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Colour Change Please Help
Please help determine and assure me this is a female budgie.
Is My Budgies Cere Something To Be Concerned About?
Hi guys! My budgie cooper is 8 months old and over the past two weeks we've noticed that his cere has got this dry flaky skin on it. Does this look abnormal? He was on a seed only diet but we are currently transitioning to pellets. His behaviour has been completely normal and he hasn't been scratching his beak, but has been scratching his head on the bars of his cage as he's at the end of a moult. If you guys need any more info please let me know!
Change In Cere
Hi there, there has been a change in my budgies cere and I was wondering if anyone has any idea about what could be happening?
Wondering If My Budgies Cere Is Okay!
Hello! I have had my boy for nearly a year and the past few months his cere hasn't been quite right. At first it was only a small amount, but it has gotten worse. He eats well, mainly seeds, but i feed him plenty of fruits, veg and greens! (Blueberries, carrots, mint, lettuce, parsley, apple etc) He is acting as normal as ever too, very happy and loving. I let him out a few times a week to stretch his wings and i keep his cage clean too, so I'm unsure where this could have come from. I have attached some photos for reference, to me it looks dry? maybe from the odd whether, but i just thought i would reach out for some advice! I may take him to a vet soon to get it checked out..