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  1. Nes posted a post in a topic in Breeders Discussion
    hi, like all nestlings mine were tame also. I get them out daily of the box, handfeed them or cuddle them gently. As they fledged they went wild. like the parrents. All babies are sold by now. and I would let the parrents have babies again if they want to, just one or two eggs. What can I do so at least one nestling stays tame? do I have to seperate them from the parrents as they fledge in another room? shall I allow him to fly outside the cage, as the parrents do?
  2. Nes replied to Nes's post in a topic in Breeders Discussion
    hi thank you. Mum Dand and the 4 youngsters are in a separate cage. The other budgies are in another cage. Problem is they are in one room. And even if I close the cage from the parents, he yellow not breeding hen comes to their cage. The hen then comes to the grid with her feet. And they bite each others feet one frominside one from outside. Unfortunately I just have one room and a kitchen. Actually only possibility is to sell the not breeding hen I think?
  3. hi, it started with a really bad fight as I bought a nest box. The two hens bite them in their feet and head on the floor. I tried to seperate them and they bite my fingers bloody. I did not know that they can harm themselves so much. Their feet were bleeding too. Then I put the nesting box in a separte big cage. In this cage live now mother hen, dad and 4 youngsters. The oldest one is 3 weeks old. in a another more big cage lives the aggressive hen, a shy hen, a very smart active hen, and a cute hen with standing feather on the head. So u can see I just have one male. the attacking hen stoped the attacks over time. Now I dont know what happened again. They are allowed the whole day. So the aggressive hen attempts to get in the mothers hen cage to the nest box. Mum hen of course is defending. They again bit theirselfves bloody. I dont know why she wants to badly get into this cage! is she curious about the chicks, does she want to kill them? but she does not stop trying it, mum hen does not stop defending. so I took my aggresive hen to a one more separete cage. She is getting nuts in it, running from one corner to the other. She wants to get out, she is not used to be closed. pls what can I do?
  4. thanks. HOw much the crop must be filled at least so it does not starve? i dont want to touch the second baby but I afraid its crop is not the half full. I dont know when to intervene, I dont want any chick dies because of me ever again.
  5. hi, cant find anything about this issue. First I gave my bird parrents dry egg food. Then I wet it. But how wet should it be? just damp or dripping wet? And when do I have to refresh it then? thank you
  6. hi i am so heartbroken i cant tell you. My budgie had an infertile clutch. I did candling after 20 days. So long I thought everything is okay, and did not want to disturb her. So I took the eggs away and she started a new clutch. So far so good. I saw fertile eggs I was very very happy. So my first baby hatched. I recognized his empty crop and waited for 24 hours before intervening. Then I saw a little food in her crop. It seemed very few for me. I had no rearing food, so i cooked oatmeal. I took the baby out and we sat next to the heater. So she doest get cold. First the oatmeal was warm, not hot. First she also refused to drink, it was very messy. Then she opened her lil beak and drank. She drank a lot. I recognized some little bubbles in her crop. And then she DIED. First I thought she was sleeping. But there was no movement at all. I put her under her mother. And looked after one hour. It is still not moving. what did I make wrong? what was wrong, how could this happen. Here is the video where I thought she is sleeping. you can see how messy it was. Was it because of oatmeal. I dont gave her the whole grain, just the fluid. Whas it to cold? because it get cold while i was feeding her. Does a budgie die when its cold. Not refrigetor cold but not warm any more.