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About **Liv**

  • Birthday 09/04/1911

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  • Country
  • City/Town
    Adelaide, South Australia

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  • Interests
    Website development
    Graphic Design
    Video editing
  • Location
    South Australia
  • Breeder
  • Show Breeder
  • My Club
    NEBS and BSSA
  • Budgies Kept

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  1. Great to see you back Daz =D

  2. What a disruption! I hate that feeling of limbo. I hope its all over sooner rather than later. Just think of all the improvements you can make to your new bird room and aviary design when its time to re do it - It can only be bigger and Better!
  3. okay, I was just going on my experiences with them. All three of mine picked up stray feathers. The feathers would get drawn into the down and sat there looking just like yours. I used to remove a different coloured feathers from their underside every few days.... Cool that yours is something more special
  4. Not a halfsider.... pull the feather and you will see its not attached at the skin. Its just a stray feather from another bird that has been drawn in to his feathers... mine used to get them all the time, even the odd cockatiel feather would get pulled in!
  5. WOO! Awesome! You have magic cleavage
  6. So cute! Hope he made the night. I have found this season very big for parents rejecting chicks... not fun
  7. Is hand rearing two baby budgies =)

  8. **Liv**

    Shed Aviary

    It is possible to turn a shed into an aviary. I did it myself. I wouldn't say its cheaper however as aviary mesh gets pricey. People are always selling second hand aviaries on ebay or in the local papers etc. you would be able to get them cheaper that way
  9. What a sweetie! Brings back memories of my feather dusters. Have you heard the weird squeak they make?
  10. So sorry about Bing Libby Well done Sunnie on even getting to the show! I really wanted to go, but I had a shaky first round with all that nasty weather. I bread successfully about 2 weeks too late and my birds are too young to show... they are out of the boxes but are not perching yet... Well done Squeak and Crumble on your prizes too
  11. I am so exited for you and Ken! What an adventure this will be!
  12. I agree RIPbudgies. They are all different parents and i have had very similar experiences as you. If the parents are coping and the chicks are healthy then all will be well. As already mentioned, Keep an eye on the younger chicks as they can become lost among the hungry mouths and not be fed as well... also really young babies can get crushed under older siblings.
  13. Make sure you all check your gender settings in your profile as it appears some have transferred incorrectly
  14. Likes the new BBC =D

    1. **Liv**


      and a comment on a status is pretty awesome too!

  15. its nice, but its the stock theme making it very common
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