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My Budgie Cant Fly

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Hey everyone

My budgie was hand raised and have had him for just over a month, he is only about 3 months old but he cant fly yet. i noticed he hasn't got his feathers at the tip of his wings (long pointy ones that go down towards his tail when hes not flying) and was wondering if this is normal. What age do they fly? (i looked everywhere on the net but not 1 place gives details about what age they do)

Did someone clip his wings before selling him to you?

Along with having his wings clipped, they may have been done to early... before he was given time to learn to fly... It's not a good decission to do it too soon.

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i have sent an email to the person that i brought him off and they did clip his wings but she sold alot of birds so i assume she knew what she was doing

You can mark that down as someone,who has'nt a clue.

In addition to wing clipping, many a french moult bird has been sold with a wing clip to disguise the issue. Time will tell if it has french moult. Can you post a picture ?

Budgies are usually capable of flying at fledgeling chick stage - about 4-6 weeks unless their flights do not develop properly.

Budgies are not supposed to be sold until they are at least 6 weeks of age and fully fledged and weaned from their parents, otherwise they may not be able to eat and drink independently.

Clipped wings will grow back. Normally advise do not clip them until the bird is at the very least 6 weeks of age.

French moulters usually grow back their flight feathers if the moult is only mild, but they need a bit of extra protein to do so, and this takes several months.

I am noticing that some of my show budgies take a bit longer (8 weeks) to develop than small pet budgies.

I believe this may be due to their increased size and hence increased nutritional requirements for developing feathers.

They take a bit longer to fly as well, presumably because the feathers take longer to develop, they are bigger and weigh more.

Edited by DrNat

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hey everyone i got some photos of billy so i hope these will help. i don't no what french molt is exactly so i don't no what to look for. His tail doesn't seem to be really healthy looking so i tried to get a good photo of it. If it means he cant ever fly dont worry he will still be a loved part of the family.










any help would be much appreciated

The young birds I've always bought had tails like that, from sitting on the floor of the cage..and it looks like his/her wings have been clipped and that's all...but I don't know about french moult though so wait for someone else to reply. Also, I think Billy is a girl. :yes:

Edited by Jen144

Yes I woud say that is a bad clip. It will grow back at his next moult, which should be happening around now, if he has already gone through it the next one should be in another 3 months.

His tail could just be broken. When I first got Arkady he had 2 full tail feathers and he broke both of them off in 2 weeks. He was an active little fella.


Looks like a girl to me actually.

Edited by Sailorwolf

Why the long flight feather ? Anyway Billie is a GIRL budgie without a doubt at all so good thing Billie is a boy and girl name depending on how you spell it.


Mysixbabies....time for you to recheck this topic......... http://forums.budgiebreeders.asn.au/index....showtopic=19173


Re Billie's tail...it can be from climbing a cage or it can indicate french moult. As stated before a wing clip can disguise french moult too. But the fact that I see a full length flight feather seems to indicate there is no french moult. By the way that full length feather indicates also a bad clip job :PSuch a pity that petshops and some breeders clip a bird too young. I never clip wings at all but understand the need to for training. However clipping before a budgie learns to fly and develops good strong wing and shoulder muscles is a pain in the a$$ to be honest and affects their learning to fly later on.Billie is a gorgeous little girl....I wish you the best of luck with her :D


Lovely little boy youv'e got there!



Back to the topic where we show budgies ceres :yes: http://forums.budgiebreeders.asn.au/index....showtopic=19173

Edited by KAZ

I rarely clip a birds wings, but if needed for training, normally will leave the outer two flights intact and clip all the other primary flights so as not to diminish the appearance of the bird. Sometimes they can still fly even with clipped or partially clipped wings.


Your bird might just like you too much to bother flying away. Or she might believe that flying will cause her to hit the ground and choose not to fly based on a past negative experience due to early wing clip. Or she might just simply not know how to.


The clipping may be a bit untidy, but it doesn't cause physical pain to the bird.

The disadvantages are that preventing them from flying and consequent reduced muscular development and reduced exercise may have longer term physical and psychological health effects for the bird.

Edited by DrNat

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thanks for the help guys. i guess ill have to stop trying to teach him to say 'hes a pretty boy' then or just tell everyone she likes to hit on all the male budgies. Also im happy for him to take a little longer to fly. even if he never could hes still cute although it would help him get away from the cat easier when he jumps off my finger onto the ground. (hes always closely supervised when the cat is in any part of the house and he is out)

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does this mean she wont talk. Ive heard that girl budgies dont talk only males do.

Doesn't always..I've heard males are easier to get to talk, but quite a few people I know have girl budgies who talk as well. Some birds never talk at all, it depends more on the bird's personality that its gender. But males are known to be easier, I don't know if that is true or not.

does this mean she wont talk. Ive heard that girl budgies dont talk only males do.

Many a girl budgie talks....but people are so focussed on males talking that noone much bothers to teach the girls...you keep trying...you will be fine :)

Of course female budgies talk.

She is lovely. Good luck with her training and it looks like she is going though her first moult so she should be able to fly soon if thats what you want :unsure:

Lovely bird. Do female cockatiels talk as I think Charlie is a girl not a boy :unsure: he / she woof whistle whistles pop goes the weasel and makes the noise and the telephone ringing and sometimes sounds like a chook

I didnt know cockatiels could talk. I was told cockatiels can wolf whistle and many other things but were unable to talk. It is great if they can.

Talking about birds learning to talk.....:unsure: We have begun to hear one of our aviary Princess Parrots out in the aviary trying to talk....very strange as he is doing it all on his own.

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Billy has lost his one flight feather when he tried to fly off the table, it fell out and when i picked it up it had blood on the end of it can this indicate something bad or is it just from the fall.

She probably just broke it. They are more prone to breaking their feathers when they only have one as the others are not there to support it.

Edited by Sailorwolf

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