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  1. I apologise if I have offended people. It was not my intention. I'm surprised that no one else here has stepped in to remove that comment of hers. As it is downright offensive and as stated in the forum rules, personal attacks are not acceptable.Forum rules for heated topics/discussions And no nothing I have said has been wrong at all. You have just decided it was wrong becuase you don't want to follow the advice I have given you. And that is your choice but it is not fair of you to be so rude and slanderous. I did not write it in a condescending tone, you just chose to read it that way. The resistance thing was an oversimplification on purpose becuase i felt obliged to answer splat's question but I did not want to overly get into it.
  2. If you dose your birds or any animal, including people, unnecessarily with antibiotics you are at greater risk of creating a resistant superbug which can not be killed by antibiotics anymore. This resistant bug can be caught by you or your family and then you may not be able to treat yourself because the antibiotics will not work on these bugs any more. This is how MRSA(aka superbug) was created in hospitals.
  3. Yes according to an avian veterinary resident I worked with.
  4. You know what. I am considering this being one of my very last posts ever in these budgie forums. Time and time again I have tried to help people only to be told to F off. Every time i come in to these medical forums I see someone bagging vets. It is really disheartening to read. I also find it very offensive that you don't like to recognise that we have had at least 5 years of training and intense studying on medical workings of animals. And all avian vets have to sit a special exam inorder to be registered as an avian vet. Many vets are also involved in special interest branches and all vets are required to do continuing education to continue to be registered, yet you decide that they know nothing. I am also offended as I have a special interest in birds and have had birds since I was 11. I read up on special papers in birds and everything, and you have decided that I know nothing. I have been involved with these forums for a long time but because people have become so hating of vets on here I find it really unenjoyable to come on here. You do not know that. When birds present as sick they often die very soon after presenting. This is because they hide their symptoms as long as they can because they are prey animals. If he died that quickly after the vet clinic visit it is unlikely that fluids would have saved him. How do you know he was dehydrated? Did you do a skin tent on him? Were his eyes sunken in? Did you do a PCV? What was the shot that the vet gave to your bird? She certainly has some of the clinical signs of heavy metal poisoning - the neuro signs and the crop stasis and the GI problems. You can not rule out heavy metal poisoning without a blood test. Calcium deficiency tends to result in muscle weakness, tremors and lethargy. Birds don't often have strokes. Trauma is a possibility But then so are many things. As long as you don't feel she is suffering then you don't need to put her to sleep. sorry for my spelling im dislexic so and quiet often make imbaresing mistakes most dont pick them up and single them out they would try come to a guess of what i mean or pm and ask me rather than imbaress me more as you have done I'm sorry if I offended you. I did not mean to, but you can actually get castrate pills so I was wondering. Well if you have done it under vet supervisoin that is fine. But you have to be careful as administering drugs to an animal without being a vet or having veterinary supervision is actually illegal. Even human doctors are not legally allowed to give drugs or medical attention to animals without the supervision of a vet. I'm sad that you feel this way. It seems that a lot of people don't realise the amount of work and thought and caring that actually go into veterinary medicine. Believe me it is not a walk in the park. Had two trauma cases today. Was so sad. Had to try so hard to stop myself from giving them a big hug and pats to make them feel better. I am sad that you interpreted my post as a personal attack as it was certainly not. I was giving my advice in the area. I went over my post again to see if it was written in a harsh way and i do not feel that it was. Giving antibiotics without a vet prescription is something I feel very strongly against, especially with sulphonamides and tetracyclines, because not only is it illegal but these drugs have huge resistances against them that cross over into the human world. Essentially by dosing your bird with tetracylcine unnessecarily you are putting yourself and your family at risk as well. sailor i did not take your post as a direct personal thing at all i know you are a vet in the making and i understand the importance of medicating animals as far as my coniour was concerned yes his eyes were sunken and he was dehidrated you do not know the cercumstances your lucky i dont tell you to foff in his case..... but where this hen is concerned is difrent This is very offensive to me especially when I was trying to help you. And you do not know the decisions that the vet made or the medical knowledge and background he was calling on. No. Heavy metal poisoning does not always result in seizures or vomiting or constipation. There are different kinds of metal each with different effects and each case presenting differently. No. Respiratory infections are not an automatic death sentence at all. I was just working with a cockatoo who has had a very chronic case of respiratory infection and is doing well. Infact i have seen many cases where respiratory infections are treated successfully. Again No. Aspergillosis is a very common fungal infection in caged and hospitalised birds and is easily treatable. these animals /birds were not sick just very badly injured in a vets eyes beyond repair in my eyes nothings beyond the best chance you can give it as i said im no vet but im no idiot either i know birds i know animals they are my world And what do you think I am? I have loved animals my whole life and had pets my whole life. That is why I decided to choose this career path because I wanted to work with animals constantly and help them and their owners. I am telling you straight up So if you felt so strongly that she needed fluids why did you not ask for them? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Well if you believe you know more than the vets in your town why don't you take the avian veterinarian exams and become one then?
