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About RIPbudgies

  • Birthday 27/10/1957

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    Utes, Trucks, Horses, Mountain Bikes, Whip Cracking, Budgies
  • Location
    Perth. WA
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  • My Club
    Rare Budgerigar Club WA
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  1. Well I am on facebook like a lot of others and also my priorities have changed some what. I am again selling all my birds as I will be selling everything including the house. The boyfriend (Finally found my soulmate) and I are going to be Grey Nomads. I pop in from time to time but usually only look and aswer mutation/genetic questions as this is my area of expertise. It is a shame the forum have dies a bit but that is the way of things. Don't be afraid of Facebook peoples. Just be careful who you make friends. There are privacy controls and you can block people. I know many people who bad mouth facebook and it usually turns out they do cause they are uninformed about it and don't know how to use it. I have found Facebook a very valuable tool for so many reasons.
  2. The colour of the feet is due to presence of melanin. Some varieties are produced by a change in melanin production ie Cinnamon, Ino, Lacewing. Some although change melanin in the body do not in the feet unless combined with one of those previously mentioned ie Cinnamon Dilute. Pieds lose the melanin in the feet due to total absence of melanin due to the action of the "pied gene" which is a difference action to the one that produces Cinnamon etc. Young birds can sometimes show pinkish feet as they have not yet moulted and gained the full compliment of melanin in the skin cells.
  3. Not a TCB. It is a Greywing still going through the moult by the looks.
  4. The Flight Suits I sold were made of lyra type fabic and very light weight. A detachable lanyard (lead) were made of nylon cord for smaller birds and a large nylon leash type for larger birds. They are well made and I used them on my Cockatiels and Galah when I had them. They were also the orignal ones. Any made now would be copies and may not function as intended, especially for the safety of the birds and copies are often just a way for people to make money and they don't think and comfort and safety.
  5. I use to sell bird harnesses. As far as ones for budgies they are very not really that good because the bird is small and the amount of clips make it too cumbersome and awkward. A flight suit is a better option and if interested I think I may still have one around to suit budgies.
  6. He is Yellowface Mutant 1 single factor and he looks like a Sky Violet
  7. Do you know if they have a trial version you can download to see if you like it? No there is no trial version of the program.
  8. I use and sell Birdrec (Ken Yorke's) program. I personally reckon Birdrec is the better program and is continually improved and updated.
  9. As long as you can rule out fostering then the only likely answer is 'atavism', also known as 'reversion' or 'throwback'. It is the tendency for an organism to revert back to ancestral type.
  10. Grey down is for normals and some other varieties. White down is usually associated with Opaline. Dominant Pieds will have grey down but Danish and Dutch will have white down. Dilute alleles are an off white.
  11. It is a spangle and this is quite typical in Spangles.
  12. Yellowface Mutant 1 single factor, the baby picture shows that.
  13. You'll probably find they are Dilute Clearbodies.
  14. Definitely a pain RIP. YUP! I'm ALWAYS going to honour my high school science teacher and his calling them Mendel Squares so no matter HOW many times you make this point it won't make an inch of difference okay! Well sorry, but ya teacher got this one wrong. Just like trying to explain to some notable budgie breeders that YF is recessive to green and not masked by it, right Good luck. Some people just can't assimilate and prefer to listen to the usual run of the mill BS!
  15. Not be a pain or anything but the squares are actually called Punnett Squares which were designed by Reginald C Punnett.
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