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  1. Hey guys, long time no speak ! I've had a shocker of a breeding season and come across a new problem, one which I haven't seen or heard of before. Maybe someone can help. I've had some 10 eggs from one hen over 2 rounds, and now a further 5 eggs from a second hen where the eggs are half empty. The Eggs have what looks like a hardened yoke in the bottom, and the rest is empty. Not rotten or smelly etc, and no sign of being fertile either. Just a hard yellow rock in the bottom, taking up about 20-30% of the egg. Now the eggs are NOT broken or punctured which would make more sense, and the eggs just wobble around in the concave, heavy end down. The Hens are related (daughter for 10 eggs and mother for 5), but the Cock bird is the same in both cases. The Mother had bred successfully before (obviously), but the daughter and Cock haven't raised any chicks (only 2 fertile eggs = DIS over 4 rounds) after trying this pair this year and last. Does anyone have any experience with this, or heard of this before ? The birds appear healthy, and the same conditions have been used previously with successful breeding. Help ?
  2. Thanks guys. Just checked the pied (who's still feathering up) and low and behold it looks like its/she's opaline as well !??!? Should have held off a couple of days before asking..... Well I knew down colour had something to do with it.......Stupid brain.
  3. Hey guys, I've been reading about grey down on a chick, usually means the chick will be opaline. Saw this myself with the first round from my: Light Green Dom Pied / Opaline Cock and Light Green Cin Hen. Didn't realise the cock was split til I got a Light Green Opaline Hen !!!. Hen had the grey down, and turned out as expected. However second Round from the pair has produced a grey downed chick, and a white downed chick. The White down turned out to be a nice pied. The grey down has turned out to be a Green Normal ? How does this happen, or is Grey down not just linked with Opaline ? Does it mean he's a Cock and is Split Opaline ? Any advice welcome.
  4. Thanks guys. Tried the Grey Cock with another hen, and although a maiden hen, isn't interested either. I gave them 10 days and nothing looked to be happening. So: - I've put the Light Green Cin Hen in with her preferred Cock, and I reckon I'll have an egg within 4 days !!! They bred last year, so didn't want any more from this pair... - I've put the Grey cock back in the flight, but sadly he has resumed his bond to my only pet type hen. Gutted. These two bred well last year, but no quality of note.... Further question: - Has anyone had any luck switching the cock bird just prior to the hen laying a second round ? I think you can see where I'm going with this.... Any chance the chicks will be of questionable parentage doing this ?
  5. Hey guys, I've had a bit of problem with my limited budgie resources. (FYI: I have 8 budgies, and all of 2 breeding cages.) After lots of Santa Management (making lists and checking twice), I paired my best 2 birds together (Grey Cock, Light Green Cin Hen) according to my plan, as well as a solid second pair. Very excited !!! Twice as hopeful. After what looked like a Mexican Cock fight, the two best ones I own settled down. The other pair got straight into it. No problems. However day 4, the Grey cock had a nasty wound on his head, and rather than risk it, and I split them up. They clearly weren't getting on. At this point its worth noting, all 8 budgies I own have kinda pair bonded, 4 hens, 4 cocks. Not surprisingly, the Grey Cock and LG Cin Hen were not a "natural" pair. Two questions: - How long do you give a pair before you cut and run, as they will either kill each other or just not get into it ? - What can you do "ease" the process so I can get the 2 birds I want to breed with, without dramas ? Both went from the aviary into the box together. Both have breed successfully last year with different birds. Help ? I'm a little desperate as I reckon its the last season for both the Grey (06) and the Hen (08) to breed. Thanks in advance.
  6. Nice looking birds. RIP. With regards to the DEC, does that mean there will be some pure Dutch Pieds appearing soon ? Thought they were rare as rockinghorse doo doo.
  7. Squeak, Got stacks of questions for you. 1. What happens when you mix the two types (other than confusion in identifying the chicks' variety) ? Any benefit ? Is it recommended ? (I assume its kinda like mixing a Dutch Pied and a Aust Pied. Result is Pied, but not sure which). 2. The Easley is dominant, rather than sex linked ? Is the initial hen a DF ? 3. Is the Easley dominant to Ino as with the TCB, even though its not sex linked ? (Read that the Ino and Clearbody gene are closely linked, but that was more around the TCB version.) 4. I assume the Easley and TCB are grouped together in a Class for showing ? 5. Are Easleys that popular ? Thought TCB's were the vast majority of the clearbody population. Look forward to hearing more.....
