Budgerigar General
New to the forum ? Introduce yourself and tell us about your flock of budgies here.
- 13.2k posts
Would you like to show off you pet budgie or your aviary birds ?
Well post your pictures in here!
Important: Image pixel dimensions not to exceed 640x480 pixels!
Read 'Posting Pictures'- 34.5k posts
Here is where you post your picture or inquiry to work out whether your budgie is a boy or girl budgie.
- 5.4k posts
Strangely behaving budgie ? Funny stories to tell ? Love to hear about it here.
- 8.2k posts
This is where budgie news/facts will be posted.
If you have some, post it here!- 1.8k posts
This is where you can post tips to other users.... what NOT to do with your pet, show or aviary budgies that live in the house, aviaries etc...
Safe and unsafe plants, chemicals around the home, safe and unsafe toys etc- 2.7k posts
Post about petshops and your experiences with petshops.
Be very aware that negative comments about specific stores will most likely have repercussions, and you must refrain from publicly slandering a store by name.- 1.1k posts
Chat to other forum members about your budgies.
- 9.9k posts
This forum is a place to come chat about your lost feathered friend.
It is a place to help the person get over their loss and grieve.- 1.4k posts