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Making A Baby Budgie Friend For Houman

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awesome pics!!!

Houman/GB you guys can enter this for budgie of the month! :P
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You're sure Tommy is a boy GB ? Cos in most of the photos the cere looks whitish. How does it look from where you are ?

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You're sure Tommy is a boy GB ? Cos in most of the photos the cere looks whitish. How does it look from where you are ?


had questioned this myself but im pretty sure hes a boy

im not normally wrong but theirs always a small chance hes a gal

but acts cockish and well i have rarely been wrong



its very purpulish around nostrals you cant see very well

i will get a good cere shot tomorrow and see what others think

shall we


here are few younger shots again see what you think remember this is age they tend to waver

if you get sex at young age your normally correct rather than waiting till now on in when its always hard to tell



but i sure hes a cock


if not i have other nest with cocks so same age some younger

im taming two other birds as well as houmans so hope i got their sex right

i will take pics of the three tomorrow

and we will do a vote


tommy boy :)


or tommy gal :hap:

im confident hes a he though but could be wrong i guess

:) :hap: , hopefully his a boy because i dont know what to name him*EMPHASIS ON THE HIM* if he were a girl,but its okay eitherway, :)
:fear :D , hopefully his a boy because i dont know what to name him*EMPHASIS ON THE HIM* if he were a girl,but its okay eitherway, :D



If he turns out to be a she, you can still call her Tommy, just perhaps change the spelling to Tommi? My niece has a female kitten called Tommi and if anyone asks why a boy's name, they just say it's short for Tomisena.


You're certainly going to get a wonderful gift Houman!! I'm sure he/she will bring you heaps of joy and amusement for many years to come!!

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so a quick update

tommy is doing great

and defenently the pick of the bunch

he / she


well im lost now but either way will be a beautiful mate

is in my poket sleeping has been almost all morn

is crackng and eatting seed but still only just 4 weeks so hasnt got all feathers

no cant fly as yet houman

hope my com doesnt take long

i have some great pics for you mate

for on here and for yourself

intence training from here on in

tommy spends most time with me



I'm sooo excited !!!! :rofl: And it's not even my bird!!! :D

I'm sooo excited !!!! :rofl: And it's not even my bird!!! :D

Then how do you think i feel. ohh and Gb did you say tommy is in your pocket??



i hope you dont mine him being a visual violet

i thought sky violet but seems to be visual

dom pied but its full wing so it wont have the white flights or the band sorry

but has the spot


Spot that small makes him split recessive not dominant pied.

... why does everything keep changing lol. first he was a boy now he might be a girl. then he was a sky violet then visual violet then back to sky violet. and now dominant pied now split recessive pied.

... why does everything keep changing lol. first he was a boy now he might be a girl. then he was a sky violet then visual violet then back to sky violet. and now dominant pied now split recessive pied.



That's just how it is Houman until he/she is fully featherd!!...(is feathered a word!!!!!!!)


Just think of it as the end result will be a SURPRISE !!!



i hope you dont mine him being a visual violet

i thought sky violet but seems to be visual

dom pied but its full wing so it wont have the white flights or the band sorry

but has the spot


Spot that small makes him split recessive not dominant pied.



Can we have some clarification on dad too please. he doesnt even look dominant pied,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :rofl:

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dad is dom pied i can garen te

my com gone i have no pics on my sons and i cant download anything to his com

but dad is sky violet dom

i was looking at chick and thinking spot seems to of reduced as hes feathered up

but cant be rec pied

unless its come from way way down line which we do know isnt imposable


i will get pics of dad soon as i can get my com back and fixed it caught fire so its pretty stuffed


yes in my pocket mate

he / she loves it their

spent two hours today with me


but his spot started as big

its reduced as hes grown

he is dom pied


spitting image to dad

exept dad has one clear flight covered by other normal flights so cant see t

and hes just got normal wings


so i stick to my first enitial varierty

sky violet dom pied full wings

and yes pieds can have full wings

although i have been told many times im wrong

i know im not as i have breed quiet a few full winged pieds i remember trying to talk about it once before but was shut down by other more knolagable members so

wont go their again but their in one the five pied categorizes



lets just enjoy his growing

infact he may be a she also so lets just see what ends up

all i know is its going to be tamed

thats all that was wanted thats whats going to happen :rofl:

