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About Norm

  • Birthday 20/08/1940

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  1. Nice bird Liv...good luck with them both.
  2. He! He! He!...smart move Liv...I bet you requested the bird room. You better change the record cards too, as Kaz keeps a pretty tight rein especially on the better birds...a rub here a rub there she will be none the wiser...LOL. get a couple for me too. I think I'm getting some pretty good looking birds myself these days, but of few of Kaz's wouldn't go astray...& we would be doing her a favour she needs the room what with all those new birds she keeps buying.
  3. Green hen looks nice Kaz…don’t know about that theory of having Opaline in her background…seems to me most of the show types have multiple spots these days, whether it came via Opalines would be hard to tell. Can’t believe you still have room to buy more birds Kaz.
  4. I suspected accommodation would be something like that…as what with all the cats, dogs, birds etc there couldn’t be much spare space. Have a great time Liv. :rofl:
  5. Looks like Vinnie & Sootica are feeding well even though they were a bit weak in the fertility stakes…hopefully Vinica may be better in that line…amazes me how you girls keep coming up with all those names for your Budgies…non of mine have a single name & they don’t seem to suffer any complexes. I also love those YF Violets. One of my favourite colours.
  6. Still nothing I thought at last we are going to get some pics...
  7. Looks good Sunnie…what a transformation. You should get some results now.
  8. Sorry to hear that Dave, I know what back problems can be...get well soon.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS Splat...nice bird.
  10. Looking good Sunnie...yes you can get a Sky Blue from Grey, as you have found out, but Grey is pretty Dominant, so will probably get more Greys. Good wing pattern on those Spangles.
  11. Looks mostly like wild oats they would have enjoyed them...not sure about the red ones, but could still be oats.
  12. I agree with Kaz I wouldn't risk them.
  13. Some spring pictures of my garden, or should I say jungle. Wisteria in the tree tops. Clivias. Calendula...a little early in the morning, haven't opened properly. Angels Trumpet [brugmansia].
  14. Nice birds Libby, I wish my Fallows looked as good, I have a lot or work to do. Good luck with them.
  15. The choice is ultimately up to you, depending on what you want, space & what you want to spend at the time. But as others have said, if they come from good stock, you will probably be getting a good gene pool & even if birds aren’t show beaters themselves they could produce far better birds than themselves. That’s if your lucky, quite a few good looking birds I have bought ended up not breeding…so it’s all a gamble.
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