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About Neat

  • Birthday 22/05/1980

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  • Interests
    Oh Where do i start!!<br /><br />Interests are of course Budgies ...<br />I love learning and reading / researching - main areas are Health and Husbandry - <br />I am starting out in the Show Side of the Hobby and look forward to when my set up is finally ready ....<br />So I have been learning all about the Needs of a Quality Show Budgie ....
  • Location
    South Western Sydney NSW
  • Breeder
  • Show Breeder
  • My Club
    BSNSW West Sydney Branch
  • Budgies Kept

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  1. Mona

    Hi there,

    I read your post on '23 September 2008 - 01:12 PM' and you mentioned Dr James Gill. I was just wondering if he is the one in canley heights and if so, would you recommend him? I'm a bit sceptical about trying new vets, so any help would be great.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Mona

    Hi there,

    I read your post on '23 September 2008 - 01:12 PM' and you mentioned Dr James Gill. I was just wondering if he is the one in canley heights and if so, would you recommend him? I'm a bit sceptical about trying new vets, so any help would be great.

    Thanks in advance

  3. Congrats one looking into breeding ( don't know if you have done it before LOL ) I am not too sure if you and your sister's birds are housed together if not then be sure to quarrantine But I am glad that you stated you are looking at breeding some time next year as some of those photo's are of "underage" one ... But ... Like the others have said it depends on what YOU are after ... they are pet types so if you are breeding for selling or just to increase your flock size ... There is nothing more tranquill then looking into an avairy with a rainbow of colors .... But if it is your first time why not let them bond to who they want first, then next round have a go at selctive pairing
  4. Congrats on the first ringing be sure to keep us updated ...
  5. Oh Deb, Sorry to hear about the one that got away, Kids eh. They do the most darnest things. It is great to hear that the "replacement" has bonded and fitting well into his role... Fingers crossed it all works out and that the hen is a good mum ....
  6. Very Nice birds. VERY NICE .... This hen has staining above her cere .. might be an idea to keep a eye on that one - I love all the pieds you got good score!!
  7. :anim_19: Congrats - Love:wub: the happy snap
  8. Agree with Maes ...... Read up first before you start breeding you should have little losses with some knowledge behind you
  9. Quill mites you will need Ivermec which is obtained from your vet ... Birds can loose their feathers like that from stress related illnesses Ie: Mites , Quill mites, FM and moulting .... I am looking at the feather that fell out and like i have said to others I am not a "VET" but the quill end on a FM bird "usually" has a broken end - When i had issues that was the first sign the vets told me it a dead give away .... again contact local avian vet for a test - It looks like a premature feather that as fallen out due to the blood which is still in the shaft of the feather which is a sign of quill mites it you look closely at the feather some say that you can see tiny holes in the shaft where the motes have borrowed into it There does seem to be stress marks on the feather from what I can see on that photo. again I am not an EXPERT
  10. ( don't know if this has been said yet) 115 . But when you see sheds and you wonder how can you turn them into bird rooms ...
  11. The only FM bird I have every breed came from 1 pair that they have breed 3 times for me with all healthy chicks but 1 chick which was fostered had FM I believe that it is a "in the nest" nutrition issue ( heat can play a good roll in that too)
  12. See I was close ... Knew it was hens .... I should have elaborated more on it ... was tried last night No need to be sorry to correct me mate .... Cock to Albino Hen 50%Normal Split Sex Linked Cocks & 50% Normal Hens Cock / Split Albino to Albino Hen 25% Albino cocks 25% split albino cocks 25% Albino hens 25% normal hens
  13. Wow ..... Purely Heaven mate ... Hows that song go again ... Gimme a home amongst the gum trees .. Love it
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