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Could dad be a heavily marked clearFLIGHT pied?


possable but the only true way to distinguish between a dom and clear flighted is that on the clear flight the cheek patches are always white or violet and white and continental dutch clear flight have may or may not have iris ring in both or some times in one eye

legs are usually flesh pink or grey and flesh pink

and to be honest

so many people breed them thinking their doms or df doms

the clearflight normally has a band around closser to under their mask

as the dom mainily has a middle band

as my boy shows no band or clear flights bar one

and has iris rings in both eyes and violet cheek patches and as hes violet grey legs n feet im sticking to dom


we could debate it for ever but its not a worry

their not show breeding birds just my pet stock well dad anyway

so im not bothered for now

i will test breed him later for my own benifit and then when i figgure what he infact is i will let you know

if anyone wants to know


other wize

its not importaint

unless i was sellng his chicks to a breeder but im not

Edited by GenericBlue

okay thanks gb. cant wait to see pics of him/her. hmm its its a girl i can call it tammy,tammi*ill pick spelling latter*

Edited by Houman

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okay thanks gb. cant wait to see pics of him/her. hmm its its a girl i can call it tammy,tammi*ill pick spelling latter*

im thinking kaz may be right on the gal bit :( but she will be tame

if you want a boy tell me now i got chicks everywhere

all around same age and all been handled

not blue green

:( im tamming two others also for people so

just leat me know and im tamming a just in case one lol incase i fail drematically with her

being a hen but i think she will be fine

just under presher now


my luck i will have an epic fail :)

as i want so much for you to get a bird like others have had from me


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okay so tommy is looking like a tommy again


he /she is very very sexually confussed

byt is very cute

im really anoyed i cant post pics as

shim is growing fast and looking good

training is still in early stages as shim cant fly as yet


so dont know how things are going their yet but shim injoys company thats a good start

shim lol. so how much longer do i have to wait. i wont mind if its a girl so how many chicks you got total anyways?

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well first chick left nest today

a grey norm

its also 4 weeks but eatting byself and flying around

so not long mate not long

im just makeing sure shims eatting not pretending to eat also that shims eatting enough

i have bubby in my pocket again

we slept together last night and is sleeping with me not

has bit of a cold had since tiny so im hopeing that will go also

healthy just snezing her and their


bubbys all up

um nest one

albino x opaline yf violet grey green

3 chicks

type one yf cobalt /albino cock

grey green /albino

yf mauve opaline hen


nest two opaline cin hen x dom pied sky violet and grey dom pied (its complicated )

sky violet (tommy)?

grey norm cock

grey dom ?

violet cock

grey green ?


nest three

cinnamon opaline light green x grey normal

light green ?

dark green ?

yf sky blue ?


nest four

grey spangle x opaline grey green / lacewing

opaline spangle light grey hen

opaline spangle light grey hen

grey green spangle cock

grey green opaline hen

and a foster chick from cin grey hen/dilute and grey cock

not feathered as yet


nest five , grey opaline hen x ayf sf violet rec pied /cin/opaline

light green ?/rec pied

yf cobalt /rec pied


nest 6 opaline grey cock and grey spangle hen

one opaline hen grey


more hatched but for difrent reasons died eg one had both legs broken at three days old from mum sitting to hard and not being carfull comeing in andout of nest

chick had to be distroyed as was in pain things like that

7 chicks all up died for diffrent reasons

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tammy i think


:lol: but still very cute

she im sure now its a she


kaz you were spot on

wish you wernt though lol

as wanted him to be a boy


is again in my pokect

she spends most her nights their before i sleep


shes eatting alone now

and very well

shes only 4 weeks to the dot today

so im still keeping eye on her

but seems to be filling herself up very well

im hand feeding her every half hour to make sure she eats enough seed druing day

and she sleeps all night and awakes and feeds herself


shes not flying yet but has no need to everythings giftd on a silver platter lol


she can come home to you houman very shortly

as i think she needs to bond with you not me being a hen she will become atatched

so in a few days i will asess her eatting and go from :D their

okay cool. at least now i know its a girl :fingerscrossed: *cant wait*

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okay cool. at least now i know its a girl :fingerscrossed: *cant wait*


well im saying gal to be safe

as im really not sure

seems like a hen though

but then i did think it was a boy


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