I have noticed that my female budgie has had some changes in the last couple of weeks and I am unsure why, so I found this forum and thought I would see if anyone else had come across it.
I got a male budgie (Tutu) at xmas for my partner which is fully trained, around 3 months later we thought that we should get another budgie so Tutu wouldnt be lonely for when we were not around. We got a fiesty female (Gypsy), when we got it home it was much bigger than Tutu, so we thought that maybe it was older than what the pet shop told us, we also couldnt train Gypsy.
So a couple of days ago when I was cleaning the bird cage, I noticed that Gypsy cere was a darker brown and was crusty. I havent noticed this before, so I thought it was strange. I went online and came across different reasons. Now I came across something that said budgies during the breeding season the females cere goes dark brown and crusty. Now this was just on a yahoo answers page, so I wanted to check with other experienced budgie owners if this was right?
Then I started to think... I had the thinking hat on, hahaha... now we are 2 weeks into spring... mmm... now that I think about it I have noticed some other things that are strange.
One thing is that Tutu is looking awfully small compared to Gypsy, he was always smaller but lately there is a big difference. I then realised that it was Gypsy that is actually getting bigger, she looks fat, I also noticed that her wings are sitting differently on her back. She even looks like she has something at the bottom of her body.
The birds stay in the house at night, in the morning when I take them outside Tutu normally comes over and says hello, lately he has been trying to bite my fingers.
Other than that there hasnt been much difference. Tutu and Gypsy always sing to each other, I am really proud of Tutu as he likes to copy my whistles, and he talks like a radio station, bites my lip hard when I dont whistle to him, he rules the house. Gypsy just does her normal chatter.
Oh I do remember another thing, Tutu has been dancing when my partner puts music on Tutu starts to dance with his head, and so Gypsy has picked up on this and had started too. Anyway I love my birds.
Now I know nothing about birds breeding. We picked up a breeding box, months ago, but the thought went out of my head. Yesterday I put both birds in a larger cage and put the breeding box in there just in case. Although its at the bottom on the cage and I dont know if this is okay? I have put some shreaded paper and this other bird bedding stuff in their too. The birds havent gone in the box that I know off?
Another question, Im not sure if I should move them all the time now, if she wants to lay some eggs, should I just leave them in the house... its just that they like being outside, and feisty Gypsy in the past would normally screch in the morning until she goes outside.
I have a vet booked for tomorrow, because I am a little worried and I tried to get some info from them, but all they wanted for me to bring the birds in. It costs about $58 for the consultation, I dont have much money, so would rather get some advice, but if I dont of course I will take my birds to the vet.
Now the birds are normal other than this, right now I can hear them being noisy loud birds, I think my whole street can hear them. This is nothing unsual.
So does everyone think Gypsy is in breeding season? And if anyone could give me advice of what to do that would be great. Like is it alright to keep the breeding box on the floor of the bird cage, can I move them inside and outside every day. Anything special I need to know?
Thankyou anyone that would like to reply to me and my birds :-).