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Introducing Myself Jwancia

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Gday ALL!

Id like to start off with a quick thank-you for the site- i think i am addicted alread =D


My name is Jessica, I am 21 (young but wise :D) and I live in Melbourne.

Im currently finishing my Bachelor of Animal and Veterinary Biosciences (although I am a shocking speller! Sorry!)

I, like many people, have a passion for all animals great and small. Although living with my parents still has restricted me from obtaining as many animals as I would have liked (which is a good thing, I would have had a zoo by now). Thankfully last christmas by dad let me get a budgie. At the time I wanted a sun conure or something as pretty and impressive with character. But a budgie was what I was aloud.... And how wrong I was. Budgies have all the character, smarts and colour of any larger bird. I was hooked. His name was McKenzie and he was hand reared. I recon he was only 5 or 6 weeks, maybe younger when i got him. I think he was forced weaned because he still looked to my fingers as a food source (he did the head bobbing and crying thingo).

He was amazing and smart and i taught him soo well. My partner and I were in love. He was our son. (cheak out www.youtube.com/jwancia for his videos).

Unfortunately a few weeks ago I tragically stepped on Mak and he passed away in my hands. I cant really talk in depth about it cause it make me cry like a baby. This left a hole in the house and our hearts, we decided to promptly get a new baby to channel our love onto. His name is Rook and he is a sky blue opaline. He was not tame when we got him so I am having a super hard time taming him Compared to Mak.... But we will hopefully work through this.

Tomorrow I am getting a breeding pair of bush budgies which I am very excited about and looking forward to sharing with you all. Feel free to suggest names for the cute tiny pair.

I should probably mention that I work in a pet store (GASPS shock horror), but no, I am proud to say that I work in a pet store- more so proud to work at this one. Thankfully we are one of the rare ones that do things right!

4 of our staff breed birds (including eccies and the like) and the owner himself breeds red tailed black cockatoos. We are a family owned pet and produce store; so we may not be sparkling and clean (what do you expect from hay and animals!) like pets paradise, but we are healthy and well run. I do get defencive when people bag out pet stores. But i understand also that its the bad that ruin it for good ones.

Either way thanks for making me welcome in this site and I hope to contribute much to it.

Kind Regards

Jessie, Rook and the late McKenzie

Very nice to meet you.


I am sorry to hear about Mac, so many times I advise people do not let their budgies on the floor. Merlin is trained to stay off the floor he doesn't like to be down there anymore now :D.


Look forward to see pictures of your newest budgie, we have an excellent article in the FAQ about taming budgies you may want to look at.


How exciting to get 2 bush budgies, would love to see a picture of them too make sure that you keep them quarantined from Rook for at least 30 days if you decide to introduce them. You probably already know that being in training but just putting it out there :angry:.

Hello and welcome ;)


We have a lovely little collection of vet students here - their input is always so valuable too :angry:


I am so sorry about Mak :hap:


Congratulations on Rook and your other newbies. I look forward to lots of updates :D

Hi, wecome :D

l'm sorry about Mak :budgiedance: l watched your videos and thought that he was such a smart and sweet little bird :D


Congratulations on getting two bush budgies, l would also like to see pictures of them. once you get the.

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Thanks so much for the warm welcome guys! I just picked up by bushies today! So excited. Ill take some pics real soon.

Thanks for the quarantine note as well, but im not planning on introducing them. Rook is my companion and the bushies are for breeding. Saying that tho I am much more smitten with the bushies. I have a feeling my housemate may end up leaving wit Rook (they both like each other), which would be lovely! :budgiedance:

Ill keep you all posted (IM SOOO EXCITED about these bushies, the are teeny tiny!

Edited by KAZ
turned breading into breeding

Hi and Welcome ....


Sorry to hear about Mak, My mum did the same with bluey when i was 4 or 5 ( can't remember lol )


Glad you took note of the quarantine remember 5+ meters apart for outside inside needs to be in another room


Deal with Rok first then Wash your hand througly to deal with the bushies


i hope you enjoy your stay :budgiedance:


Have you breed before :D

Welcome to the Budgie forums!

Sorry to hear about Mac, he sounded like a sweety.

Rook will come around. You sound like a very animal loving person :budgiedance:


So does that mean you are studying to be a vet? I'm not sure what the Aussie name for the degree is.

I'm doing a Bachelor of Veterinary Science. :D Not long to go and then I will be unleashed onto the world, where cows can kick me, budgies can bite me, horses can double barrel me, cats can scratch me and clients can abuse me!!! Fun times ahead!

Edited by Sailorwolf

He was amazing and smart and i taught him soo well. My partner and I were in love. He was our son. (cheak out www.youtube.com/jwancia for his videos).

Beautiful videos to watch!!! How on earth did you train him so well?? What were you using to reward him with? I love that you've obviously trained him with love (and food).. he looked really to be enjoying doing his tricks. Sorry to hear he is no longer with you but you obviously have great talent in training .. so undoubtedly your new baby will be wowing us in no time!! Congratulations Jessica!! The videos are fabulous!!! :P

Edited by **Liv**
fixed quote

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I have Rookie out in the lounge room in his cage with stand and the bushies are in a breeding box on my table in my room. This will keep them at a nice warm constant temp, and its reletively quiet in there. I do worry about them not getting enough vitamin D. Ive been reading through sooo much stuff on this site that I dont rember half of what I have read. Hehe. But did I read that cod liver oil is a source of Vitamin D?


My course is pretty much an Animal Science degree. SO its everything else to do with animals except being a Vet. I just dont have the brains or patience to be a Vet. But if they had an apprentiship in Veterinary Science I would rock at it.


I cant take the all te credit for Maks good training. He was hand reared so he was very friendly to start off with. And he picked up stuff really really quickly. He was the smart one. I am struggling with to train Rook. Its like he is so focused on his cage and thats all he wants. He couldnt careless about the rest of us. I guess we will see how it goes.


Ive also added some pictures in the Budgie pictres section. Cheak em out ;D


Jessie xoox

I loved your video's, is the clicker to let the bird know that he has completed the task and can receive his food reward?

You have a great talent for training birds! Most dogs I see in the street are not trained that well... :hap:

Love to see more videos

Aaron. :hap:

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I thought about moving his cage when he is out with us, but then is that forcing him to be wit us. Id like him to choose us over the cage... This bird is making me learn ALOT ( i guess its always a good thing)aaron:The clicker is like a bridge between the behaviour and the food reward. Its signals the exact second the bird does something right.http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Bird-Click/ is a site all about clicker training for birds. Its by the lady that wrote the book (which i learnt from) "clicker training for birds"