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My Budgie Seems To Be Feeling Unwell, Help!
For almost a week now, my 5 year old budgie is puffing his feathers, he seems sleepier than usual, and his tail is bobbing. He is still eating, drinking, preening, and his droppings seem normal, but his lack of energy is worrying me. I put a heater in his room, gave him some probiotics and vegetables to help him gain strengh, but it doesn’t seem to be doing much. I thought it could be his moutling pass at first, but there aren’t nearly enough feathers in his cage for it to be so. I’m unsure what to do as he still seems alert but still is sleepier and quieter than usual. Should I go to the vet or is this just a phase? (YELLOW BUDGIE IN THE PICTURE)
Budgie Relationship Advice
My poor blue baby has been single since he flew into our life. There are females available yet he doesn't really know how to talk to girls. Instead of singing and grooming them, Blu rushes up and starts peck the female's wings and beak agressively. Is there a way to show him how to get a mate?
Budgie Leg Band Meaning? Code: B13044
My budgie, Jet, has a black colored leg band on his left leg with the code B13044 printed on it. I've been contacting a lot of breeders about this particular budgie and code combo and I haven't had much luck in receiving an answer yet. I would like to see if the BBC community has any insight or info on this mystery. ALL HELP IS WELCOME
Budgie Squashed Toe
Around a month ago Silva got her toe caught in the door. It was bleeding but not dripping and eventually a scab formed. After applying antiseptic for a week the scratch healed completely. However even a month later the toe still looks slightly flatter compared to her other foot although it doesn't look like she is in any pain/discomfort. Is there any way to help get the toe back to normal, will it heal on its own or is it permanent?
- Budgie Spits Out Food
Is My Budgie Ill?
Hi guys my male budgie has recently started to develop some red marks around his cere (top of beak). And has dry feet. He is eating, but isnt as active as he usually is. Is my budgie sick? What can i do? Please help, any help and/or advice will be appreciated.
My Bird Is Fat But My Parents Say Otherwise
I can't take any photos right now, but.. I'm 14, and live with my parents. I refilled a large, half- foot high, less- than- a- foot wide container, and my blue budgie managed to eat it within 2 days, with little help from my yellow budgie. My blue budgie seems fat, because you can't see his keel- and can't run well, but my mother says otherwise. She always spoils our pets. Every pet we get ourselves and want to take care of ourselves, she always spoils them much more. When I told her that he was fat, she ignored that and yelled at me for "not refilling the food". Usually I refill it within 3-4 days (and I was planning on refilling it with a mix of pellets later), but she ignored my claims of protest telling her about what happened. I told her that he was fat, and her response was "don't be ridiculous". She refilled the entire thing with seeds only and let them eat almost all of the seeds. I don't know what to do, because I know that he's fat and my yellow budgie will starve if he and my mother continue this. Any help?
My Budgie Is Attacking The Other One
Hey, I'm a new budgie owner of 2, and I've had them for about 2 weeks. I have a blue one who's name is tofu and a green one who's name is olive(I think they're both male but I'm not sure). I've been trying to train my birds, and tofu is way more social than olive. olive often freaks out when people get too close to the cage. At the moment, tofu will sit on my hand, and olive is okay with just taking millet but not on my hand. My problem started yesterday when i was trying to feed olive and then tofu aggressively pecked at him. This caused olive to back off and not eat the millet. I tried again today and the same thing happened. I am really worried about his sudden aggression. What should I do. PS sorry if this is rambly this is my first time posting on a forum
What To Do In Case Of Food Poisoning?
Today I noticed some yellow-orange stains on the walls where my budgie slept this night, he moves rarely, he always is sleepy and just sometimes when there is a noise he opens his eyes, I took him out of his cage, he wanted to stay on my shoulder, after 2 minutes he wanted to jump on the table (I went to the kitchen), he started eating some crumbs. When he was on my hand, he was very light. I think it may be a food poisoning since he vomited this night according to the stains on the walls. What should I do? Additionally his droppings are white. I fed him with some rice today.
Budgie Acting Strange. Is He Sick?
My 1.5 years old budgie started to act strange. He isn’t chirping anymore, he used to sing all the time. He also looks fluffed and tired. He is sleeping more. I have took him to the vet they said he is fine. But i can tell somethings wrong beacuse he isnt acting like himself. I have been giving him vitamins.
Funny Beak Markings
Hi everyone ?! I bought this beautiful baby boy about 2 weeks ago and I absolutely adore him. In the last couple of days I have noticed these strange brown-blackish markings on his beak. He has been pruning himself like mad everyday (I have sprayed him and my aviary for mites and lice) and when I took this photo today I discovered he's also scratching at his beak. I'm nervous but I'm hoping it's just a bruise as he's always harassing one of my older males (No serious harm but every now and then the but beaks ? ) In google-fashion upon doing a search a bunch of horrifying things come up. I heard that it could be a lack of vegetables which is a possibility as the rest of the birds in my aviary reject most vegetables (except for carrots) so I don't put some out every day. As you can see in some of the pictures I was desperately trying to get him to eat some carrot but he wasn't interested. Any ideas/advice/people with past experience? I ran my fingers gently over his beak and there's no lumps or bumps
What Does This Mean?
Two Budgies Not Responding To Training
We have had two beautiful budgies for around a month - both came at about age 6 weeks from a small breeder. We had read that by getting two budgies we were running the risk that they would bond to each other rather than us and be difficult to train. This seems to be true and they are now going backwards rather than forwards in their training. We were able to get them out of their cage (though they'd mainly just sit on top of it) but now they are scared whenever we open the cage and are nearly impossible to catch. They sit together nearly all the time and the female will nip us even if we are trying to get the male onto our finger. Any tips!? We love them and would really like it if they would get used to flying out of the cage and sitting on our fingers.