  5. It seems you have interpreted my advice as a personal attack on you. It was not. I was giving advice to help the bird. If I was presented with this bird there would be so many things i would like to do for it and that can only be done with veterinary help. Ideally she should get radiographs and blood tests to determine what's going on. You do not know that. When birds present as sick they often die very soon after presenting. This is because they hide their symptoms as long as they can because they are prey animals. If he died that quickly after the vet clinic visit it is unlikely that fluids would have saved him. How do you know he was dehydrated? Did you do a skin tent on him? Were his eyes sunken in? Did you do a PCV? What was the shot that the vet gave to your bird? She certainly has some of the clinical signs of heavy metal poisoning - the neuro signs and the crop stasis and the GI problems. You can not rule out heavy metal poisoning without a blood test. Calcium deficiency tends to result in muscle weakness, tremors and lethargy. Birds don't often have strokes. Trauma is a possibility But then so are many things. As long as you don't feel she is suffering then you don't need to put her to sleep. sorry for my spelling im dislexic so and quiet often make imbaresing mistakes most dont pick them up and single them out they would try come to a guess of what i mean or pm and ask me rather than imbaress me more as you have done I'm sorry if I offended you. I did not mean to, but you can actually get castrate pills so I was wondering. I have worked with some of the best avian vets and they work magic. They do exist. I feel though however you may have been jaded by your experiences. which when owning birds a sick bird that is sick enough to show signs of illness is often too sick to survive. I say often not always. Well if you have done it under vet supervisoin that is fine. But you have to be careful as administering drugs to an animal without being a vet or having veterinary supervision is actually illegal. Even human doctors are not legally allowed to give drugs or medical attention to animals without the supervision of a vet. I'm sad that you feel this way. It seems that a lot of people don't realise the amount of work and thought and caring that actually go into veterinary medicine. Believe me it is not a walk in the park. Had two trauma cases today. Was so sad. Had to try so hard to stop myself from giving them a big hug and pats to make them feel better. I am sad that you interpreted my post as a personal attack as it was certainly not. I was giving my advice in the area. I went over my post again to see if it was written in a harsh way and i do not feel that it was. Giving antibiotics without a vet prescription is something I feel very strongly against, especially with sulphonamides and tetracyclines, because not only is it illegal but these drugs have huge resistances against them that cross over into the human world. Essentially by dosing your bird with tetracylcine unnessecarily you are putting yourself and your family at risk as well.
  6. okay guys. There is recent inidication that a pelleted diet is not the best thing for budgies. Budgies ONLY. Pellets should be fed to all other parrots, just not budgies. It is thought that the protein level in pellets is too high for budgies and it is recommended that they get lots of fresh fruit and veg,(lots of green leafy veg - like grasses (not brassicas - brassicas are a type of plant like kale and turnip and spinach and have calcium binding properties that remove calcium from the blood stream)) and a huge variety/mix of different seed types. Always offer lots of veg. Try to get them to eat that more than the seeds.
  7. My advice is to stop medicating her yourself. She needs to see a vet. These sulfas that I am guessing you are feeding the birds are sulphonamides? These will have very little use as there is huge resistance to them especially when used by themselves. The Oxyb stuff that you are using; is it licensed for use in birds? If not. do not use it. Even then this should only be used in animals under the supervision of a registered veterinarian both legally and responsibly. Do you know the dose rate? Too high a dose can result in toxicities that may worsen your bird's health or worse; kill it. Oxyb sounds like it is a tetracycline antibiotic. This antibiotic is really good at causing gastrointestinal upset, so I would not advise giving it or any antibiotic if she has had diarrhoea or any gastrointestinal problem. What you are describing sounds neurological. She sounds far from normal to me. She sounds quite ill. She may have heavy metal poisoning which can not be cured by antibiotics and needs to be taken to a vet for this as only vets have the correct medication for heavy metal poisoning. What was this 'castrate' pill you crushed up and gave to her? The word 'castrate' is a verb which means to remove the testicles from a male animal, so I don't think that is right. You are doing right by giving her glucose. Keep giving her fluids and keep her very warm. A hot water bottle or heat lamp is definitely needed. But the main thing is she needs to see a vet asap. I know you may not be able to afford it, but vets are often willing to work out a payment plan as they 'd prefer to get the animal better again than turn the animal away because you can not pay.