  8. Hey Squeak, Massive fan of the 2 clearbodys you have. Don't have a Clearbody myself and wanting to add one to the collection after these great pics. Just an aside, I didn't think we had Easley Clearbodies in Oz, just the Texas (TCB) version? Thought the Easleys were stuck in England. The two strains don't mix do they ? Nice looking birds regardless. Good luck. Stew
  9. Hey guys, me again. I'm in the process of upgrading my aviary. Does anyone know of any issues with the frame being Aluminium ? There will be plenty of untreated wood for perches etc, but wondered if anyone had issue with Aluminium frame construction ? I remember reading about washing the wire down (with vinegar ?) to avoid poisoning the birds, but thought I'd ask about Al tube. Any help appreciated. Stew
  10. Thanks for the prompt feedback. Thought it was a "breeder choice" issue, rather than a genetic one, but its nice to have some confirmation. (I'll assume that the genetic calculator is wrong in this case. Very handy otherwise.)
  11. Hey guys, Not having ANY experience with TCB's (but interested in getting one sometime in the near future ), I was wondering whether there are any non-separating links with the Opaline gene. I've done some homework on the topic and common sense would suggest NO, but I thought I would ask anyway. I realise TCB's are sex-linked and dominant over Ino's. The reason is that all the TCB's I've seen in person are also Opaline, and using my genetic bible ( www.gencalc.com) also suggests breeding an Opaline-TCB with a normal will result in all Opaline-TCB's, or combo splits. Not Opalines, TCB's and combo's. I can't see why you couldn't breed both Opalines, and TCB's from an Opaline-TCB, but thought I'd ask the experts. Any other tricks/tips with breeding them would also be appreciated. Thanks, Stew.
  12. Hey guys. Super information. Did not know this about the protein. May give this a go.... Moving away from the blood picks and and back to the PG13 Whey powder, does anyone have some dose rates or amounts they use for their birds and how they administer it ? I don't do soft food, but mixing with veggies ? Thanks, Stew
  13. Thanks KAZ. Looks like your Albino should have used a higher SPF sunscreen ! I appreciate the other feedback also. Thanks. Clearly finger painting skills are not transferable to budgie genetics. Who'd have thought ! Cheers
  14. Finally got around to helping my cause with some photos. Here's him in the front, with his mum in the background. Note the differences in pied markings, but both have dark main tail feathers. The beak colour is the other thing. I'm not stressed about it, but just thought it a little strange. The other pied (not pictured) has a fully set of spots and minimal markings, but still has the orange beak. Thats why I thought it may be an age thing, rather than a marking thing..... Another angle of the tail feathers. As for his colour, I've got him down as a violet sky rather than a cobalt. Happy to be corrected here as well.
  15. After reading a very...well "spirited" discussion about Pink Budgies I thought I'd ask the question of why its not possible to have a red or pink budgie. Couldn't get a clear technical-type answer in all the back and forth..... SO, using my superior knowledge of finger painting with primary colours, and solid logic, can someone far wiser than myself explain why its not possible to have a red bird ? 1. All mutations we presently have started from a light green wild budgie. 2. One of the first mutations was a yellow ? Given Green is made from yellow and blue, one could assume that the blue colour somehow turned off, producing Yellow. Likewise yellow turning off to produce blue. 3. We have Purple (violet) coloured birds at present, and have had for some time. Given that Purple is made from Red and Blue, could one assume that the blue may again turn off, leaving a red budgie ? Obviously this would need to be a new mutation, rather than selective breeding of existing types. This is clearly over simplifying the process, and you could use this same logic to argue for a white faced green or an entirely black budgie with red eyes (visually a little scary). I do recall being told something about violet being a modifier rather than a true colour, hence it was not possible. But given the varied combinations we presently have, I would have thought almost anything was (eventually) possible. Thoughts ?
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