Lilly And Peek A Boo
Bubs are doing fine. Last one is a little Yellow face. Peekie is back to normal. Bub one is 21 days old today. Soon be fully feathers and flying soon enough.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
Dad seems alright. He's not so good at taking care of the bubs. I've fed the bubs this morning for him in hopes he would do it at lunch time but nope so i had to feed them. Thers a lot more damage done then i had thought. I last fed them at around 12pm and it'n now almost 3 and their crops are still pretty full so i'm guessing peek feed them some.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
okay so no pieds but i did get myself a lovely Yellow face. Bad news though. Mom attacked dad leaving dad bloody. Dad is now a single dad to look after the bubs. I fed them this Morning and if dad doesn't feed again by dinner time i'll be feeding again. Poor lilly. Saw her bubs for the last time this morning. I still update my site for anyone who wants pictures.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
HI guys. I thinks me got some surprises here (Laughing out loud). Bub one has a lovely white feathered bum/back and the pinnie on his wee head are pretty darn white aswell. I believe i have myself a much wanted pied. I do of course have pictures. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...bs032808038.jpg You can sell jello's white pinnies/feathers here. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...bs032808026.jpg All 5 bubs http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...bs032808037.jpg Jello http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...bs032808051.jpg All bubs again.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
sooo sorry not to update you guys. forgot my pass word and was typing in the wrong user name. bub 4 hatched on the 25th and bub 5 this morning. Thats all for now. Not a whole lot going on really
My First Breeding Experience!
Oh my, such beautiful babies. i'll take baby any day.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
Bub 3 is here. All hatching a day earlier then planned. I don't believe egg 4 will hatch as it is probably my odd little egg.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
Guess who hatched a day early. That's right. Bub #2. Came home from getting new natural branches, went to check on bub one before bed and he was resting on lilly's wing. Lilly moved and bi shock to see bub 2 there.. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...8/bubtwo005.jpg
Lilly And Peek A Boo
Oh yes. I got brave today. Well i think it had to do with there being air in the crop yesterday. I picked the little wiggle worm up and Jello(what we are naming the bub) has a nice big fat crop and no air. i can't believe how small his little feet and wings are. To cute.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
Hey guys, Guess what i heard when i woke up this morning. Yup the cute sound of a baby bub. I don't have any picutes yet but i will try to get some later. They are being such good parents. Both Peek and lilly were in the nest today. She is sitting on the bub and it's not crying so i'm assuming its fed. It's soo tiny.and pink and naket. I'd be scared to touch it. knowing me the only time i will touch a bub that small is if the next box needs cleaning and i know it will very soon with bub #1 making a mess and soon to be other bubs making a mess
Lilly And Peek A Boo
Sorry to double post but bubs in a day and a bit. i can't sleep thinking about them soon hatching. I candled the eggs once more and the last egg is fertile. it was really kool because i saw something (looked like a vein really) moving. I got some pictures but they are not that good. I'm very confused on one of the eggs. I thought it was Dead in shell because there is a large air sack but i looked at it tonight and the large air sack is still there but there are still veins in there and doesn't really look like the pics of seen of egg that are D.I.S or anything like that. Here's a picture of it. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...lingeggs310.jpg The oddest part is it looks like something is growing in there but the air sack is huge for a little egg. I have very little hopes of it hatching. I was told maybe it's because it's not humid enough but i can't see that being the problem as it's quite humid here and almost always is. Here's a picture of a fertile egg in case anyone wishes to see http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...lingeggs302.jpg over all i'm very excited for these bubs. Today i made a list of things i want bought before they can fly. I'm getting a crawler.( here's a picture of it in case people don't know what i'm talking about http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/susantuck/Craw...minicrawler.jpg ) I'm ordering in some stuff to make a small odd ball for each bird cage. I had one made before but my smarty pants rabbit decided since it was on the floor it was his to chew. (odd ball in case someone don't know what it is http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...ys/P9110973.jpg ) And i also have a small boing ordered. Spoiled birds. I'll post again once a baby hatchs to try and not triple post.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
5 -6 days till first bub should hatch. Plans are almost set so they can have the full double flight cage to fledge in. with any luck there will be 3-4 bubs. Unsure if egg 5 is fertile yet.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
Worst nest box you can possibly get in my opinion ( although it is easier and probably does last longer then those wooden ones). They do indeed have a concave. Because they are plastic if you don't use a good layer of bedding poo from the babies will stick to there toes. I don't think i will ever use this box again. I will either buy expensive metal one with wooden concaves/ bottoms or make one. I actually it at a pet store here. They actually look like this(i'll work at getting a picture of mine to help) http://www.atjemsplace.com/PlasticNestBox.jpg Heres a site that sells them. Only site i've found that does. http://www.birdsupplynh.com/catalog/produc...c482a1b5b9165dd 12.50 for them isn't bad. I paid about $20 for mine.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
I was candling at about 5 days old but as i'm not experience at this i missed what i should have been looking for. I however did candle them again at about 8 - 10 days old and saw what i should. A weird looking bub thing inside. As to date i clearly know two eggs are fertile. I have the numbers mixed up on the eggs. As of right now i have 2 #4 and no #2 so i'm just guessing here now but i know Egg #1 is fertile and i'm assuming Egg #2 is as well because of how developed it was in the egg. Egg three is questionable. Where the yoke is, there is a small round redish thing in there. I'm assuming this is the start of a bub. Egg 4 & 5 is to early for my unexperienced eyes to tell. By the time i can, i believe egg 1 will be hatching so i really don't think i will bother. Did i mention she laid egg 5 yesterday. I believe she is going to lay egg 6 tomorrow. I personally think 5 is a lot to sit on. Hoping a ton she doesn't lay to many more. Here is some pics of the proud mom with her egglets. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...008/eggs431.jpg She really went crazy with lining her nest with feathers. When ever you open the side doors they just pop out at you. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...008/eggs426.jpg Checking her eggs. Sitting on 5 eggs sure doesn't seem easy. http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa143/F...008/eggs425.jpg Asking peek for some food. She has kicked out a lot of the care fresh bedding. Hoping once the bubs hatch she will keep more in there so the babies droppings stick to the care fresh rather then the babies toes. I've noticed this as well trying to fix spelling errors. Thankfully i found a spell check.
Lilly And Peek A Boo
Sorry about that maesie. Always thought double posting was posting the same thing over and over again We have two fertile eggs as of tonight. First one looks fertile and i don't know the other because i have the numbers mixed up. I belive it may be #2. We also now have 5 eggs. I hope she stops now. first egg is due to hatch on the 20th/ 21th. I'll be back in a few days with another update. My site will always be updated every two days or so.
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