird talk fix

  • 6 years later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Some people do pop by from time to time, tho the forum isn't as active as it once was.

I check this forum on an almost weekly basis, but am unable to give advice about birds due to never having owned any.

I'm mainly here as a forum maintainer and support.

The Netsta, does check in here from time to time as well.

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