  8. Sailorwolf replied to invade's post in a topic in Health Questions and Tips
    Depends by what you mean when he breathes very hard and then has a rest. Obese or unfit birds will pant after physical exercise if they are not used to it. In this case they tend to hold their beaks open and pant. A bird with a respiratory infection can also show these signs. They will have a tail bob, but this will be present all of the time. Check the cere and nostrils to see if they are crusty or have discharge. Panting can be a sign of many things not just respiratory distress, such as heart disease or pain. It is a good idea to take your bird to the vet as soon as you see signs, because a bird hides their illness as best as they can. Baytril may not have necessarily have fixed it Kaz. If the cause of the panting was from a respiratory disease. It may have been caused by a fungal infection or parasitic not necessarily bacterial infection. Also Baytril is an antibiotic that shouldn't be used without consideration for something like bacterial susceptibility, as it is very good at selecting for resistance.
  9. It would be a good idea to get the eye checked out by a vet as many things can cause irritation to and around the eye.
  10. Sailorwolf replied to Cara's post in a topic in Health Questions and Tips
    It is now called Chlamydophila psittaci. It is a bacteria that can infect all birds. In parrots it is called Psittacosis in other birds it is called ornithosis. It is also a zoonotic disease meaning that humans can get it.
  11. Sailorwolf replied to Laraine's post in a topic in Health Questions and Tips
    Have any other birds in the aviary shown similar signs? If you can try to save the bodies. It will be useful to get a post mortem examination done on them by a vet. Pictures of your set up and of your birds will help greatly. Your best bet is to consult an avian vet and they will be able to do a post mortem exam on your dead birds. How many birds do you have in the aviary? What types pf birds do you have in the aviary? How big is the aviary? What sort of flooring do you have? Pictures would really help with this. How old are the birds? Have you had these problems before? How far along were the birds in their laying and incubation? There are many things that need to be looked at and your best bet is to go to an avian vet.
  12. Sailorwolf replied to Hannah's post in a topic in Budgie Maintenance
    Kaz are there proper concentrations/dilution rates to be found on the forums somewhere? Keep in mind iodine is used as surgical scrub and thus you don't want to overdose your birds. Plus it smells like potatos.
  13. Sailorwolf replied to Penny's post in a topic in Trip To The Vet
    Ivermectin should kill mites. What kind of animals is the Ivomec intended for? When you go pick up your bird (which you've probably done by now) talk to your vet about the ivermectin and they'll give you the right concentration of the stuff for budgies and the dosage rate. I think it would be best to treat him for mites now, even if he is sick as the mites are just going to make him feel more rotten. Ask your vet about this though. Do tell us how he is going
  14. If you do give iodine, this would be to correct any thyroid problems, which I do not see affecting the colour of his cere as the colour of his cere is determined by sexual hormones. If you feel you must give iodine, make sure it is made for birds and make it to the right dosage as given on the container, as iodine (like many minerals) can be dangerous when given over extensively. I would say that this sounds like testicular cancer. And this can only be diagnosed by a vet. Not all testicular cancers result in cere colour change though, it depends what cells in the testes it affects.
  15. Sailorwolf replied to Chrysocome's post in a topic in Off Topic Chatter
    I love hearing about how you are getting on, it's cool. I just assisted in my first surgery on the Thursday. It was great! I really enjoyed getting dressed up into my scrubs and gown and face mask and gloves. Aseptic technique for the win! Scrubbing in took me a good 10 minutes at least. Unfortunately we are not allowed to post pictures on the internet, which is sad because I have some awesome pics of me in full attire. The week before that we had to try and attempt a neuro exam on 4 month old puppies. It was very challenging, but highly entertaining, with many faces thoroughly licked. Sorry to hear about all the horses, sounds like it would have been a rough week.