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Making A Baby Budgie Friend For Houman

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well i took some pictures last night of little tommy



here his she is sleeping all over my bed and leaving me no room as was right in middle of bed










then today i went shopping for him and got a bath for him


so here is its first ever bath theirs just the smallest bit of water just covering stainasteel plate
















i think it tells its own story


just love the well nowwhat mummy im all wet look



so i can formally say that houman

your welcome to colect your baby

its eatting very very well


tails growing in

and very friendly its a total smoocher and loves company

but use to being alone during school hours



one thing its never even tryed to fly

its had no need

its carryed everywhere in my hand and feed in my hand put to bed straight onto perch after sleeping with me in my bed till late

snuggled on blanket


right now sitting between my hand and shoulder

in the bend of my arm

as im leaning on my elbow and holding key board

just contented to be snuggled closely



well my jobs done rest is up to you mate

i really really hope you get as much pleashure out of this little guy as i have spending time with it

its really a little darl :wub: im really going to miss her / him


lucky i have two more to tame

next ones for a previous client that wants a friend for a budgie i tamed a while back

its not far from being able to come inside and spend day and night with me but just a bit little as yet


ill get a picture of houman with his new baby if its okay with him when he comes to get it

and then that will conclude this topic

making a budgie for houman

yeh pics of us is fine. *just love the well nowwhat mummy im all wet look

lol* :blush: i love that too. :D cant wait.

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its very cute baby

is sleeping with me again

i just cant rezist

:D i do put into cage but after we have had snuggles

just tad worryed about its snezzing


i dont want to give anything as so young

so we will need to monitor it closely okay mate if not stopped in few weeks

AWWW....... :D





This has been a great thread GB!! Tommy/Tammy is very cute and very special...


Congratulations Houman...!!!!!

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thanks anne

i myself didnt find it very interesting but i loved sharring the pics

i got a new cam its a fuji s3000 so last pics are lot better

although im still learning how to use it


this baby is special but thats the same with all babys i hand tame

i tame them all in diffrent ways acording to the needs of the people wanting them

im as i said tamming another baby now but he is not out the nest stage

and intill then things are bit slow mostly daily cuddles and stuff



i would like advice though from any of the more experianced breeders who may just pop in to read this


tammy /tommy has had a sneze since week two

its just a one sneze every say half hour or even more sometimes

i cant hear weezing or does he /her have any sighns of staining above the nose

but i know he /she is bit under weather as is slowly bobing tail and lifting wings near rump area as breathing


my question is

what can i give him/her with out risking harming her/him

to mabe get ride of the cold


just i had a 2 x 3 month olds die of pneumonia resently and it looked to of had it for quiet some many months

im thinking he may of had it from young also but i never picked it up as he was raised by fosters at another propity so i never had daily veiwing of chicks just peek few times so i never picked it up

most likely got it at 7 weeks when they were transphered to my home as my aviry is more pen to draft (not now )


i dont want houman getting atatched and then out of blue tommy falls ill fast over night as hes had long term issue

with cold


he knows hes got a cold i have told him and explained he has to keep warm and out of draft and if no change in few weeks we need to seriously adress it

but id like to adress it straight away

poo is perftct

hes livley and all but i know his got a little cold


i looked everywhere for rasberry consentrate

they dont seem to sell it in gippsland

and i dont really want to give him a sulfa med inless i cant find something else that may work


so anybody

what do i give a baby with a cold anything or just warmth???? thanks gb please someone answer

i didnt realise it was that serious :o.i will make sure he is warm. :D i just hope he is okay. ohh dont you have a safeway or coles where you could get cottes rasberry cordial?

Edited by Houman

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i didnt realise it was that serious :o.i will make sure he is warm. :D i just hope he is okay. ohh dont you have a safeway or coles where you could get cottes rasberry cordial?


cant use cottees or anything like that mate has to be consentrated rassberry juice and ive looked everywhere belive me

this is small town and not one shop has it :(


it is serrious mate if it continues more than few weeks


oh kaz your a life saver how much do i give dayly to a small breeding cabbnit drinker you know the green tube clear ones :P


i just saw your post

Edited by GenericBlue





* 19 ounces frozen raspberries

* 1 1/4 cups sugar

* 4 cups boiling water

* 2 lemons




1. In saucepan add sugar to frozen raspberries and cook for 20-25 minutes, until sugar has dissolved. Then mash the mixture thoroughly.

