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  1. So basically I have a female budgie and she laid eggs around 2 and a half months ago and has had babies for around 1 and a half months. I have had her for around six months and for like 4 of those months she has looked grumpy. She is a spangled American budgie so it's not because she is an English budgie(I think they look grumpy). I'm not too worried about it because she has looked like that for a while but I just kind of want to know why she looks like that. Anyone else have a budgie that looks like that? Is it a problem? She doesn't act angry though By The Way. She just looks grumpy. I would include a picture but I'm on vacation and she isn't with me.
  2. Hi! I'm new to this forum and also very new to breeding budgies so I'm going to be asking a lot of questions on here. I thought I'd start with the most severe problem so far. How do I clean out the best box? The first baby is around 3 weeks now and the youngest is around 1or so and the best box has an odd smell around it. I'm not sure if that's normal or not but I'm just guessing it's not. I really want to clean it out but last time I tried the parents freaked out and started flying around everywhere and the babies started screaming. After that for a few minutes the hen seemed a little nervous about going into the best box but I'm not sure. Is there any way to clean it so the parents and the babies don't get scared? If not is it okay if they are scared? Will the parents stop caring for them if I clean it? Any help would be very much appreciated.