General Budgerigar FAQs Cages: The good and bad Answer: As we have had many newcomers who have been given bad advice with regard to cages for their birds, I ...
Aviaries, Cages and Breeding Boxes Breeding Cage Size/Dimensions Answer: Budgerigars prefer as much room to exercise as possible. Available space will dictate the size of the breeding cage.Commercially manufactured ...
General Budgerigar FAQs Minimum cage size for one budgie Answer:
A square cage 18x18x18 inches is a suitable size for an individual budgie. There should be enough space for several ...
Aviaries, Cages and Breeding Boxes Best type of cage for a budgie Answer:
Square or rectangular cages are best as they provide the most usable space for the budgie and make arranging the ...
General Budgerigar FAQs Example of Cage Setups Answer: Example of Cage SetupsThere are many different ways to set-up your budgie's cage. Budgies need exercise from flying so you ...
Aviaries, Cages and Breeding Boxes Difference between a cage and aviary Answer: An aviary is much larger than a cage and is kept outside. They often resemble sheds with mesh sides. Most ...
Budgerigar Health And Related Megabacteria Information Answer:
Virtually unheard of as recently as 5-6 years ago, Megabacteria is being increasingly found in more and more species of ...
Budgerigar Health And Related Megabacteria by Cerise Duran Answer: Megabacteria
Virtually unheard of as recently as 5-6 years ago, Megabacteria is being increasingly found in more and more species of ...
General Budgerigar FAQs Disaster Preparedness Shopping List For Birds Answer: Disaster Preparedness Shopping List For Birds
Are you prepared to take care of your bird when a disaster strikes? If ...
Budgerigar Health And Related Building Hospital Cage Answer: Do I need a hospital cage: You can make one up as an emergency thing by just using a warm ...
Budgerigar Health And Related Feather Dusters and Other Misconceptions

 Answer: We have been fortunate enough to be allowed to share an article by author and budgerigar breeder Stephen Fowler. Permission ...
Aviaries, Cages and Breeding Boxes Examples of Cage Setups Answer: There are many different ways to set-up your cage. Visit these two discussions to show you examples of what ...
Aviaries, Cages and Breeding Boxes Building a Hospital Cage Answer: Do I need a hospital cage: You can make one up as an emergency thing by just using a warm ...
General Budgerigar FAQs Adopting a Rescued Bird Answer: Adopting a bird from a rescue can be a very rewarding experience. In the United States there are approximately 100 ...
Budgerigar Breeding How do you prepare for Breeding? Answer:
There are many ways that you can pair up your birds for breeding.
I select a hen that is of ...
General Budgerigar FAQs Evaluation of a Pet Shop Answer: Maybe you have already purchased a budgie and your pet shop experience was less than to be desired. Or maybe ...
Budgerigar Breeding Manage the Breeding of Budgies Answer:
It seems over the last few months that
Spring is in the air...well for the southern hemisphere anyway and that ...