2. Pour the mixture through a strainer and discard pulp.

3. Add the strained juice of two lemons, stir.

4. Add the 4 cups of boiling water. Let cool, then refrigerate.

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thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much kaz im ontoit tomorrow :D


oh how much in his waterits a breeding cabbnit drinker one the green ones tube type

Edited by GenericBlue

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which post ? :D


the one above lol

recipe for rassberry coildial

we posted at same time so i didnt see untill i posted my responce to you :o

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That is soooo cute! :hap:





not every night in your bed

:rofl: little hog


its been every night for passed i cant hardley move

its suffercating lol

worse than a two year old hugging your leg

wants constant love


just what was wanted though

so my job is done :D


the cat dog budgie

Edited by GenericBlue

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well last night i let houman veiw his new baby via vidio cam on msn

he got to see her / him and how he was going and finally baby tryed to fly


straight up like a helicopter as most do and strainght down luckliy im good judgment and he landed on my hand most ocashions

he saw whay a bed hog she is and has an understanding of how much atention it craves

he comes saturday to collect tommy

and im going to miss the little guy

i will be snapping away taking pics and will place them on her with her new owner



finally i will have my bed back :)

Hope you havent spoilt him too much GB..........Houman may be his own "bed hog" :)

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Hope you havent spoilt him too much GB..........Houman may be his own "bed hog" :)


homeing budgie you recon kaz

i spoil all the babys i tame its what makes them so spesh

i treat like a dog rather than a bird

sit stay come

works :lol: and they lounge rather than pertch he may need a hamic and a valua rug lol

you know what another good judgement call was gb holding him/her over your dinner :). now where am i gunna get a hamic from:D

Hope you havent spoilt him too much GB..........Houman may be his own "bed hog" :)


homeing budgie you recon kaz

i spoil all the babys i tame its what makes them so spesh

i treat like a dog rather than a bird

sit stay come

works :P and they lounge rather than pertch he may need a hamic and a valua rug lol


love this thread :o

GB, treating baby budgies like a dog works for me, I do that to my little one too.

"George come here, here here here here"

"Go fly, go go go go" and he'll fly a few rounds then come back to me.


It's fun! Thanks for sharing, Houman your baby is sooo adorable! Please take more pics, especially on your bed :lol:

Take scissors and when GB isnt looking cut a square of her blanket for your baby budgies security "BLANKIE" :laughter:


He might need it since he's been so spoilt :P

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you know what another good judgement call was gb holding him/her over your dinner ;). now where am i gunna get a hamic from:D

:P:huh: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: NOT FUNNY :hap:

was a nice lemmon grass and bazil stir fry to i was soooooooooooooooo injoying :yuck: stupid bird

the things ive indured



kicked out of my own bed

told off when i place him to his own bed

treats to bite if i dont pay atention yes he mumbles and chatters to get my atention then when i go to give cheek rub he errr errs at me then after a pretend threat to bite me turns his head for his rub lol little poo head


i will get more pics i took some last night off him on my bed flycow so will post

its been so cold last few days i just been lazy B)

this will make me modivate i have to sometime soon



kaz i was thinking that i already thought of that and am going to try find a peace of blanket with same valour flees for him from op shop

i tryed getting a customed to a nice fluffy warm sock but wont have it lol


houman bring scissors near my bed and i keep the bird :ph34r: lol ps we will make a hammic on saturday

Edited by GenericBlue

okay, yay almost time for collection :laughter:. ohh and dont forget saturday lunch im bringing persian .

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okay, yay almost time for collection :ph34r:. ohh and dont forget saturday lunch im bringing persian .

im cooking lazzanya ( have you noticed i spell it wrong every time and each time its diffrent :laughter: ) for you to take home

yum yum persian i cant wait

:yuck: see in the end it worked out as a exchange lol bird for yummy yummy food B)


okay more pics taken today and last night


first the bed hog pics :P









tommy on his /her rope swing i got him







hes possessive of his cage here he told me to p i s s o f f



my rope swing mine grrr









i mean it im not trying to look cute ill bite you



one more step



im not letting go mine mine



i warnned you ..take that





GRRRRRRRRRRRR see not being cute told ya id bite









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