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Bird Junky

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  1. Egg

    Bird Junky replied to BUDGIE L0V3R's post in a topic in Food And Nutrition
    Hi,There are three ways to serve eggs.... No1 is raw, not recommended by some keepers because of possible salmonella poison & it's messy, or thought io encourage egg eating during breeding. Though I never had it happen in a deliberate manner in my breeders. Just seems to be the natural way of eating eggs. No2 Soft boiled. mashed with shell & mixed with the types of food you want your birds to eat.& biscuit crumbs to crumbly mash... . No3. Hard boiled, an old Eggfood recipe its a simple basic mix that's stood the test of time. Why don't you try this You can't beat home made. To make less or more, just, 1/2, 1/4 or double up the ingredients. 1. You will need 6 eggs & a small 300 g pack of Digestive biscuits 2. Boil the eggs 15 to 20 min or so. 3. Crush biscuits to crumbs. 4. Chop the eggs into small pieces. 5. Crush shells to powder, add to eggs. 6. Add biscuit to egg a little at a time, mix to a crumbly consistency. Job done, divide & freeze into feed amounts. Not more than 1 teaspoon per bird. After thawing add anything edible to the mix if you feel it necessary......B.J.
  2. Hello. You might find this one a mite easier to follow B J's, EASY,NERVOUS or BITING BIRD TAMING... First a few tips to make life easier for you. Taming, can start before young leave the nest with your own home bred birds. With bought birds you can start as soon as they have settled into their new cage In the evening prior to your chosen taming days, provide your birds with only a basic seed mix diet & use any or all the other food items in very small portions as taming treats. Millet spray alone soon loses its appeal. Birds eat a wide variety of fruit, veg, nuts, hard boiled eggs etc, etc. so don't stick with a limited selection for their dietary needs. I normally train eight birds in a cage at the same time so the shyest birds learn from their more forward cage mates. One, two or eight birds, the taming method is the same, allow the shyest bird set the pace.... Don't let them out of their cage till they are all happy to perch on your hand to eat the treat every time it's offered. Any chasing & catching can ruin any bond already built-up between you. Many birds are fearful & hate being clasped in the hand. Keeping birds caged for a few days will not cause them harm in any way, either mentally or physically. With nervous birds, cover half the cage to make them feel safe & secure & take care not to stand over them like a predator. THE TRAINING SYSTEM Offer your bird a few treat foods, through the cage bars. If he shows any fear or attempt to bite, remove your hand & the treat for a count of 10. Re-offer the treat & do this as often as it takes. Offer him treats little & often, so your visits mean nice things to eat. Only after a day or two of successful through the bars feeding, will he be ready for hand feeding inside the cage. Hold the treat food on your fingers, palm up close to the perch so he can eat. During the next few days, move the treat onto your palm, so he has to step-up onto your fingers to reach & eat the treats. After a day or two of feeding your bird while he's perched on your hand every time it's offered. You can now take him from the cage for a fly round, knowing you can return him with a food treat in his cage & a small treat in your hand for a step-up reward.. Allow your bird to explore their environment, but don't try to push him into interacting with you. One lesson at a time & a step-up, in & out of the cage is enough for any bird to learn before moving on to other tricks & games. If your bird includes you in his exploration then okay, but take care not to make any sudden moves that may upset him.. Professional trainers & performers give a food treat to ensure a friendly, happy compliance. Even if it's only one peck at a millet spray or a Sunflower heart for a large parrot, half a heart for a budgie size bird ....B J
  3. Hi, Can you lift the box down inspect the chicks. Then put it back??? That would be the best bet.. Moving the box may upset the birds so they may desert the nest....B.J.
  4. Bird Junky posted a post in a topic in Budgie News/Facts
    USE LACTOSE FREE YOGURT If it works on mice & men It should work on birds. While browsing through a copy of the,'SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN', magazine. I thought this may be of interest to forum members... Check it out at ScientificAmerican.com It seems that a study by the, Massachusetts Institute of Technology was undertaken about the effect of yogurt on obesity in mice. To cut a long story short, the results from feeding the following where.... Group 1, a nutritious shop bought mouse food. Group 2, junk food, table scraps etc. Group 3, half nutritious & half vanilla yogurt. Group 4, half junk & half vanilla yogurt. The results showed that. Groups 3 & 4 were glossier coated,. fertility was increased. Litters were larger with a higher survival rate. Group 3 naturally scored higher than Group 4. In ongoing work by a team of, Harvard nutritional epidemiologist. Working on the fertility in men found their preliminary findings are consistent with the mouse experiments......B.J.
  5. Bird Junky replied to dillster's post in a topic in Breeding Tips
    Hi The normal temp test is the, Overcoat Test... If you need an overcoat to keep warm as you attend to your birds then it's to cold for breeding....There are other tests for calculating the correct temp, but I don't think they are any more accurate.....B.J.
  6. Bird Junky replied to Budgie_Mad's post in a topic in Breeders Discussion
    Hi Yes candle at a week old at the earliest but don't discard it until egg is 10 days old....B.J.
  7. Bird Junky replied to Gaby's post in a topic in Health Questions and Tips
    Hi More info on your set-up diet etc, before we can even guess. Did you inquire about their diet from the breeder???......B.J.
  8. STILL THINK PELLETS ARE PURE? After the recent ongoing revelations in the Newspapers & TV, since January 2013, about contaminated meat in the human food chain worldwide. Not to mention the none disclosure of all ingredients. The bird feed industry use only vegetable protein in their pet bird pellets. ???...Yea right Full disclosure of pkt, contents is not compulsory on the grounds of patent protection. In a mixed bag of ingredients, any one of which is up to 40% of the total. can be used to name the product. For instance, "Vegetable Protein" can be 40% Veg & 60% Offal &. fillers Hiding a perfectly good source of protein but one not so acceptable to the general public. Why would you take the word of someone you don't know, who's trying to sell you a product in a very competitive market......B.J. All this info is available on the WWW.if you ask the right questions..
  9. Hi The adult cere's of ino's & Rec Pieds are purple. Hens are. white tan/brown....B.J.
  10. Hi Finnie After careful rechecking the image with my mass spectrometer. I have come to the conclusion the blue that caused me to pronounce the bird a type 2. Was in fact the reflection caused by the camera flash on the blue metallic perch....Should have gone to 'SPECSAVERS'...So it's just a common or garden. Half sider, then.....B.J.
  11. Bird Junky replied to Pebble's post in a topic in Breeders Discussion
    Hello It''s a fact of life that birds etc that raise many offspring will loose some for seemingly no reason ...B.J.
  12. Hi The original question, Was is it real. Not what is the scientific explanation of such a phenomenon. I want to breed some. Lol..... All the budgie types have names with some reference to feather pattern or colour. So what's wrong with calling it a, Type 2 yellow face half sider?......B.J.
  13. Hi Finnie I'll stick with my explanation Its shorter & easier to read... It may be chimerism but that don't stop it being called a type 2 yellow face......B.J.
  14. Budgies have been known to harass & kill Quail. On sites dedicated to Foreign Birds breeders/keepers of mixed collections are advised against keeping any parrot type bird with quail....B.J.
  15. Hi Their not that unusual. They pop up quite often. Strictly they're Yellow face type two but the yellow only shows on one side of the face & bleeds down into half the body turning the blue into green . If you examine the breast you will see the feathers are a mix of blue & yellow = Green looking.....B.J.