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  1. Please help determine and assure me this is a female budgie.
  2. Hi there, Im just hoping someone can really help me figure out this growth on my budgies back. He is a about 7 years old and seems to be normal healthy, I hav ent noticed any changes in his day to day activities or his poop. He was preening one day when i noticed a black growth on his back above his tail feathers ( near the oil gland perhaps? ) The growth has taken a claw like shape and pretty much looks like a gross overgrown claw. The part where the growth is attached to his back seems like it could be filled with pus. The growth is very hard and did soak it in some warm water, but it didnt get any softer. Does anyoneknow what it could possibly be and if it can be removed at home? Or anything that i can do to help it? anyone know how i can put up pics also? i ahve pics of his growth Thanks so much im really worried
  3. Hi guys, I'm really keen to buy a budgie that I can tame and teach it to talk, but don't know which sex is the best for it. I've read that males are much more easy to tame as well as not being as aggressive. I also seen that some people have bad experiences with males and aren't good to tame as they don't speak etc. So are female budgies or male budgies better, and which sex is the best to get overall. Hope you guys can help me out Many thanks
  4. Today I noticed some yellow-orange stains on the walls where my budgie slept this night, he moves rarely, he always is sleepy and just sometimes when there is a noise he opens his eyes, I took him out of his cage, he wanted to stay on my shoulder, after 2 minutes he wanted to jump on the table (I went to the kitchen), he started eating some crumbs. When he was on my hand, he was very light. I think it may be a food poisoning since he vomited this night according to the stains on the walls. What should I do? Additionally his droppings are white. I fed him with some rice today.
  5. TopHat posted a post in a topic in Breeders Discussion
    Hello! I would like to start this by saying we have successfully bred and raised two chciks, one in wild blue and one in lemon yellow/ blue Patchwork. I dont know their official names xD Once they were strong enough to stand I started handling the chicks, with clean hands, for short periods. We opted out of hand raising as we all work, despite covid, and didnt have the time to ensure the chicks were fed often enough. Our hen and cock have done great for their first Clutch and at four weeks old the chicks are strong and chatty and getting ready to explore outside the nest box. The problem I have come across is the younger chick, the yellow one, is incredibly tame. Grooms my nose and chin and sits on my shoulder, loves very gentle pets. The older chick however, hides. All the time. Seeks out somewhere enclosed and dark and I can't seem to tame it. I have kept trying, and have been advised to try feeding the chick soft fruit. However it won't even consider eating from my hand. Should I continue trying the food? Or wait until they are wesned and try millet? I am keeping the younger chick and wish to keep the older one, as long as the sexes are the same, but if not the older one will be going to a family friend with a young boy so we are hoping to tame him for the boy.
  6. H s posted a post in a topic in Trip To The Vet
    My baby budgies just got out of the box last week. I got them out of the cage to check on them and one of them jumped a big jump. So i put it back in the cage. This morning it looked as if the back is arched and he is now the only one out of the box. Did i break it or there is hope? Maybe if i gave them calcium??!. I can't go to the vet right now because of the lockdown. I am going tomorrow but if someone could help me.
  7. So my dad found a female budgie outside when he was at work. She was really friendly but was so dirty. She has 2 broken nails and smells like a flavoured oily parfume that does not come off. She is acting like sparrow, kinda tweetinf like them and flies really harsh, does really fast turns, flies really fast, always sits on our heads and is 100% accurate when trying to land, also her voice sounds like she is sick but ahe ate tons of food and drank tons of water. My guess is that she had been at outside for a while so she had to adapt. We already have a male budgie and he is really interested in her but she might have parasytes or be sick so it worries me. My dad will definetely wont listen to me and tell that there is no veteranians here and will even yell at me sayinf that what am i? An expert now? So i wanted ro ask help from forums and im here, we are tryinf to find her owner and also want to keep her healthy. How am i going to clean her, she starts trembling when i wet her so it scares me and she does not want to bathe when we put a bowl or somethinf like that. Also forgot to mention that it had been snowy outside for like 3 days before we found her.
  8. My budgie flew into my bathroom unexpectedly and landed on the floor. Then he ran to a tiny nook under the corner of a cabinet under the sink and he hasn’t come out for a long time now. The big problem is, he isn’t that tame yet so it’s harder for me to save him...I can’t see him at all. It seems he is moving around freely and is confined to a narrow space between the cabinet and the wall. Someone please help me...It’s been 2 hours and he still hasn’t come out...
  9. We just got 2 new budgies we are thinking the blue one is a female and that the green one might be a male?? I'm a new owner and I'm having a hard time figuring out their genders.The one we think is female (Blue) has a light brown and dark brown cere we think she is about 8 months old to a yearThe one we think is a Male (Green & yellow) has a pink cere with white rings around the nose which is why we are a bit unsure if he is actually a he
  10. Hi! I'm new to this forum and also very new to breeding budgies so I'm going to be asking a lot of questions on here. I thought I'd start with the most severe problem so far. How do I clean out the best box? The first baby is around 3 weeks now and the youngest is around 1or so and the best box has an odd smell around it. I'm not sure if that's normal or not but I'm just guessing it's not. I really want to clean it out but last time I tried the parents freaked out and started flying around everywhere and the babies started screaming. After that for a few minutes the hen seemed a little nervous about going into the best box but I'm not sure. Is there any way to clean it so the parents and the babies don't get scared? If not is it okay if they are scared? Will the parents stop caring for them if I clean it? Any help would be very much appreciated.
