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  1. I loved your video's, is the clicker to let the bird know that he has completed the task and can receive his food reward? You have a great talent for training birds! Most dogs I see in the street are not trained that well... :hap: Love to see more videos Aaron. :hap:
  2. Aaron

    My Boys!

    My 1 year old loves talking to Bill! Always smiles and waves at Bill when he sings... Aaron.
  3. Thanks I will try the Finch seed and hulled oats... (what are hulled oats?) How is his girlfriend going? Aaron.
  4. Hi all, just noticing that my young cock Bill has been mainly only eating the millet out of the Budgie mix I have bought him which was not from a supermarket but fresh seed from a pet store... when I blow the husks out its the oats etc that seem to be left...also if I put a spray of millet in his cage then this only is eaten and he wont eat his mix at all that day.... Is this a seasonal thing where he needs more of something so he eats the seed that provides that... or a growth thing as he must be getting close to a moult?? He is still eating eucalyptus and wattyl when its put in his cage.... Aaron and Bill.
  5. I thought you could go down the American second tier mortgage lenders direction and call them "Fannie May" and "Freddie Mac"...... make light of a bad situation and every time they heard thier names on T.V. they would sing out! :budgiedance: Aaron
  6. Thanks guys... Bill's my first budgie in quite a while and he is such a character! We just got up and at the moment he is running up and down my bath room vanity talking to his reflection... trying to say Pretty Boy..... considering I have just let him know of his award, it seems very appt and now he might say it with a bit more confidence! :hap: After looking at a couple of websites, visiting a lot of pet shops I got Bill after talking to Kaz who put me on to Libby.... she had some photos of two babies that she had hand reared.... I was amazed at how tame she had Bill and he drove home with me sitting in the back of my neck chatting away..... and now Libby has sent me some pictures of a beautiful baby hen who Bill has checked out on the computer while he chats to other birds on You Tube..... So he is getting a girl friend :hap: ....lucky boy....all in all a good month for Bill!!!! :hap: Thanks for your kind words, advice on food, toys and all the interesting forums you have to read!!! Aaron and Bill :hap:
  7. Thanks I am making sure of that.... I also am going to try some of the seeded grasses coming up in some of the parks close by... long stem with brown seed, I remember my Grandmother feeding it to her birds and they seemed to love it! Watch out as they spray for weeds in parks. yes this is in the native reserve of bold park I will wash and talked to the ranger and he said that they had not.
  8. Thanks I am making sure of that.... I also am going to try some of the seeded grasses coming up in some of the parks close by... long stem with brown seed, I remember my Grandmother feeding it to her birds and they seemed to love it!
  9. He loves bottle brushes....
  10. Thanks Guys, Branches in the cage now... he has already started to tear at them! :hap:
  11. I have seen photos of Eucalyptus branches with leaves hung in cages, is this for the birds to eat, play with or just to rip up? :mellow: Obviously its safe....
  12. Aaron

    Play Park

    If only I could teach my Budgie to surf with me on my shoulder! :hap:
  13. Aaron

    Play Park

    Thanks Andrew, where are you surfing in that shot? Nice photo,was it taken from a boat? I kneeboard, get waves a bit locally around perth, lancelin and SW... How do you enter a photo for Budgie of the month? Well it was taken off the south side of Floreat Groyne if you have heard of that? it's abit north of City Beach, i wasn't surfing but i was tkaing the photo they are just some randoms and yeh, i've only just started surf photography and am slowly getting better Ahhh I do know it! This is an early morning shot I took down there a while ago... Gets crowded off the groyne...
  14. Great Video! He is very quick on his feet!
  15. I would like to enter Bill for BOM... Here is his photo! Bill is a young Budge I bought of Libby and he is turning out to be a great companion. Bill and I live in Perth West Australia. Aaron.
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