I'm very new to birds. Inhave never owned one in my life ever until about two weeks ago when i got my first bird. He(im assuming) has been super chill from start with hands being near, around, or in the cage. Nothings ever seemed to really startle him easily either. He even just learnes to perch on my finger!
Recently, about five days ago we decided to get a new bird, a bad idea in my opinion for multiple reasons at the time. The new bird is a little more active than Gunter, my first bird, and i often see Gunter copying everything TNB, the new bird, does. Like playing with toys he never seemed interested in. But the bad thing about TNB is that he somehow made Gunter completely afraid of us just like TNB is. Gunter and TNB fly all around the cage whenever around hands come near them.
It's making me very upset because i've just started bonding really well with Gunter, and TNB is making it really hard to keep doing that. Can someone please tell me why this is happening? :-(
I'd also like to add that we put Gunter in a new cage before getting another bird AND we left them both alone together for about four days without much human contact at all. I know that all sounds so horrible and i did not want to do any of that stuff at all at the time we did it.
(TNB is yellow and Gunter is Blue)