  11. I have two, one month budgies and Ive had them for two days now. My next door neighbor gave them too me so I have been hanging out with them for atleast 1-2 weeks. I was wondering if It would be okay for me to let them out in my room?
  12. Hey! Yesterday I got two budgies, Marvin and Oliver - I like to call them Marv and Ollie. I heard it's quite hard to tame two budgies at once but I'm determined to do it. Anyone who's managed to tame two budgie at once, do you any advice/tips? How soon should I try letting them out of the cage+ how to hand train them? Thanks for any help x ☺️
  13. Joshua posted a post in a topic in New to BBC
    Hi how many budgies can I fit in my new cage. I am currently breeding two budgies but I just got in a new double cage, it has 4 doors for food/water, 2 doors for access to the budgies and a divider down the middle for separation (note I also have many spare toys). The dimensions of the whole cage are 85cm x 50 x 50, how many budgies can I put in there? p.s. I also hand tame all my birds before breeding which means I can give them a couple hours outside the cage daily. thanks for any advise you could leave me with.
  14. Hi all, I got my first budgie Sydney in December 2016 (aged around 2 months) from a pet shop and bought a second budgie Rocket (aged around 6 weeks) in march 2017 from a home breeder. I changed their water and food every few days. Ever since I got the 2nd budgie, Sydney has been puffing up and I just gathered he was doing it as a dominance thing? They live in a spare room at my house in a reasonable sized cage. The last week or so they have been shifted around a bit as I had guests and dogs, so they've been out in the kitchen and bathroom as well. My sister walked in the spare room yesterday to find Rocket (new budgie) dead in the bottom of the cage, she buried him while I was at work, when I got home 3 hours later I walked in to find my other budgie Sydney dead as well. Could anyone give me and idea of why they both died within 5-6 hours of each other? Please no hate, I've never owned birds before and I thought I was doing a good job, I'm absolutely devastated ☹️
  15. Hey all, i have a budgie suffering from scaly face mites and she is in a cage with two other budgies who surprisingly have not got it even though they are in contact with her every day. i have previously treated her with vaseline mixed with betadine (some website recommended it) and it disappeared but it has come back again which sucks. I have no idea how she got it and how she has not passed it to the other budgies she's with. what would be the best product to treat this with? and how do i stop it from continually coming back? many thanks <3
  16. Hi guys, this afternoon i noticed my 21 day old budgie's feathers ( just a few) on the bottom of the nest box. In the last few days the hen has been spending quite a bit more time in the nest box. i saw her trying to pull out her baby's feathers earlier this afternoon, the baby was screeching loudly, so i immediately looked it up on the internet. the website recommended removing the hen. I have done this to prevent her from attacking her chick and i am hoping the cock will pick up on looking after the baby as the website said he would. could i please have some advice asap? what do i do? have i done the right thing? how can i make sure the male is feeding his baby?
  17. My budgie does not display any other symptoms of illness but I noticed something on his beak and I need to check if this is what a mite infestation looks like. Please let me know if you have any ideas what is causing this and do I need to take him to the vet?
  18. My budgie, Jet, has a black colored leg band on his left leg with the code B13044 printed on it. I've been contacting a lot of breeders about this particular budgie and code combo and I haven't had much luck in receiving an answer yet. I would like to see if the BBC community has any insight or info on this mystery. ALL HELP IS WELCOME
  19. Snowhen posted a post in a topic in Budgie Behaviour
    Okay so, I have had my budgie since September, and I have slowly worked my way up to using millet to get my hen to hop onto my finger. I have noticed some behavior that I haven't been able to find anywhere else(apologize if there's a thread somewhere here.) Basically, my hen will hop onto my finger for the millet, but sometimes bite me pretty hard, enough to turn the area red or leave an indent. I've tried to ignore it to see what happens, but she will literally keep going until I put her down or she goes back to the millet. I have also tried getting her to step up without the millet, and it's the same result. She goes crazy biting the heck out of my hand. Will step up without issue, either with or without millet, but this biting thing has me baffled and I'm not sure what to do? Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated. TIA
  20. Sarahgreenandblue posted a post in a topic in Budgie Pictures
    hi guys this is my budgie sam, approx 2 years old, ALWAYS SCRUFFY, hes not molting, hes not plucking, he has a healthy diet and a friend. Does anyone know what the issue is?
  21. ange2971 posted a post in a topic in Breeding Tips
    This may seem like a silly question, but it has been doing my head in and I'd appreciate some advise and thoughts please. I have a large aviary that I have 4 budgies in. They have had one lot of bubs without any incidents. I have some more budgies in a few large cages, but they are just enjoying life and not breeding. I do not want to colony breed as I don't wish to invite trouble with hens killing and fighting. I have a bit of trouble getting my head around keeping pairs in flight/breeding cages as I like all my birds like them to have heaps of room but I can't fit 30 aviaries on my property with only 2 birds in each lol. Nor do I want my aviay going to waste because all pairs are breeding in flight cages/breeding boxes. I guess my question is, do breeders who are breeding in the flight/breeding cages for two sittings then return them back to the aviary for a rest. Once breeding season starts do I catch them all and return them to the breeding cages. Does this stress them out with all the shifting about? What do other breeders do? Do you leave them in the flight cages all the time but take off nesting boxes after 2 rounds. Do I sell the aviary and have them permately in the flight cages/ breeding cages. Any help and tips would be greatly apreciated.