Its not the first time, that NSW Judges, have stuffed up.They had a clanger ayear or 2 back..
Us Vic don't mind, it makes it easer for us to beat NSW if they don't score in a class.
I have heard it all now,What is Don Burke,trying to do, the same as he did to some of the Dog breeds.,
Its a money making exercise.It will be lucky to get off the ground.Miniture Budgie Shows.What next.!!!!!!!!!
I was going to say, if they were rung birds.But thought that they would
not of been that dumb,But it seem they were,I hope the BVC,takes them to task. :rolleyes:
I would like to think, that some one told them or reported them,
for having those birds for sale &the person who took them to the
shop.I would like to think they were not a Member of the BCV.
If they are they need a big rap over the knuckles.
I was banned once before over Mops.It is cruel to let them live
& for some one to have them in a Pet Shop & to be selling them They should
be reported & taken to the cleaners.Name & Shame is the least that
could be done.I could say a lot more.But I will leave it at that.
Take a plan of what your going to do & get it in writing the okay.
So down the track for what ever reason,you have the proof of the
of the Councils approval
Yes if the nabours complain & it is not to council.
regulation you will have to move it,also in some area's
you are not aloud to keep, birds or Poultry & by your photo's
it looks to be a new area.Better check before you start, if you haven't
already.There are a lot of Council laws these days as to what you can do in
your back yard.