Not New But Haven't Been On Forum For Years!
Oh my goodness! I remember you! (I haven't been here for sooooooooo many years either). So glad that you're back and still have birds!
First Budgie!
Hi, Welcome to the familiy! Can't wait to hear from you more. And see pics.... Katie
Hi Everyone..
Hi Backlash, The more new people we can get on here, the better. I used to be a very active member when the forum was thriving and was quite dissapointed when I came back to find everything so quiet and...dead... Hope you can help to revive it again! So sorry for your loss and can't wait to hear more of your journey. Katie
2014 Hobby Breeding
- Our First Babies
Congratulations! Hope you enjoy your birdie journey. The babies will be fine. I've never had any chicks injured when they leave the nest box. Good luck!- 2014 Hobby Breeding
- 2014 Hobby Breeding
Promised pics....- 2014 Hobby Breeding
There is a chick! Looks like it was hatched today, probably just minutes or hours ago. I am very pleasantly surprised. Will post pics when I get the chance.- 2014 Hobby Breeding
Two weeks since the first egg was laid. Five. Still haven't determined if any of them are going to hatch - I can't find a decent light to candle with. Eggs keep rolling forward in the nest box. I am going to have to fix the base. I have a removable base with a slight indent in it but it's obviously not doing the trick. So, not knowing which or how many of the eggs have rolled forwards, I'm not sure how many are going to hatch. Fella is a first time Mum so I'm not expecting great things of her at this stage. Fingers crossed though.- 2014 Hobby Breeding
One egg laid in the top box yesterday I believe. Fella's. Not sure if it will make it though because somehow it got tiny dent-cracks in it. Felt fertile though so I'll just leave it there and see what happens.- 2014 Hobby Breeding
okay. Finally have the 'add a picture' option back onscreen! Here we go! Pair 1, Fella and Cheeky are getting close to starting their family. Cheeky has mated Fella - numerous times - and she has been spending ALLOT of time in the nest box. The oats are all chewed up and kicked out and she looks very cute when she peeks out at you! Also seen him feeding her once or twice. Still waiting but looking forward to babies! Pair 2, Echo and Able aren't quite as 'advanced' as the others but Echo has been spending more time in the next box and chew chew chewing so I'm hoping they won't be too far behind the others. JUST WANT TO SEE EGGS!!!!!! Fella and Cheeky Fella- 2014 Hobby Breeding
Pair 1, Fella and Cheeky are getting close to starting their family. Cheeky has mated Fella - numerous times - and she has been spending ALLOT of time in the nest box. The oats are all chewed up and kicked out and she looks very cute when she peeks out at you! Looking forward to babies!https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bkY7LEy24Rs/VDneWpNZ1uI/AAAAAAAACKA/6mK7wzU14Zs/w603-h400-no/DSC_9272.jpghttps://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-HDjSQ5YlZhc/VDneExKvpSI/AAAAAAAACJ4/_TNUmK_1Szg/w603-h400-no/DSC_9294.jpgSorry about the links...my internet is playing up and the adding a picture option isn't working for me.- Yellow Face Baby?
pictures please?- 2014 Hobby Breeding
okay, so I decided that I should put two pairs down to breed. Fella (F) and Cheeky (M): Echo and Able:- 2014 Hobby Breeding
Hi JimmyBanks and everyone else, all my birds are doing well. Sadly, the elder of the two 'A' chicks died some time ago. The mother bird (Aussie) dissapeared one day and we never found a trace of her. No idea how she could have gotten out of the cage (pretty much impossibly) and no sign of feathers or anything inside the cage so that remains a mystery that we will probably never solve. Chick A2 is doing well, holding her own among our seven other birds that we have at the moment. This morning actually, I put a new pair down to breed in a makeshift breeding cage. They are the only paired birds I have at the moment and I'm more then happy with their choice of partners. I can't wait to keep you updated on them and I hope that they will breed some beautiful chicks for me. (Pics to follow...) - Our First Babies